Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Things that make me smile...

Hanging out with my fellow monsters,
Moo's new favorite bed,
playing with my pancakes,
hay rides,
fun nails!
fun nails,

adding something sweet to make my tea happy,
friendly frogs,
Surprise kiss
surprise kisses,

secret identities,

adorable wedding programs,
and really, really bad photo timing.


tinajo said...

Haha - wonderful! Your blog make ME smile! :-)

nail crazy said...

indeed :-D

Chris & Stephanie said...

Love it! Thing that makes me smile: your blog! ;o)

Shalini said...

I love the happy bubble of feeling I get when one of your posts comes up in my reader! Yay! Never disappointing, always smile-inducing.

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

that horse peeing is hilarious- reminds me of the baby photo shoot we did for our first monkey when he was 5 months old- he peed all over a pile of tule- it was all captured.

samantha ramage said...

i love seeing the world through your colorful eyes.


elena nuez said...

those are brillant!!!!

Benthe said...

I can't stress it enough, but I love love love your blog! beautiful, happy making pictures, they colour up my day!

Natalie said...

These have to make you smile!!

Laure said...

each time,I read your new post , a smile light my face...
thank you to share with us your sweet and colorful world

dani said...

I LOVE the rings on the woman with the cool nails! Especially the one on her right hand :)

Sandra said...

Lovely photos! Love it. Made me smile :-) And then.. The last photo made me laugh a little bit - haha!

Anna Grostina said...

hahah love the last photo

A. said...

This just made me smile as well. Hard to picture you frowning though:)

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures...the last one made me lol. So funny!

Mary Shouvlin said...

this made my day, love the surprise kiss shot!


Raptor Plateado said...

LOL i like you happy Tea, so Greit..
sorry for my bad english... :D

Anonymous said...

Sometimes photos just turn out pissy don't they? LOL Oh my!!


Anonymous said...

haha, yes! That last photo is brilliant...

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

I loooove the little frog hand! <3

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

P.S. One of my first photograps ever, taken with a small red camera, was of two horses, um, making sweet horse love at a zoo! I was about 7 and on a class trip. Had no idea what was happening but was very successful at capturing it. I suppose that ever since then, I've used photography to try to understand life better.

Michele said...

I love all things things too!

Denise said...

Where is that adorable tea mug from??

Anonymous said...

You can always make me smile :)
And Moo is way too adorable ♥


Anonymous said...

had a bad end of the day at work (left in tears) then i saw your things that make me smile post and it made me smile and realize, sometimes things seem worse than they are and i should just smile through it. THANK YOU for such a wonderful blog!

Anonymous said...

Now you made me smile :D

Eve said...

hahahhahhah loooool love the horse peeing..

Guatyen said...

LOL! colours make the day sing so well.

Liz / Tangible Ingredients said...

hahaha! so happy!

Amoniel said...

Eeheheheheheheheheh =D

Liz said...

Love these! Moo is so awesome!

Dita Maulani said...

the last photo made me smile! and the tea mug too!


Miki said...

Yay for surprise kisses! ;D And, oh, boy, that last pic is hilarious, haha!

Have a fun night! ;)


Anonymous said...

You're the best! The reason I smile is YOU :)

Magical Daydream said...

So many fun things! If you like fun nails, I made rainbows and ladybugs on my nails the other day :) (They certainly made me happy)

caroline said...

i love your blog.
thank you for making every day a little bit`s great.


Hanna said...

You're Hilarious!

Unknown said...

you're blog is like a medicine! :-D

Charlie said...

This picts r awesome!

colormekatie said...

Awww thanks so much everyone! <3

Megan said...

i'm a new follower! i love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Wauw, just founded your blog, and i am already in love with it!
Has you photographed all the photo by your self?

- Love Camilla

Unknown said...

Saw these cake pancakes, which made me think of you!

Fröken K said...

uUch lovely photos, even the last one. ;)
Your photos always makes me happy!

Camii Palta A.- said...

Jajajajja you always make me smile :3
I love your lifestyle :)
take care!!

Lea said...

Recently finding and following your blog makes me smile!

DaintyHutt said...

Ah this looks like an epic BDE (best day ever!) I love your nails especially, if you did them yourself you MUST share how! =]

Elisa @ Crazy, Amazing Life said...

hahahaha! These are awesome :-)

Anonymous said...

You always make me smile. Thank you very much! :)

This Video, which is amazing and sweet, i just wanted to share with you and hope you will enjoy it:

Have a nive day :)

rosia_lady said...

those things maked me smile too

M. said...

funny!!! especially the last one!

Anonymous said...

i absolutely love your blog! it makes me smile everytime i look at it! and you're extremely talented!!!

just curious, what camera do u use?


The Sophisticated Aesthete said...

Your blog was only recommended to me by a friend a few days ago, but I already love it. Your creativity is really inspiring.

Also, I was wondering where you got the briefcase Moo is lying in? I've been looking for something like that for years now. :)

Jo Black said...

that frog photo is so cute! my flatmate has a little tree frog as a pet, rather unusual but very fun to watch!

love jojo xx

Catherine said...

My favourite is that surprise kiss - what a wonderful photograph! It tells a thousand possible stories.

Novelty Pens said...

Great photos!