Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dress Up

The other day I went on one of my typical walks and saw people dressed up as ducks,

circus animals,
and bunnies.
It was a pretty normal walk until I saw this guy dressed up in just a button-up shirt and jeans. Pfffft, what a weirdo!


Melanie's Randomness said...

Lol! This is awesome! Did you catch like a mardi gras costume thing or something? I love the duck bills!! =) That weirdo probably didn't read his email. =P

Melanie's Randomness

Leni said...

I love it! :) You're awesome!

Bel said...

Hahahha I love the jesters!! What neighbourhood do you live in and why is it so magical???

Belly B

colormekatie said...

@ Belly B- I live in Greenpoint but I think there's magic everywhere... you just have to look for it ;)

Anonymous said...

kkkk muito legal!! e que pessoa estranha hein kkk.
adoro seu blog.


Samantha K said...

Haha. I thought my city had interesting people, but it seems yours might rival mine ;)

Miz said...

love it. made my day! :)

Anonymous said...

How fun! i love the monsters and the jesters!

Geovanna García said...

So coool! Love itt!!!

Marcoantonio Arellano (Nene) said...

Nice fun! Like your mood! but that bunny stole my outfit.

Griffin and Gretchen said...

Oh to live in New York haha

Dana said...

The bunny is my favourite... it's very stylish :D

Cateaclysmic said...

hahahaha jeans and a shirt what a weirdo XD

Felicia said...

Haha, I love the monster! How do you stumble on these things?

Michaela said...

I want to walk through your neighborhood!

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

hahaaaaa! All I found today were some magic snowflakes :)

♥ Maria-Thérèse

tinajo said...

Love this!

I´m sick today and have been feeling sorry for myself - this was just what I needed. :-)

Meg said...

i think i need to move to your neighborhood...

Aimee said...

What fun! You're right, there is magic everywhere if you just look for it.

Dee said...

Your blogs always entertain me and they are so colorful and KreAtive! I love that about you!

Todd Simmons said...

I have seen that guy in the flamboyant button down shirt doing a jig just like that. Looks wildly eccentric and out of place. But probably harmless. Although, he's usually sporting a camera so he may be doing some sort of black ops work.On second thought: Proceed with extreme caution!

Liset said...


Carrie @ 20-Something Homemaker said...

DUCK HUNT!! I love it!! What was that for?! I would've loved to catch that!

Rachael said...

LOVE it!!!
People need to do that more often, for real. It's good to dress silly and have fun now and then!

Renee said...

your photos are always so funny and put a smile on my face!

Lizaboo said...

Great photos! They brightened up my very boring evening xx :o)

Louise said...

Haha I love dressing up! I live in an area that's full of students and it's quite common to see people dressed up on their way to a party somewhere. Yesterday on my way home at about 10pm I saw a guy casually walking along, by himself, wearing a dalmation print onesie :)

Alana Full (With Energy) said...

So many wonderful things and than in all sudden Matty standing there in just a button-up shirt & jeans, it's such a shame.

Anonymous said...

LOL love the bacon


Elin said...

Somehow you always brighten my day with your posts! There are some awesome people in your neighborhood, that's for sure.

LL said...

I think I just found my Halloween costume! (Bacon!)

jacobian said...'s so's like a custome day or something. :-)

Don Kimrey said...

Just made me think of this guy who went to see a Shrink. "Doc," He said, "I don't know whass happenin. Some days I wake up and feel like I'm a Duck. Other days I wake up thinking I'm a Mouse."

"So," says the Shrink thoughtfully, "How long you been havin' these Disney spells?"

Don Kimrey said...

Your response is right. You're absolutely correct "Aaaaargggghhhhh!"

Stacy said...

so cute!! I'm hoping my next walk has sights like these! :o)

Unknown said...

hahaha, boycott American women... what a joke :D

great blog Katie!

Anjani said...

The monster is my favorite. And thank you for posting this. Your post always made me smile from ear to ear Ü

elycia said...

oh katie, you're the best :)

Jello♥ said...

wow! i adore you... you seem to be living the coolest city! i love starting my day by your blog; always worth it! thanks much!

lori* said...

Hahahah What an awesome walk! A good reminder to make a point of dressing up this weekend <3

Charlie said...

La vida es un carnaval

Anonymous said...

Fun set, always makes me smile :)

Claire* said...

I've recently found your blog and I LOVE it... Your photos are amazing! I've just bought a canon reflex and I'm learning how to use it properly :)
Yeah indeed, that man was such a weirdo :D

business answering services said...

That was the real fun. But I am unable to guess, what event was that? I enjoyed watching these pictures. You people had a great time together. That's great

Delgado said...


{diaries of a shopaholic} said...

Hahaha, that was so funny!
Diaries of a shopaholic

Unknown said...

Hey, you have received an award on my blog. Please do stop and check it out.
Here -

Anonymous said...

the pics are so cool!
why is your life so funny? :D

catecrandell said...

Today I did some crafts with my students here in Moldova... and one I made this blog post I thought of you because all of the colors. If you have time, check it out:

Thanks for always brightening my day when you have a new post!!!

colormekatie said...

@Latercater- I love the post! So colorful!

Vogue Villain said...

Your photos always brighten up my day :)

1goldblog said...

It look vy fun here...

Jim said...

The next time I am in New York, I want you to take me for a walk. I will buy you cupcakes for lunch.

iida said...

Oh, I love this post. Thanks for brightening my day!

(For a vegan, I find the idea of wearing bacon costumes strangely appealing. I could do it as a protest, right?)

Unknown said...

I like "The other day I went on one of my typical walks and saw people dressed up as ducks,"
that's wonderful

Elyse said...

I'm kind of in love with those Vikings. I want one to take home with me as a pet. But the bacon would do as well, I suppose. :)