Friday, October 15, 2010

This week I saw...

a carnival,
an origami tree,

a little dog teasing a big dog,

Matt's mom,

grass tiles
grass tiles,
new subway rules
permission to love on the subways,
a cat that jumps through hoops,
and a dog that could probably kill me if it rolled over!


jacobian said...

wow...that a big dog.what's his name? :-)

Rachael West said...

Sooo cute thanks for sharing, your photos always make me smile!

Have a great weekend :+)

Hamizah VenXas said...

cool pictures !! i love the origami tree :)

colormekatie said...

@Jacobian- I have no idea. I was so excited I forgot to ask!

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

That dog is adorable!

look a little closer said...

i love the carnival shot! that's so cool!!! were you afraid going down with your camera?

have a happy weekend! :)

黃愛玲 said...

You got to love taking pictures of feet - whether you're 6 or 36. xD
Your photos are amazing.

doro said...

Hahahaha, incredible!!


Beautiful pictures :o)

Raptor Plateado said...

orale!! i like the first picture so amasing!! see you Katie!!

Katie said...

Your shoes are cute. the end.

Stacy said...

I love the idea of grass tiles! All the beauty of a garden, without bugs or having to water the plants!

Also, the hoop-jumping cat should enter a cat olympic game against Maru, the box sliding cat!

Laura Amy. said...

AWSOME pictures! I love the paper birds in the tree best, soo cute xx

Ashley Lind said...

I want that dog! Too cute :)

SAM. said...

EEEP. big dogs > little ones in my opinion! too cute

Unknown said...

LOVING the subway sign. I wish there were more signs PROMOTING rather than PROHIBITING.

Syaznur said...

nice pictures! love it.

German said...

You are always such an inspiration for me. You have great photo´s ideas. Congrats!!!

Gina said...

I love how colorful and clear your photos are!!!!!!!! Your posts always make me happy!

That dog is amazing. I love how big it is! WOW!

TalksAboutNothing* said...

You have a really exciting life! Thats great :)
Love all the pictures :)

Addie Talley, Photographer said...

wow, a good week for you!

Fee ist mein Name said...

That third picture is epic :)!

Tricia said...

what a wonderful week!

Emma Driver said...

I love the grass tiles, when I first saw the pic I thought it WAS grass!

Elise said...

Wow love the grass tiles, so fun haha

Catherine said...

I love your blog, I get so happy when I see those pictures <3

Dani said...

Those grass tiles would go great with your grass rug! It would be like living outside!
Love your blog, thanks for posting!

poet said...

Omigosh I can't believe the big dog is real! I usually prefer cats over dogs, but this dog seems like a nice person :)


Anonymous said...

those grass tile floors are amazing!

Kelly Jean said...

I love it!! So colorful and creative and fun! I love getting a glimpse into your perspective of the world, it's so inspiring!

kBr said...

i kinda absolutely love the carnival picture.

Katy Lynn said...

You're blog always puts me in a better mood. I'm so happy I found it!

Isabella Kiss said...

WHAT kind of dog is that? it looks like some sort of a mastiff mix? i love it. I so want one. Big dogs are my favorite!!!!

The Gallery Gal said...

I LOVE your photography!

Cateaclysmic said...

so beautiful, your posts never fail to cheer me up xoxo

kelli said...

love the please love sign and matt's mom looks so fun!

Pauliina said...

Crazy week, what else can one say!!!

Tegan said...

what an awesome week! i need to take my camera with me to more places! :) xo

cat said...

Another exciting week for you! Grass tiles was definitely the weirdest of the lot! :) Happy days! xo

UpGemini said...

it seems you had a pretty wow-week! Now i need a tissue to dry my tears... the big dog's "WHUT?" face is killing me! uahauahaauh

Neha said...

What kind of dog is that? It's so adorable!

Cobi said...

Just out of curiosity, where were the grass tiles? Those are awesome.

Unknown said...

I have to ask-- where did you see those desert parfaits and grass tiles?? I've only seen those in one place ever, and I love them both too :) If it's the place I'm thinking of, you were totally in my area!

PS I've been lurking for awhile:) I LOVE your photos, they always inspire me to do something new and colorful and creative in my apartment!

Pauline said...

I love your photos! They are so colourful and vibrant! :)

Unknown said...

Love on the subways--yes. ♥

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I love the grass tiles and origami tree!!! It is such a great idea!!

Bárbara said...

AAAW what a great week :)

MariahSmile said...

love the little dog/big dog pic! they are all great!

Kat said...

That dog is sooooo cute! He is massive.

Alexis said...

I love the subway sign! :D

Anonymous said...

God!you make me so happy! I am always smiling when I see your pictures and read your posts.

colormekatie said...

@Jenna- I saw them at this place called the Grandview in Poughkeepsie! Is that where you live?

Shruti said...

I love, love, LOVE that big dog's expression! How cute! Where did you find it?
And where in the world did you find that origami tree?
Oh my God! I'm in love with these pictures!

Caroline said...

Those dogs are too much!!! Love 'em!

Anonymous said...

oOoo love the grass tiles! so much fun, I want them in my bathroom!

rebekah said...

wow! love everything you saw this past week! thanks for sharing you always make my day more colorful!

Unknown said...

@colormekatie-- Yes it is! I LOVE those tiles, every time I go there I tell my bf I want those in our house! :) Hope you enjoyed Poughkeepsie, it's a scrappy little city but got some really cool restaurants and bars, and some amazing art galleries and shows in the area.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh that little dog is so cute!

Katie said...

Oh my gosh! I was at that carnival too at the Park Avenue Armory. Did you see the magic show? And the lights and everything were so cute! I want one of those big arrows.

colormekatie said...

@Katie- Awww I totally missed all of that! I was there earlier in the week for a press preview and wanted to come back over the weekend when it opened but didn't have the time =/

Vane said...

We used those grass tiles in a client bathroom...they are totally cute!

Michelle said...

I wanna give that puppy a hug!

Susan said...

I think Matt's mom is hilarious. That is awesome. Love this post!

Anonymous said...

the grass tiles are greatsome.

Callie Marie said...

These photos are so cute!!
I take a lot of pictures too
You should look at my blog... and i'm following you now by the way : )