Saturday, April 16, 2011

10 Things I Love In My Apartment

Bird scissors,

silly plates,
fun knick knacks,


lots and lots of fabric,

toothbrush monsters,

Moo's table setting,
silly coffee spoon holders,

colorful shelves,
and this adorable photo booth picture of my mom and dad when they were my age!


Cateaclysmic said...

You have so many fun things, I love them xoxo

Rebecca Jane said...

So colorful and fun! I adore your apartment!

Dodo said...

So colourful! You can never wake up with a bad feeling in your apartment I think :P

Unknown said...

You have a Little Prince! :O Where can I get one? I love the bird scissors, too :3

Ditte Maria said...

I just love all of those colours. Just wish I could decorate my place like that. :)

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Anne said...

Your apartment seems magical and so colorful. I need to get a Little Prince figure for my boyfriend now.

colormekatie said...

@Linaeve- The Little Prince was a gift so I'm not sure where it's from but the bird scissors are from Pylones!

Hansku said...

Oh how I wish I could visit your apt someday, it'd be like a real adventure! Q___Q

Swaen said...

Wauw, so funny! Wish I could see it in real! Love it!
Love, Swaen

Wendy said...

Oh, my, your place just makes me so happy! How fun! Now I'm on the lookout for bird scissors and monster toothbrush holders... :)

Tina said...

your apartment looks like a super fun place to live! moo is one lucky kitty :D

Pauliina said...

It's a great colorful & inspiring environment you're living in! I love it!

Ashelle said...

Too adorable. Your apartment looks like a happy place.

Anonymous said...

so colorful!!!:):)

A. said...

You know that song "Your body is Wonderland"? Well place is a freaking Wonderland!! lol ♥

Chimone said...

The very best "thing" is Moo <3

Deer Little Fawn said...

So much beautiful colour! I love those bird scissors! :)

Anonymous said...

So jeaolus, i cannot paint or modify anything in my rented apartment. I definitely would like to add some color.

Que envidia, yo no puedo pintar o modificar nada en mi apartamento rentado. Definitivamente me gustarĂ­a agregar algo de color.

colormekatie said...

@Stephanie- I rent as well and don't paint. I use lots and lots of masking tape to hang things up! =)

HanaaNay said...

love it <3

Paige Lynn Porter said...

So cute! I was in NYC this past week and I wanted to go to the Bronx and just wander around until I found something cheerful that you had put down! :)

Pieni Lintu said...

Nice and colorful things!! :)

Sam | ashore said...

Katie, this apartment is so full of life! I never considered "every color" a color palette before - but it totally works.

een kloddertje roze hier said...

wow those siccors, very nice!

have a great weekend!

Bel said...

I wish I could visit your apartment one day. It'll be like stepping into Disneyland!

Belly B

Liesl said...

Loving the silly plates and cute!

Liesl :)

mandy said...

Ahhh your mum and dad, how lovely!

Anonymous said...

You have such a colorful and inspiring living space! It's wonderful to see :)

Bruna Matos said...

And I love all!

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

love! where did you get those bird scissors?

Unknown said...

Everything is so colorful & it looks fun!!

I envy your things!! In a good way of course!


Anonymous said...

Your apartment is so colorful. I love it!

NeverReadThis said...

I love your blog! It is so colorful, and you just seem to radiate happiness.

Under Urooba's Umbrella! said...


Mrs.Grinder said...

your pictures are so bright & clear.. i'm loving every single shot! amazing blog!

Emma Driver said...

Eeek! I looovveee you apartment! I should give my room a "Colormekatie" makeover! Who's with me?????

Liesha said...

So wonderful Katie! =)
I love the little prince and of course, Moo's table set! Hahaha...

siniann said...

So lovely things you have! Do you ever have problem with the stuff and Moo, he doesn't try to eat anything? :) I'm planning to take a cat, but I'm worried for the stuff I have around the house and for the safety of the cat.

LITTY said...

I want my room to be just like yours. :'( Can only wish and dream about it. And.. Recently a friend and I did some street art, inspired by YOU! :)

nicole said...

Your place is amazing! It just totally exudes warmth and happiness, even just looking at it makes me happy :)

Babbith said...

Amazing colors!

Alli said...

i love everything in your apartment!

Tracey said...

Those bird scissors are pretty much the coolest pair of scissors I've ever seen. I bet they like to be fed frequently. Nomm, nom, feeeeeeed me, pretty paper, coloured string my beak can eat through anything.... haha
Gonna bookmark the site they came from, Pylones.

