Thursday, September 15, 2011

Homemade Business Cards

I'm shooting a ton of events this week but found that I'm all out of business cards! There's not enough time to get new ones delivered so I thought... why don't I just make my own fun cards at home?
So I hung up a white sheet against the wall and took a few self portraits.
I used double sided matte paper and printed the pictures on one side,
and the name of my website on the back.
I roughly cut around the pictures and placed them between two clear adhesive sheets,
and laminated them!

I then cut them all out,
and poof!

 My new business cards are done.
Now there's a bunch of little Katies running around the world taking pictures! 


Anonymous said...

i like!!

Abbey said...

Best business cards ever, I'll bet!

dani said...

so adorable! your creativity never ceases to amaze me!

Patchie said...

What a cute and unique idea!

Stella said...

These are beyond amazing. You are amazing. This looks like a heck of fun too!

xx Cheers, Stella/ teaseyourtoes

liz song mandell said...

you are SO delightful!! <3

My Soul Can Dance said...

you just amaze me! :)

Harris Graber said...

Amazing! You are the most creative person I've ever met.

Amanda said...

I love this! So cute! Where did you get the adhesive paper?

flowtops said...

Adorable and a very good idea! Love the shoes, BTW.

ithil said...

Awesome! I love everything you do :D

Monster said...

cute! people will definitely remember u when they see these cards! just goes to show you sometimes the little extra (or in this case quite a bit!) effort will pay off in the long run :)

mummy khadijah said...

Wow!!! speechless! love it love it love it <3

lole ★ laloleblog said...

Spectacular as always!

Insensata! by Laura Sners said...

so creative and unique! i love it!

::kHaiRi:: said...

That is so cool!

Unknown said...

Best business cards ever!!! Love them!!

jodi said...

so great! i absolutely love these!

siniann said...

Best looking business cards ever!

Aniles said...

I am amazed by your creativity and your craft! Btw, how did you cut out the little Katies so perfectly? :D

Anonymous said...

so creative, katie! love them! and great ruffly pink dress, too =)

The Mathews said...

What a great idea! I may have to steal this sometime... I'm always looking for new innovative ways to have my business card. I'm always loving your creative ways and think "Gee, why didn't I think of that?"

Ann Marie said...

So fun :) I love the first outfit! :)

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

that is soooo cute! i love this. you are always sooo inspiring. :)

NicoSchmelling said...

You are very inspiring in a lovely, light and simple way. Your blog makes me smile :)

Connie @ Daydream In Color said...

SO smart! I love the idea of little katies running around in the world taking pictures. Next stop: action figure!

Anonymous said...


Sandy a la Mode said...

heehh this is ADORABLE!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute, I love it.

Anonymous said...

very cute!! do you have any idea about collage?? tryi'n to make one with photos of my with my boyfriend..

Kelli said...

You are so fabulous!

Patricia said...

what a great idea!! They look amazing!! :)

Jennifer King said...

such a doll, you are.

Milla C. said...

Those are awesome!!

elledoubleyouu said...

These are ADORABLE!!!!!

♥ LW

Lola said...

You are too cute. I want one!

Juliet said...

I love these, they are brilliant!

Lynette said...

Love! Great idea, of course :)

Venassa said...

Those are amazing!

Tana said...

Absolutely brilliant!

Coralie said...

WOW so cute and funny I really should do the same !!


Lisa said...

you seem to have such a fun personality... you have fun everyday!

Unknown said...

What an awesome idea. I might have to steal it. ;-)

undomestic mama said...

So cute! Those business cards will be noticed for sure.

Unknown said...

SoOooo cooool!!!! I love your creativity! :D

Lea said...

Nothing wrong with a bunch of Katies running around; everything will definitely be brighter!

*love* your creativity and it makes me smile each time I see a new post on your blog.

:D <--- see what I mean!!!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

Those are SO CUTE! You are way creative! I love it!! (:


mia said...

Such a great idea! They look so cool :)

E V E L Y N said...

these are so cute! x

d said...

OMG! I love them!!

Anonymous said...

Great idea, they are very cute :)

Baysal said...

This is what I like to call creativity ;)

Carola said...

lovely lovely lovely! They are going to rule the world!!



Mirka said...

Katie, you always have the BEST ideas! Where do you get them? :)

Anaïs said...

I love them !!! They are so sweets!!!

seashmore said...

