Friday, April 1, 2011

8 Things I love about Moo

Hair Grab
He styles my hair,
he picks out jewelry for me to wear,
he prefers to sit on tv rather than watch it,
he spends a good part of the day upside down,
he likes our conversations to be private,
he can make things float in mid air,
he likes to match the carpet with his bright green eyes,
and he loves chillin' with his homeboys.


Ida said...

lovely :---)!!

. caroca said...

Ele é tão fofo!

Anonymous said...

Oh Gosh, I love this post.

HannahGirl said...

FUN blog post!! I love Moo; used to have a cat named the same when I was little :) Love your blog, Katie!

Saskia said...

9. he makes a lot of people smile!
Gotta love him!

lyCayenne said...

such an adorable hunnypot! <3

Kenia Um said...

awwwww what a lovely cat!!! i love the one with his homeboys ... great job btw !

Bel said...

Hahaha Moo always makes me laugh :) Love it.

Belly B

Hunnybee said...

¡noʎ ɹoɟ ʎʇʇıʞ ʇɔǝɟɹǝd ǝɥʇ sı ooɯ

Isabella Kiss said...

i am so jealous of that cat! every time you post about him I get all envious. i love cats. yours is adorable, totally silly, and oh so photogenic! LOVE HIM!!!!

elycia said...

moo is adorable, aren't cats the best?!

Laura said...

He's so cute and funny! :)

Patchie said...

That last picture is fantastic. Of course, they all are!

Sara&Eva said...

hahahahah! so fun! :D

lovely cat!

ana said...

love the one with the carpet :')

tinajo said...

Love the one with his homies! :-D

The Elephant's Trunk said...

So 1 I love Moo... He's so adorable! I miss my kitties too much. My boyfriend is allergic.. so I have to try to forge a life without them.
And 2 your studio space or little work area or whatever is, is a beautiful mess. I mean that with the most sincerest amounts of love and adoration. Your colorful chaos is nothing short of inspiring!

Meg said...

LOVE the last photo... so cute! my kitty does the same with my teddy bears, but mainly cuz he's waiting until i'm not looking so he can try to kill them. poor things!
moo is one awesome cat.

Bruna Matos said...

We ♥ Moo! \o/

Kitten's Lost Her Mittens said...

I love your Moo posts!

Karen said...

Thanks for making me smile and my kidlets laugh out loud! We always love seeing Moo! :>

a work in progress said...

Moo is the BEST!

maybe Moo should have his own blog hahahahaaa! :D

Happy in red said...

Okay, I just fell for Moo. Love at first sight (okay, from my part as I think Moo likes to hunt flies more...)
Have a good weekend!

Allison said...

Your blog makes me so happy! I love you cat!

Unknown said...

Your blog always makes me smile. I love how colorful it is! And Moo is adorable. :)

Irene Karenina said...

AW! We love Moo! ♥ Your blog makes me smile, you are a great photographer (:
A big big hug from Venezuela ♥

Ashelle said...

This post is way too adorable. I <3 it.

Annika said...

Cat posts are the best! So cute!

Samantha said...

I have experienced having my hair styled by my kitty, too. Simply the best.

Anonymous said...

Is Moo even a cat really? he definitely is a cat above average cat brains =) Question, do you always shoot in RAW and fix ALL your pictures up in PS?

Lauren said...

"Moo" posts are my favorite. They always make me smile.

Nita said...

I've been a fan of Moo for a while... (:3

scruggers said...

I love reading your blog, but Moo is my favorite. I can't get enough of that cat. I miss my own kitty.

Gretchen said...

This post made me so happy! I love seeing pictures of you and Moo!

Danijel Šivinjski said...

Hahaha, this A WE SO ME :O Cool kitty!

Syarafina Zaini said...

Moo is so adorable.. i wish I've a cat like Moo.. =)

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

I so miss my kitty now. You are so lucky. Your moo is wonderful. :)

Krista said...

He reminds me so much of our cat, Loki, he does all those things too, except for making things float. He much prefers to make things fall and crash to the ground.

Anonymous said...

Ah, such a beautiful cat!

Little Photo Girl said...

So ad-or-able! He just sitting there welcoming the colors and the photoshoot ha.Check out my blog

Have a great weekend!

Vika Vilon said...


Jeanette said...

The last photo made my day:)

Bre said...

Your post are always so fun and inspiring. How do you do it? Great photography as well.

Renee said...

the last photo is absolutely adorable!

faithagape said...

I really love Moo. :D Can I have him? Haha! :D

Anonymous said...

Moo is awesome! ^_^

sea said...

Sooo cute! :) My cat Anni (she) says meow to Moo. :)

Jess said...

Aww, that's so cute!
Katie, you inspire me! I nominated you for an award today, stop by and check it out!
Jess = )

Katie Stratton said...

i might be just a tad bit obsessed with the whole lot of you!
<3 said...

Moo away!!
What delightful pictures :]

Michelle said...

I love your posts about Moo. I get annoyed with the people who hate on cats- they've obviously never had one. I have two of the sweetest little felines ever and I get tired of the "crazy cat lady" comments. Annoying. I adore my little furballs. They make me laugh, they give me comfort, they warm my feet, they sleep with me at night, they greet me happily in the morning and when I get home from work. I just don't understand what's NOT to love. I love how much you love your cat. He's beautiful.

Rachael said...

Love it! And your cat's eyes really do match the carpet! He has pretty eyes :)

Anonymous said...

Very lovely photos! Such a cute kitty :)

Olivilla said...

You make me laugh!!!!!! so cute!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Moo's lovely :D Fluffy !

Anonymous said...

What in the world would we do without our fabulous fur-babies? I love your pictures and posts! They always make me smile and sometimes even laugh out loud a little!

Kelly said...

Love it when people spread pet love! Moo's eyes are gorgeous.

Alana Full (With Energy) said...

I love how cute Moo can be!

Elle said...

To Michelle- to help you understand, here is something to think about: some people are just not cat people, I'm one of them. I don't hate on cats but I don't like them either. I've had bad experiences with cats, they always managed to scratch me, hiss at me, bite me or something else. They're so unpredictable. Just my opinion, but I don't go saying I get annoyed with cat people who love cats where I don't understand what's to love. To each their own so don't knock non-cat people =)

Leigh said...

your cat is just adorable!!!!

Anonymous said...

Such great photos and colors!! :)

Anki said...

Oh my God, what a great cat! I love him! :)

Unknown said...

you need to do this moo. all his fur would be great

flickr search cat scanner. :)

Sheidel said...

Moo makes me love cats :))

Ceci said...

oh my god!!! is beautiful!! lovely

Paulecita said...

Moo reminded me of his kind, Maru from Japan...
i think you might appreciate this clip :) it's not short, but it's well worth it...

Struinkunst by Lisette said...

Again, FUN!!

kit and nancy. said...

makes me smile so much!

Marta said...

Awwwww this post made my day! I love him <3 I admire your happiness, for me it's so difficoult to simle everyday

sjsw said...

super cute blog and super cute cat!

Jenny Lissy said...

I found your blog through a friend. It just made my day. I giggled out loud several times. I will definitely be stopping by many more times in the future!