Thursday, March 17, 2011

10 things that make me smile

Drawing tiny kittens on my toes,
holding babies,
dog kisses,
Angry Dad
angry dads,
Britt's awesome scribble portrait of me,
drunk pink gorillas,

randomly spotting myself while watching TV,
colorful sweets,

making up silly dances with friends while waiting for the subway,
Baked ziti birthday cake!
and having a baked ziti 'birthday cake' for my 24th birthday this week! Mmmmm, ziti.


LITTY said...

macarons !!!! <3

Catherine said...

These things make me smile too! <3

Unknown said...

I've always loved you "makes me happy" posts! OMG. You're ONLY 24?!?!?!?!? WOOOOW. You've accomplished so much already! I'm turning 24 in October and I feel so behind!

jacobian said...

whose baby is that?is it yours?

Anjani said...

those also make me smile :)
happy birthday! :)

emily jean. said...

happy birthday lovely lady!

great list:)


emily jean

Third Street Photo

colormekatie said...

@Jacobian- nope, it's my friend's little boy!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!

These things made me giggle :)

Hamizah VenXas said...

We share the same birthday but you're 8 years older than me!
Wish I accomplished as much as you did but hey, you just have to enjoy life right?

Btw, what's the name of the show when you spotted yourself on Animal Planet? And which episode? :D

Keith Haskel said...


colormekatie said...

@ Miaren- It's a show called Must Love Cats. It was an episode about a cat fashion show at the Algonquin Hotel and I was there for my job photographing it!

tisyana said...

Hellow my name is tisyana and I loooooove your idea ;) keep the good work ! :) happy birthday ! :))

Anonymous said...

Haha, loved the gorilla and toekitten!

Sara said...

Haha, loved the gorilla and toekitten!

黃愛玲 said...

haha, awesome post. I did my own top 10 things that make me smile long time ago. It's always good to have a reminder what makes us ":o)"

Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

Hillarious!!! Happy Birthday Girl!

Bel said...

Hahahha I drew an entire family on my toes ones. They smudged :(

Belly B

Renee said...

oh yum that food looks delicious
and you and the baby are so cute together!!

kelly louise said...

Ah this post made me smile too! I especially love the sketch of you.

tinajo said...

Happy birthday and thanks for all your nice and sparkly posts! :-)

Pete Goldstein said...

An smile-provoking post as always.
-Signed, the legs in the back of the dance video ;)

Anonymous said...

This entry is just perfect. These pictures make me so happy. Thanks for posting.

Tripthi Battapadi said...

I <3 it! Makes me smile too..

Anonymous said...

ah, how funny, it looks like the baby is holding an iphone (or maybe a walkie talkie) it´s clear its up to some sneaky business!

Anne said...

That little dude seems equally happy to be in your arms. So cute! Happy birthday!

Victoria said...

are you freelance or do you have a permanent employer? I love the scribble drawing, it's so cute.

Diane and Chad said...

great pics to go with your 'likes'...I've never seen anyone draw kittens on their toes...better than a tattoo, huh? no pain, just as cute!!

Handige An said...


Unknown said...

mmm macaroons.. for some reason the colors of them always make me think of Willy Wonka. *shrug*

Chrissy said...

How fun! I just discovered your amazing blog! WOW!!! Love it!
Chrissy xxx

LL said...

Hey Katie! I was just wondering what lens you shot "angry dad" with. Thanks a million :) :)

Anonymous said...

You're so inspiring, and only 24! *falls over* Cheers to a happy birthday.

emily said...

no way! you're 24? well happy freakin' birthday.

Maddie M. said...

Happy birthday! Katie, this is all so cute : )

SkyLovesBoys said...

Katie I love yu.! Yu inspire me everyday((:

sewa mobil said...

Nice article, thanks for the information.

Eleni said...

Happy birthday! I had an ex-boyfriend who was always drawing on my feet, I loved it! I wonder how can I gently introduce my current squeeze into the habit, without him realising that it was my ex's idea...

Delgado said...

my favorite seccion of your blog...

Grettings from Mexico

GLEONC said...

Hola Katie, en México tenemos una canción para cumpleaños que dice así.

Que linda esta la mañana en que vengo a saludarte, venimos todos con gusto y placer a felicitarte...

¡¡¡Feliz cumpleaños!!!

NeverReadThis said...

ALways with the toes and feet. I think its so fun that you are so comfortable posting them

KT said...

So. The gorilla made me smile. Almost as much as the cheerful toe.

Anonymous said...

dear Katie,
I hope your 24th birthday was amazing. Your blog truly inspires me. I've been down for awhile and I decided to just make some reforms in my life. Now for my happiness upkeep I find myself building forts and sticking eyes on public objects. Next on my list,get a cute friendly bulldog named Harvey. :) well, have a great day.

p.s. your "things that make me happy" posts really inspired me to make me own giant list. now pictures are a must too :)

Priscilla Castro said...

hey girl O like a lot your crab so funny.
But here in Brazil we have a Crab dance a long time ago (since 2008 I think)
Pt on google "dança do siri" and you'll see.
I hope you like.
see u.

fashiONözge said...

heheee sooo funny:))

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I love that kitty toe, that's something I could wear permanently!

UpGemini said...

happy birthday! ziti cake sounds... interestingly odd! :D

Eeshie said...


Happy Birthday, as well

Dog's kissing!


Wow, most of this comment is just random words...

But anyway. I do weird stuff with friends while waiting for the subway as well!

nikaela marie said...

happy birthday!!!

will you have babies one day? they will be so awesome!!

-happy weekend from canada!

Stephanie Loudmouth said...

Those dogs are adorable! I'm a little scared of the gorilla though, haha.
Twitter @theloudermouth
Birthday Blog Event

Cassidy said...

Oh my gosh I want a macaroon SO BADLY NOW! Lovely post! said...

Great photos... happy times :]

Les Soeurs W said...

Nice photos :)! Gives a smile on your face. Love the crab dance hahahah

Dee Paulino said...

Happy Birthday

Wedding flower ideas said...

It seems that you really know how to keep your self happy, and how to take the most from the life. I like the way you have written the post. Great work dear. Nice sharing

Anonymous said...

Love your pics

vienz said...

oh my god, we're of the same age! but look at you, already inspire so many people at this age. including me. wow. I gotta do somethin with my life. :)

Cecilia Dillon said...

I'm absolutely in love with the kitten toe. I think I'm gonna copy cat you:) And you look like Natalie Portman in that TV side view!

Romy ♥ said...

love it! the most of all, i like it too!

Elyse said...

Kittens? On toes? How do you come up with these adorable ideas? Ah, well. I love the inspiration when I can't think of anything cute to do. :)


OOH! HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY!! hope it was faaaabulous!

great post!

Colors of Silence said...

It does bring smile on me too.. enjoyed it.. Keep having them all the time..

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

These are ALL great (kitty toes!), but I'm with Jill - macarons !!!! <3

Amanda said...

You posted this on my birthday! Yay, happy birthday to me. :)

maya =^o^= said...

i <3 your blog!!! you are amazing and so talented!!!!but this photo with the little poor dog wearing clothes makes me sad...its not good to wear them clothes epecially clothes like that...kind regards from greece!!!