Thursday, July 14, 2011

Things that make me happy

Moo helping me decorate,
hopping on a stranger's bike and going for a ride,
rainbows in my backyard,
cute houses on cute little islands,
trying to pet a rooster and failing miserably,

extreme upper body strength,

happy little organ stickers,

realizing that dancing and being punched in the face looks like the same thing,

Matty and his handsome teef,
taking road trips and stopping only to play which giant inflatable animals,
and kissing your parrot while riding your motorcycle.


The Olive Tree Blog said...

reading your blog makes me happy!

Rae said...

Yeah, dito! You're blog makes me happy too!

Dee said...

Ditto @theolivetree, reading your blog makes me smile! You're so full of life, color and imagination! It's a magical combination.

Abbey said...

All of these things make me happy too! :) Love your blog!

Claudia said...

Mahna Mahna! *SQUEE* How awesome! Your blog is so colorful and cute <3 it makes me really happy!

Rachel said...

Where in the world are you this week?!

jennifer said...

I love your blog! And if you like cute houses on cute little islands you should see this:

Matilda said...

it makes you happy, and made me happy as well. such a feel.good-blog. just wish you gave us things to read and look aqt more often.

have fun!

PhotoPuddle said...

Fabulous! You really do have the happiest, smiliest blog!!

colormekatie said...

@Milda- I wish I could post more too! It's hard to find time to sit down at the computer and blog though. I have to find a way to make blogging my full time job! ;)

GeekyHooker said...

Oh my goodness, those organ stickers made my inner health care geek squeal!

Bel said...

The last photo made me laugh! Kissing your pet parrot... now that's love! ;)

<3 Belly B

Anonymous said...

Haha, thanks so much- each of these photos made me giggle out loud! Where on earth is that inflatable cow? I need to go there! You are so delightful :)

Roser Lou said...

Wowwwwwww!! as always so nice and fun pictures!!! this last pic is fantastic! jajajajajaaj!

Besos from BARCELONA!!!

Kayla said...

LOVE the Daddy/daughter (?) wedding photo!!

life is happy most of the time. said...

i wish moo could help me decorate! i love all you happy things!! x x x x

Anonymous said...

You should make your life into a book :)

Jean said...

blogs that make me happy, yours! <3

Aphrodita Wibowo said...

ahaha... u always have a funny colorfull post dear kattie :) how i love the rainbow on ur back yard :)


LRC said...

Basically everything I want to say in a comment has been said. I like your posts!

Kaley said...

Those stickers are amazing and I need them! I love your decorations. How many times a month do you change up your apartment decorations?

Jaimie said...

I love your blog so much.

selfia said...

I'm falling in love with your colorful blog :*

Amelia said...

I'm happy reading what make you happy :) love your colorful blog!!

Kaylia Payne said...

You have such a glorious colourful blog!!! Moo is the cutest :)

colormekatie said...

@Kaley- I think my apartment changes everyday. I'm always moving stuff around and putting new things up!

tasha faye said...

you are such a wonderful, bright starling soul! xxx

Patricia said...

Great post !
thankyou for making it a happier day !! :)
kisses from Spain!

Spinner's End said...

that picture of you trying to chase down the rooster just made me almost spit tea all over my keyboard! hahahahaha you are so silly! this blog makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

Kissing your parrot while riding your motorcycle? Okay, as long as the parrot can hold on tight...

Sherri said...

As many have already said...your blog makes me happy...i think you may be the best happy spreader around! I love who you are!

Anonymous said...

hello. i'm just stopping by your blog to say that i'm passing you the 'one lovely blog award' ^^

you can come and check it out at my blog! <3

Marcoantonio Arellano (Nene) said...

I would love to live in the creative side of your brain for one day. Do you think that's possible? I'm going to spiritually will my way in there.
Your blog is a wonderful contribution to many people's day.

Unknown said...

Roosters are tricky little fellers, aren't they? He he he.

Nick said...

That little house on the island just looks the perfect place to get away and relax!! The guy on the motorcyle is seriously multi tasking, he is kissing his parrot, drink in hand and riding a mororcyle! Thats talent! Bravo

Karen Travels said...

Is that a uterus sticker I see!? I too wonder how often you change the decor in your home?

Karen Travels said...

Oh, wait! Now I see your answer!


Unknown said...

love thi spost - so lovely xxxxxxxxx

Alysia said...

hehe at the parrot picture it's so cute! :)
Well reading your blog makes me happy too (:
Because of you I decided to start a photoblog too! (: :)

Monica Rimkjær said...

I love your blog, it's really nice and color full! I'm following you, would you like to follow me? :-)

Monica -

Adriana said...

I've been reading your blog for a while now, and I've got to tell you...when I am down, or anxious about anything, I often times pay it a visit. Somehow, a smile comes upon my face before I even finish typing in your blog addy. Thanks for comforting me on those days.

Good job on selecting a cutie's bike to ride! lol and I love the parrot kissing the man on the motorcycle. I've been wanting to get one for my daughter. : )


yvonne said...

i think this could make me happy too

Anonymous said...

just out of curiosity, why is your bed in the middle of the room?

Anna said...

teeehehhe judging from Moo's choice of decorations, maybe he has aspirations to be 1)a used car salesman, 2) a carnival organizer, or 3) a circus show cat

Elina said...

So beautiful and so colorful! reading your posts always makes me happy!

Anonymous said...

Your blog definitely makes me happy!

à la parisienne said...

Thank you for making me laugh...I needed it today.


iheartguts said...

fab meeting you @ renegade, thx for the shout-out!

Valonia said...

I think your blog might just have saved the rest of my year. :)
I wish everything beautiful to stay in your life. <3

Best wishes,
a girl from Finland

Love ( Founder YUP/ Enlive.Inn) said...

Katie, you are the most colorful and life filled person. Needless to say you are a genius and my guru for anything creative...

Love you!

Victoria said...

that last picture is madness. did he really ride along with a parrot!? haha

alishka-the diy mommy!!! said...

you are the true meaning of "sunshine girl"!!! your pictures and your imagination.... they are just so feel good.... love it.... so glad i found your blog :):)

Yorinda Wanner said...

Very Uplifting fotos.

I also like your "paper" and 'streetart' page.

Very colourful and joyful.

We need more artists like you, or maybe even better more of your art.

Thank you so much for sharing this.
I added the happy organs to my flickr folder.