You'll definitely stand out with those. Not that you seem to have any trouble blending in anywhere with your creativity.

Anonymous said...

by far the cutest thing I've seen all day!

Cornelia Leeuwenhart said...

oww can I get one of your cards?
There wow!

Anonymous said...



Call me M said...

What a great idea! I loved it! :)

Joline said...

where did you get the black and pink dress from? I am obsessed with it!!!

Blue Eyed Night Owl said...

Wow, that is really really cool!
I love how sometimes when things don't go as planned, new ideas have a chance to blossom like this:)

J U D I T said...

I wanna see all these self portraits! Maybe you could upload them on Flickr or something? :)

McKenna said...

whoa... this is the most epic idea ever!

Junaluska said...

Such an awesome idea! I have those shoes and I love them.

melifaif said...

You are so fabulous like that. And since I cannot justify the need to spend money on my measly lil ole blog...this is a fantastic way to get the info out to people who do seem interested...thanks kiddo!!! You look oh so lovely...I love these.

PhotoPuddle said...

So cute!

Sierra said...


Cecilia Dillon said...


crystal said...

I love this idea!!! to make my psychologist business cards like this...maybe a couch?! :)

Jean said...

cuuuuuuuuuuuute! i love clear adhesive sheets! i use 'em in my classroom all the time and i have it on my door window so no one can peek through yet still receive light! :)

Anonymous said...

Brilliant idea.

Hyphen Interiors said...


Sparkly Tiara said...

What a fabulous and original idea - well done!

Sister Megan Nielson said...

I read this during class and giggled aloud with excitement. This is truly awesome.

Diane Writes said...

cute and so unique katie!

Anonymous said...

Wow, so cute and clever! Definitely a good way to stay memorable for new clients!

Anonymous said...

maravilhosa!! vocÊ é perfeita!!


Katia said...

That's the most adorable idea, so sweet! You should turn them into collector's items : "Collect all the Katies!" with a variety of outfits to collect ;) heehehee.


Tamara said...

what a wonderful amazing idea!!

Natalia said...

you're amazing :)

Fleur De Moi said...

They look super cute. Good job!

Anonymous said...

so effing awesome!

VICKI IN AZ said...

i just want to be your neighbor for real!! ♥ it, ♥ you.

Anonymous said...

I really want to own one of your business card, pleaaaaase!!!=D

Richard Jesse Watson said...

Very clever Katie!

Anonymous said...


Kademoiselle said...

So cute, I love your ideas ;)))))) all of them ;))

Unknown said...

These are so cute, you never fail to inspire me Katie :)

Louisejoyb xo | Bits&Bobs

Anonymous said...

That's adorable! I really want one of your business cards now~!

{schlawittchen} said...

How gorgeous are those???

alinitaxula said...

Definitely so amazing!!!!

Unknown said...


dieTauschlade said...

adorable! what a pitty that i'm in germany and won't have the chance to come across one of those...

Hanna said...

wow, even your business cards are fun. Great Katie!

Patricia said...

You are so creative! Love you blog :)

shizuoka said...

very creative!

Amy said...

You are beyond F A B U L O U S.. love your blog.

RaeCee said...

Those are to die for!! Love them and so creative!! <3

elyse said...

you're awesome!

Marloes | Bladzijde26 said...

These are fabulous business cards!

Iida said...

Hey, your blog is most beautiful blog ever!! (:

Shea said...

I love these!!! everytime i see you that have a new post it makes my day :)

Sandra said...

Wow! Great cards!

brionyskerjance said...

these are super cute

Amoniel said...

Oh my gosh! Those are so cute, they almost make me want to wear heels! ;)

Pepa said...

your blog is soooooo addictive!!!

Herts Atelier said...

what a fab idea, I love them x

Sarah said...

Your business cards are absolutely adorable Katie!! I love how you can always take something so simple and make it fun.
Also, I LOVE the glittery shoes :)

Dawniepants said...

Oh my goodness I love these so much. What a cute way of personalising a business card. I love cute cards it totally makes me keep them in my wallet for a lot longer!

Brilliant idea, totally inspired.


Aga said...


BLahahaaba said...

that is awesoe! how did you manage to pring the url perfectly on the back in a spoit where it wouldnt be cut off when you cut out the front?
Alicia im Wunderland

Rose said...

