Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cleaning Day

Cleaning day usually consists of Moo pulling down the things I just hung up,
getting hair in everything I just cleaned,

breaking things I just put together,

and making a mess...
a really big mess! 
Oh well, I suppose making snow angels on a floor full of tissue paper is a lot more fun than cleaning!


Camille Faria said...

I Love moo!!

Kathya Stryzak said...

I love love Cat!!

Miss Wirro said...

Moo is gorgeous! And you're a wonderful lovely person who can always make me smile :)

Olivia Petty said...

I adore your cat.
so lovely.

Linda said...

You're cat is awesome and I'm more of a dog- person, so that's quite something to say for me :)

tinajo said...

Haha - I love the look on his face! :-)

Dani said...

Sooooo adorable!!!! Sounds like my puppy!!!!!

Unknown said...

I wanna have a cat

laskje said...

Love your photos. They are full of happiness and colors! Check out my photoblog.


Katie said...

Haha, I want a little Moo!!

Anniek said...

Moo is adorable!

innerpeach said...

Moo should have a TV show!

Gretchen said...

Aww! This actually makes me want to clean;)

Hanna said...

oh katie, you and moo are SOO adorable! I wish my home was as colorful as yours...

Summer said...

Katie you make me so happy when I read your blog. I no what it's like having a pet that just makes messes xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

Leslie said...

I hope your home and life are ALWAYS this colorful! How fun!

Lea said...

Oh, Moo!

Yes, snow angels are more fun than cleaning, even if it involves snow down your pants!!!

PhotoPuddle said...

Wow, cleaning day in your house looks like lots of fun!

janel said...

Ha! Moo is so cute, Thanks for the good laugh!

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

Lots more fun! :D

Katie said...

I am Moo's biggest fan. XD
(I wish I could learn how to take pictures like you do, so beautiful!)

Metka Prezelj said...

That's why we love cats sooo much :)

Anna said...

Moo is so cute! >.<
Incredible pictures, I adore the first one.

Kat said...

I love your life.

LAILA said...

seriously katie. you and moo are just too cute! I love it. XD

dani said...

I love the photo of moo in the fishbowl. How do you convince him to get in there?

Wild Things Grow Here said...

Wow, that this is what I call my type of cleaning!
Love the photo of Moo in the fish tank!

Bitter_Angel said...

Even when he is being a pain, he is so loveable.

Tiffany said...

Katie, I just want to let you know you have completely changed my outlook on life. Now I wave hello to strangers at red lights (actually I wasn't planning on them seeing me, but one guy did and he waved back!)

Anonymous said...

your photos always tell the best stories :)

::little projects in style:: said...

i have a little fluffball called muu and he's always up to mischief too like your moo! :) i guess it's in the name!


Anonymous said...

Myriam F.

dani said...

Cuteness to the most extreme level of adorable!

<3 The Daily Dani

SH. said...

Moo is so adorable!

Kelli said...

Moo is saying "Mwahahahaha!!!" in one of those pics. Conspiracy! LOL too funny!

Maiju said...

What a lovely cat! ;) And awesome pics!

cheryn said...

i am a super avid fan of your blog.
I love your colors, photos and quirky ideas.
I am getting married next year.
Hopefully my theme is a great big elegant mess of colors.
I was wondering if you have any ideas on that or any photos to share?

Ashelle said...

Too adorable! And Moo looks like a great lil helper with cleaning. I love reading your blog in the morning. It adds such beautiful colour to the beginning of the day.

Bernadette Pollard said...

what a whimsical life! and a fabulous cat. thanks!
:) bernadette
Dette Discovers {daily lifestyle + design blog}

Pouic Pouic said...

Bah oui grave !!! (YES indeed !!!)

Eleni said...

Ha ha, the fourth picture is my favourite! He looks very serious about making that mess...

Elina said...

Everything you post is beautiful - I'm drowning into the colors!

Anonymous said...

do you and Matt still do Improv missions? I didn't see your or his name on the last one (mp3)

nina said...

Ceci est une tentative de gros scandale public bien gênant et qui limite étonnement les pressions qu'on peut subir, tant j'ai dû mal à trouver un avocat malgré mes efforts, afin de régler ce problème de non respect de mes droits les plus élémentaires, ce que je le conseille à chacun qui peut avoir des ennuis avec ce gros connard de sarkozy ou sa clique de clowns de flics minables des renseignements : je suis donc en train de régler un petit problème du genre détail avec cette grosse tache de si peu président de la république Française, en lui envoyant un avocat - difficile à trouver pour un simple citoyen mais on insiste - pour mises sous surveillance illégales, lynchage numérique inspiré de bonnes vieilles méthodes qui ne déplairaient pas au ku klux klan, lynchage qui n'a mobilisé personne sur le web ou dans la presse, actes de violence et pressions à mon égard et plagiat, par une grosse pétasse, vulgaire et ridicule et qui passe à la télé, ” comme si de rien n'était ”, de mes petits textes web.