Miss Moopette said...

I think I love them all too!

morgan danielle said...

I love your blog and photography style! You are such an inspiration!

Nikki said...

I love love love the giraffe!<3 I want one :(

Sewandthecity said...

I would love to live in your's so cheerful!

sherri lynn said...

everything is so fun and colorful! i love it!

Patchie said...

Your world is so colorful!

Anonymous said...

Your home is so fun! And those bird scissors are simply AMAZING! Where did you get those from?

TKH said...

Love this! I have to know where you got the figurine of the Le Petit Prince - I have been looking for as gift for a friend. Oh, I would love to know where you found it. Love your blog :)

Alexa said...

Love the colors in this post. The frog coffee spoon holder kills me. said...

WOW... Exploding with color!!!
Love it all :]

Maiju said...

Aww, you have so much cute little stuff! Adorable <3 :D

Anonymous said...

wow, where do you buy all these things !? I want them all! :D
Especially the toothbrush monster!

Lilla said...

How come I've never known about your blog before! It's the coolest blog I have ever read! You are adorable!

Anonymous said...

So fantastic! You should enter your apartment into Apartment Therapy's Small/Cool Contest!
Here's a link:

jumpseat monalisa said...

did you stop in a turkish cafe in greenpoint yesterday to pick up a take-out menu? because i definitely think i saw you or at least your evil twin who also happens to wear very colorful clothing.

if it was you- totally order from that place. they had great lamb gyros.

Erica! said...

i imagine your apartment is amazing! will you come decorate my house? :)

rebecca said...

i'm loving ALL the color in your apartment. how could you ever be in a bad mood?

Bri said...

Where did you get the cat bowl with the monsters on it? [and what brand is that? It looks like uglydoll but I don't think it is!]

Molly said...

You have so many cute household animals!! Bird scissors, chicken staplers, monster toothbrush holders and frog spoon holders! I love how your apartment is so bright and colourful... it's so much fun to look at!!
Congrats on getting 10,000 followers! I love your blog :)
x Jolly Miss Molly

Susana said...

your blog is better than coffee, wakes me up in the morning with so many colours!

Anni-Maria said...

Hi Katie! I've followed you for a while through your blog, and now I must say: I just love you!

I am at the moment applying to photographing schools and you are giving me so much inspiration with your work :-)

You are truly one of my idols among with Annie Leibovitz and Benoit Paillé!

Thank you for being such a magnificent photographer AND person! Keep up for the good work!

Cynthia said...

I am now on the hunt for that adorable Little Prince! Katie, you brighten our days. What a great role model.

Emily said...

i love all the colors!

CinnamonInk said...

10 things I love about your blog: EVERYTHING!!!!!! I love how bright and fun everything is... you're awesome!


cellulite cream review said...

I so love all the pictures! So colorful... :)

nataya, chacha, nchan said...

You always color our life too. Cool stuffs:)

faithagape said...

Your apartment was a piece of art. Hahaha! It was really great! As in G-R-E-A-T! :))

Rosa Marrero said...

lovely your parents´photo
(although no color)

PhotoPuddle said...

What a colourful apartment you must have. And I love those bird scissors.

Katherines Corner said...

Fun colors!!!!I'm so sorry it's been a while since I stopped by for a visit. I always enjoy my time at your lovely blog. Big Hugs!
Oh I almost forgot, I'm having a giveaway to win a gorgeous dress. I hope you'll stop by Katherines Corner for a visit.

Mari Flores said...

your stuff is pretty neat.
always an inspiration. I do photography but sadly i don't have a good camera. any pointer?

Pry said...

you must be a big pylones fan! :)
Loved it

Marissa said...

Katie! My grandma had one of those frogs when I was growing up, but she used it to hold her scrubby sponge at the sink!

Marissa said...

My grandma had one of those coffee spoon holding frogs, but she used it for the scrubby sponge for her dishes!

colormekatie said...

@Marissa- haha! It's the exact same one then! The frog came with a scrubby sponge but I thought It would look funny as a spoon holder so that it looked like it was sticking it's tongue out ;)

Marissa said...

Well it's super cute! and it brought back good memories of my grandma. One of my earliest memories of her was when she borrowed my green crayon to color in a chip on the frog. So thanks for posting it! Love your energy!

Anonymous said...

I love how bright, vivid, and colorful your photos (in all your blog posts) are!