This is just awesome! Love your ideas, and the finish product is amazing!

julia wheeler said...

these are ADORABLE!

Maria Ana said...

This is so cool!!! :)
Love the idea!

Maria Ana

Sininho* said...

It's amazing how creative you are!!! So cute the mini- Katies

Frederikke said...

Amazing pictures!

Shara Gomez said...

amazing idea!

Sandra Joyce said...

Quirky. Haha

big hugs from Manila to you, Matt and Moo!

Rosie Slade said...

I love these! I recently did a project which consisted cutting out hundreds of pictures of myself and animating it! Please look at my link below. :) was so fun making it!

Rosie Slade said...

This was my finished video :)

lise said...


Femke said...

These are so cute!

Unknown said...

These are adorable!

carina said...

Love these!!

Kristen said...

oh, i love!
these are so fun and not just the boring business cards.
if you were to give someone they'd definitely remember you from the card alone!

but katie, where on earth did you get that pink dress?
enlighten me, you have fab fashion sense.

Cindi said...

One quick question! How did you take that picture at the very top with your feet and all that stuff around you? Its amazing! :)
Lots of Love,

sarah said...

Sooo adorable! I would love to see some lil katies everywhere.

Victoria said...

haha, this is really cool! x

Judi FitzPatrick said...

amazing idea!

Gotta Love It. said...

these are too cute!!!


Euforilla said...

This is brilliant!!!
I want one! :D

Miki said...

Awe, my, Katie! You always have the most awesome ideas! You're the epitome of inspiration! ;D

Hope you're having a colorful day!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wow! how great your own picture can be your own business card i like it .

Clear business cards

cutebun said...

Awesome idea for a business card!

Digi said...

Great idea! Why not send one by mail to someone off your "followers" list and have them do the same, punch a hole in in thier pictures hand and yours and tie them together and pass it on. After awhile it will be mailed back to you and you can have your own chain of friends to greet you at home everyday. Or you could start with Moo and have them do it with thier pets. Your own little circus.

Anonymous said...

Beyond your creatures are so amazing ,also your picture can be your own business card i like your cute style !!
discount card printing
custom gift cards
plastic card
Scratch Card

hueys said...

wow! they look so absolutely lovely and adorable!

good job! one in a world business cards!


annie said...

This is so cute! And Digi's idea is seriously awesome; imagine if everyone had business cards like this and you exchanged them- you could have a box full of mini-people!

made my day, thank you Katie (and digi)!


Mackey said...

OOOooo.....I LOVE Digis idea!

jonahliza said...

OMG. this is why i love you. your work makes me happy <3

Randi said...

oh my goodness! adorable in all caps!

tisyana said...

love your idea !!!!

Unknown said...

So cute!

lizzie said...

HOLY WHAT. you are freaking cute and creative.

Piperita Patty said...

Really cute! But it helps to look good :P

Me lo dijo Fani said...

Beautyfull blog! Follow you!

Dee Abd said...

I want one of you!!! Send me pls! =D

Unknown said...

how cool! I think this is awesome!


DL Envelopes said...

Superb publishing and excellent good ideas to go with.Will definitely stay tuned regarding info and articles that contain news.We noticed a single article well worth checking out for anyone who is up to this.

A Cup of Sparkle said...


Unknown said...

these are just so cute! what a great idea !

chanel said...

These are simply genius!

Miki Ho said...


A Splash of Ida said...

what a great idea! its so unique and fun!


Harley said...

I totally have those same, sparkly heels! Are they Brash or a different brand? I'm trying to sell mine though because as cute as they are, I can't walk in them!

Unknown said...

So unique and fun. You are absolutely brilliant.

Run With Fashion said...

These are reallly cute!!! LOOVE THIS IDEA!! :D
Nice blog :D

-Eliza :)

Custom Business Cards said...

You have done amazing idea. I love it. Your style is different. Keep it up.

CM said...

So creative :)

Plami said...

These are so lovely! I love them! so creative and brilliant :)


Shutterbug said...

i love making my own biz cards, too! awesome idea! :)

bøger said...

Really your blog is very interesting.... it contains great and unique information. I enjoyed to visiting your blog. It's just amazing.... Thanks very much

Unknown said...

Fun and functional!!! LOVE IT!!

Safdar Ali said...

Sooooo cute. Love them.

Rasel Ahmed said...

I love such card. Really amazing