Wednesday, June 1, 2011


My friend Keith and I spent a whole day wandering around Brooklyn planking!
Planking is a silly game where you find the most ridiculous places to lay face down and take a picture.

Double Plank
After a while we decided to step up our game and try a double plank.
Then we stopped by a party to triple plank. I love watching how confused everyone looks around you!


Anonymous said...

hahah, really cool!

rach @ paper hearts said...

Ha ha!! You've got me "LOL"-ing at my desk :) Well done.

Maria said...

Haha this is so great! I laughed so much at work!

Patchie said...

This is one fad I just don't get, but leave it to you to make anything cute.

Jessica Samantha said...

Dang, you're good-- that's talent! Ha ha, that's a day well spent!

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

LOL! Doesn't it scare people, though? :D

Renee said...

haha, this is so funny! The double plank is hilarious! xo

ibunbun said...

this is me planking too :

Lauren said...

I don't know why, but the backpack makes these pics even funnier.

Bruna Matos said...

it's crazy...and I loved this!

Erica @ Acire Adventures said...

I literally laughed out loud! Thanks for adding some humour to my grey day! :)

Unknown said...

I actually heard that someone fell off a building doing this and died. But for those that are safe about it I think its pretty funny.

Miha Hančič said...

o.k., this is SO awesome !!! :D

mirachantek said...

this is utterly brilliant!

and hilarious too ;]

Dee Paulino said...

hahaha you are awesome

Dodo said...

You long as you don't try to do it on a balcony 7 high up like that Australian dude did (and died which is quite a stupid way to go haha). Great pictures! You should ask people to send in theirs and feature the best 7 or so on here!

Anonymous said...

esta genial todo lo que haces!! tienes muchas energias!! me he reido muchisimo con tus pics!

Unknown said...

So funny! I just heard about planking for the first time yesterday so it's funny you posted about it today. hahaha

melifaif said...

Just heard of "planking" over the weekend after learning of a planking stunt gone horribly wrong. Safe planking....

Hamizah VenXas said...

Hahaha. Wish I could do this with my friends!

Elaine said...

Hahah! THat is hilarious!!

Liliana said...


Bel said...

Hahha I did not get this trend at all. But now I think I do. Hahaha.

<3 Belly B

Sandra said...

*laughing out lout!

Anna Grostina said...


Pieni Lintu said...

You're so crazy!! :D

UpGemini said...

hahahah this is so silly... therefore, necessary! :D

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...


Not the trash cans!!

I can't stomach it-

Love the triple plank-

Did you hear the story about some guy in Australia that DIED planking when he fell off his balcony-

Sad but true.

gadis said...

haha this is funny. gotta try this!

Ashley said...

I'm just going to keep thinking about this all day and laughing. People at the grocery will wonder what I'm giggling about and it will be these photos. Hilarious!

Unknown said...


Amoniel said...

I laugh ^\^ :D I love how random and spontaneous all of your projects are!

golriz said...

me and my friends are also hooked on planking! my favorite is the plank my friend did in a tree:

RachelG said...

I've heard of planking but didn't know what it was. This made me laugh out loud! :)
Thank you.

Deepthi Pola said...

hehehehe... awesome idea... i m hearing it for the first time... love it :)
Even we will implement it and share the pics with you

Jordan Cole said...

I have been seeing these everywhere on Facebook, I wasn't sure if it was just my area or not!

Washtenaw Christian Academy said...

Just be safe, and encourage others to be safe while doing this. It's things like this that can easily escalate into people taking stupid risks. I would hat to lose you or anyone else who provided this world with so much joy!

Vanessa, Take only Memories said...

I just read about this somewhere! Isn't it the strangest thing???

StaceyAnn said...

Marie said...

I gotta work my abs to plank that well (pics 1 and 4)!

Miia said...

Haha :D Looks like fun :D

Unknown said...

You truly are crazy fun and colorful all in one.

Yoshi said...

You are great!

Anonymous said...

OMG! That looks like so much fun! I can't quit laughing! You have so much fun. . . I love it!

Iva said...

This is so fun! I'm definitely going to try this soon.

Dee said...

Thanks for making me smile today! I love your spontaneousness and quirky sense of humor.

Raptor Plateado said...

I do that in my work.. :D

Drenay Dreanna said...

this. is. just. wonderful.

i want to do this.

Ashley Rose said...

This is freaking hilarious. I always smile when I get to your blog.....LOL

Meenakshy said...

Did I tell you that you are so lovely and loveable. Love ya

Maja said...

This just made my day!

Catherine said...

haha fun!


Gelai said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Will try this sooooonnnnnnnnn!

Suvi said...

Hi from Finland! I've been reading your blog for long but this is my first comment. I'd like to say how much I love your colorful pictures!

But about planking, haha, my friend here in Finland has done something like that about three years ago and now it's fun to see how people around the world are doing almost the same! :D

Sara&Eva said...


I want to do this! :D

Anonymous said...

sua criatividade é incrível!!


quirkycharm said...

My home town. Somebody I know of, who says that he did it to show that you could push the boundaries, without being unsafe (also, he hoped it might make him more interesting to girls!)

Kerri Lynne said...

haha, love the double plank!

Rebeka said...

this made me LOL I want to do it!! amazing!!

Corla Rokochy said...

Love it! It's like Synchronized Planking.

Bob Logan said...

That is so surreal!
Funny too!

Carolyn said...

hahah that's hilarious! looks like fun :)

Love ( Founder YUP/ Enlive.Inn) said...

i wish i had crazy friends like urs to try this too... and a place where we cud safely do without ppl kidnapping us after that:P to unsafe to try around our neighbourhood...:) but i loved it may be i will try it someday somewhere...:P

jillian :: cornflake dreams. said...

so random!! xoxo jillian:: enter to win a leigh viner print!

Chess said...

I want to do this. Right now.

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

This was TOO funny! Loved it!

Ashelle said...

LOL! OMG! These are great. Love how you always seem to have so much fun. The double plank is great. Also the one on the crossing way.

Jenn @ Peas and Crayons said...

literally fell off the chair laughing. oh. my. god.

Nia Janiar said...

That's so random!

Euforilla said...

Oh gosh, so fun!
Some made me go "oh gross", but, all the others are super nice, now I want to try this out too!!!

Steffie said...

Really cool idea and funny pics too!

Unknown said...

Xaxa:)) This guy sleep a lot:) Very interesting pictures.

Greetings, cheap flats Barcelona

Mary Shouvlin said...

this is cracking me up!
love your blog!

wilderlamb said...

Oh my gosh this made me laugh so, so hard!

Unknown said...

Huhuhuhu! So funny!! Really love this idea and concept! :D

Kids Gazette said...

You made my day!!! :D

HOB said...

Just love your craziness!!

Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

I have pictures of you taking pictures of planking! Must email them to you later! I go "I think I read her blog" and snapped the picture.

{.m a r i s s a.} said...

haha, this is the funniest thing i've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

That's all kinds of fabulousness. Love it.

Jenny said...

am i just a complete germophobe that the idea of having my face that close to the street or anything else freaks me out? otherwise.. this looks so cool and i would love to try it-! maybe i'll get over the fear.

Gubatron said...

Ha, my friend "planks" with one hand, on the wallstreet bull! (although he calls it, the crocodile)

It's on!

Anonymous said...

Oh Katie! I wanna go planking! Haha my aunt katie showed me ur blog ironically! :) I love it! U have this amazing personality and I want to be more like u! U have a lovely sense of creativity that I adore:)