Quant a sarkozy, s'il n'aime pas le web, et s'il n'aime pas la rue qui sait, la preuve, très bien se défendre, qu'il la quitte !

PS- Bien évidemment, s'il s'agit de calomnies, et qu'en plus on trouve désagréable de se faire insulter, il ne faut surtout pas hésiter à porter plainte en retour.

chachamisu said...

horeeey mooo

Anonymous said...

i have a cat named lovie and she is silly like that the likes to rampage around the house and be evil! muahahaha!!!! after we eat lunch and we dont put the food away right away she will jump onto the table and eat the are such a great person!!! i am so inspired every day i look at your blog i looove colors and i get so happy when i look at your blog i have actually done some street art the hearts coming out of the pipes and i actually walked down our street putting little notes that said happy thing in peoples mailboxes and one time we wrote love out of cutout hearts on a blank sighn in our town i also did the chalk name is Kealani and iam 12 and i was wondering if you could email me or something and i could send you a photo of my cat email is ARE AWESOME!!!!!!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

I WANT MOO-CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PuppyLovePrincess said...

Moo's so crafty and handsome...I think he needs a fan club ;)

The Boohers said...

Katie, I love your garlands. I will be your e-friend forever if you post a tutorial so I can make one for my house.

colorfullysoul said...

Your cat is aamazing!

zapraszam do mnie:

Ana Lúcia said...

I loved your blog!



Anonymous said...

Aw, making snow angels in tissue paper is definitely more fun than cleaning! I love Moo :) No matter how mischievous cats can be, they're too darn cute to stay mad at!


Melissa Blake said...

awww, moo is so adorable!

sohirach said...

awe....sooooo cute. :)

love, rach.

Estella said...

love your blog and your pics are totally great!! following you now, check out mine if you want..

Anonymous said...

I know this is a bold question, but what motivates you not to wear make-up? I have almost gone without makeup for a year and recently started wearing it again! :\ I just wanted to know if it's something you've thought deeply about, or something you just do. I've also wondered because I went about 5 months, and was about to wear it again(low self-esteem)...and then I found your blog! Yay for naturalness!

Fleur De Moi said...

I love these colorful photos! My cats are the same way.

Luisa said...

you have a sweet cat!

Luisa from Germany(:

Mariana Santana said...

Oh Katie you're so sweet! God bless you!

Kelly said...

Love the colorful photos! Any posts featured Moo are my favorite : )

bb said...

you are ADORABLE and your blog rocks. also, I would probably kidnap your cat if I had the chance. what a cutie!

x. jill

Lilmendoza said...

haha i love that image of your cat in the glass box!

no said...


You have the best life ever.

And don't you forget it!!!

Meriem said...

Hi Katie

I dont know who is having more fun here, you or Moo!!

Meriem from France x

Magpie said...

fabulous animal, fabulous post. Pure awesomeness.

Jennie Louise said...

wow, look at all that colour!!! Its beautiful. And you cat is adorable too. just found your blog nd Im in love with your life, ha!

μανταρίνι♥ said...

aww everything's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.♥
are you a photographer or a graphic designer?
greettings from greece xxx

learn chinese said...

love your blog and your pics are totally great!! following you now, check out mine if you want

anna said...

Wow, your pictures are wonderfull, im following you now!

Anna said...

I love the white plastic table cloth desk! I love your blog Katie, I love your pictures!

margot said...

my cat wants to be friends with moo! her name is kellyripa cat. her she is not being shy:

iheartmexico said...

You have so much colour in your life! it's magnificent! What is your secret to making it really POP in your photos?

Colour is one of the things that attracted to me to Mexico, when I decided to quit the job, pack up, leave London and drop out. If I ever get my own house here, it will be full of colour!

Anonymous said...

so much fun!! :)

Love Simple Green

Anonymous said...

Hi katie!!!! I was just wondering how did you do the balloon thingy hanging across the ceiling? It was awesomely nice!!!!!

Victoria said...

i know this feeling. my pugs are a little bit like your cat!

Marching Duck said...

Damn, I love This cat and YOUR HOUSE. OMG, it's my dream to have a home like you. When I grow up I would like to still read this blog and have a house full of colours. I just have to remember to not foget this

PS Sorry for my not really good english - I'm from Poland :D
Greetings! <3