Wednesday, October 6, 2010

10 things that make me happy

Balloon battles,

babies in swings,
Ice cream high five!
ice cream high fives,

tutu dogs,

cozy balconies,
Park(ing) Day
parking spots turned into little parks,
Lion shoe!
animal shoes,

freezing time,

taking a break from standing,

and a good ol' game of human twister!


Renée said...

Haha the twister game looks so much fun!!

Anonymous said...


Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Haha-happy high five ice-cream!

Z said...

Just wanted to say, I love your photography. I look at your pictures every time you tweet your posts, but I've never written anything in your comments before.
They make me smile! :)

Chloe said...

Not just animal shoes; animal shoes ON SALE!

Taiteelliset eväät said...

Iloisia ihmisiä. Nuorena pitää olla haustaa.
Iloista jatkoa.Markku Mäkelä

Unknown said...

The picture of you on the patio is great. ;-)

Emma Driver said...

Too cute!

Tom. said...

soooo sweet :)
The Dog. Cute.

from Germany.

Nana from Finland said...

Oh my! I found your blog yesterday and I LOVE it. You made me smile! :)

tRiSh said...


Karen said...

Balloon battles, yes. Cozy balconies, yes. Ice cream high fives, yes. Animal shoes? Um, no. But, always great that we all smile at so many similiar things & enjoy those differences! :> Sending smiles to you, Katie!!!

Cateaclysmic said...

The thing that makes me happy are your posts, never fail to bring a smile to my face even on the saddest days xoxo

Raj said...

Aww these are so lovely
That twister game looks amazing!

wonderchris said...

1.1 the electrified hair from the balloon battles!! :D

Love the list!
ice cream = joy...unless the cone breaks - or you drop your scoop - but then you just go get more ice cream!!! :D

黃愛玲 said...

Lovely post. =o)

Elise said...

Haha especially like the ice cream high five!

LdeLove said...

Lovely post (:

jacobian said...

cute baby picture.

Natasha Jane said...

That dog looks so proud of his tutu! I love it! You just made my day.

Mikimidori said...

i want those animal shoes! *o*

Breeze said...

LOVE your pink polka dot dress!

waitingforulises said...

lovely tutu dogs

Megan said...

Ice- Cream high five!!! :)

Tegan said...

i wanna have a balloon fight now! loving those animal shoes :) xo

Simone said...

That puppy is SO adorable. It reminds me of how my brother and I used to dress up our dalmatian when we were younger.

Your photography is a huge inspiration. I love how bright and colorful all of your photos are. Please don't ever stop snapping!

Mo said...

Just leave out the animal shoes for me

Stephanie Elizabeth Third said...

Your blog makes me smile!

Stephine said...

So cool, your blog never ever fails to make me smile! :)

Anonymous said...

vc é linda e a sua felicidade me contagia.


Alice said...

Love the pictures, happy life..feels like I need to get out more:-)would love to swap links with you:
Lots of love/Alice

Adri Ballif said...

is that your balcony? dude. i am so jealous. i haven't visted your blog in a while, and i'm glad i stopped by today! i love it :)

colormekatie said...

@Adri- not mine but I wish!!

TalksAboutNothing* said...

Heheh, this post made me smile really.
Especially the twister part !

Karen Wallace said...

Your posts always make me smile. HUgs Karen

Raptor Plateado said...

i like this post.. so funny!!!

saoirse said...

you cheer me up...thanks:)

Anonymous said...

your shots are always so fun and lively!

Megan said...

Blog award! Congratulations :)

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

This post makes me furiously happy.

UpGemini said...

break from standing, my favorite! ahahah

cailen ascher said...

awesome picts! just saw your hug video on another blog - sooo funny! love it.

ps i'm hosting a vintage purse giveaway....thought you might want to check it out

small said...

Those things make me happy too! Especially the baby, so cute!

Sassi said...

great pics!

Les Soeurs W said...

Hi Katie!

I just got inspired to publish 11 things that makes ME smile:-) Its really a great idea, i love it!

Melissa Blake said...

oh, the tutu dog just made my day!! xoxo

Bárbara said...

babies in swings and tutu dogs makes me happy

Lívia said...

Your posts always brighten my day :)
now i want to get my (male) dog in a tutu and put a chair in my balcony

All kinds of candy said...

Just made a post in my blog about your *amazing* blog. Hope its ok! All credits were given. If not, let me now and i'll delete it. love for you to visit it anyways!


Evie said...

love the baby in the swing!! : )

rebekah said...

omg i love every single on of these things and the photos!!
very cool!

Laura said...

Have you ever tried Blind Twistor?
You'll need one captain, a group of anything over 4 people and a huge (uninformed) crowd.
The whole group starts running through the crowd untill the captain points out one person. When the whole group knows who the 'victim' is, the captian will yell a command such as 'right arm on back!' The whole group of players will run towards the victim and touch his back with their right hand. After they've performed 3 or 4 commands on one person, they'll give him a group-hug before running off again towards a new victim, leaving the previous one completely flabbergasted.
Oh I love it :)

VIPXO said...

AMAZING photos! xo

Anonymous said...

Animals dressed up always bring a smile to my face!

Anonymous said...

hey isnt the guy with the red glasses a movie director? he looks familar. great pics :)

Simone Leblanc said...

Such an informative post about your discoveries. It represents brilliance and excitement . Thanks for sharing!