Gigantic Easter bonnets,

building a little city for Moo to rule over,

my friend Victoria's amazing jello molds ( she just came out with a fun new book! )

a bright hello,

folding paper hearts on the subway and leaving them for someone to find,

name silly straws,
nice pictures! :)
amazing jello!! hahah ;)
So cool! x
You make me.. (and everyone else) happy!
I am so not surprised that your palm print is in the shape of a heart! :)
This is amazing, all of this, all of this blog. I love every single photo you take and all you projects. I wish I was not as lazy and would leave comments everytime you post something amazing like this.
In other words, even if I don't comment - I always read, stare in awe and share. Keep up!
Just love your colourful posts... They make me smile!
awwww haha thanks Jasmine!
i love it! making things to make you and others happy!
also what makes me happy: underserved youth empowered through art classes!
check us out!
Things that make me happy.... visiting your blog for some cheerfulness at the end of a loooooong week :-)
colorful things does make me super happy !
When I'm sad, I just read your blog and then you make me happy :D
lol, fun! :D
Love it! And how does one get silly straws with their name in it? :)
Love this! :)
Cute pictures ^^
Kate tus manos son maravillosas y no es casualidad que en ellas haya un corazón, en todas las cosas que nos mostras hechas con tus manos se ve ese amor... ojala en el mundo hubiesen mas personitas tan especiales como tu!!
Love this!!
you make me cry! cry because you bring lots of joy to my heart!
it wouldn't surprise me your palm is a heart. . . you turn every one's world around! <3 <3 we need more people like around, serious!!!
i love telling friends & family about you! you're an inspiration to life!!!
I love your blog & your life. You make me want to live in colour!
Wow that last photo is amazing. :)
You seem like the COOLEST person to be friends with. i love seeing colour in all of your photos!
You make me very happy each time you post. I love how you brighten so many people's days with your posts! Gigantic Easter bonnets happen to make me the happiest, here are some of my favorites from my day at the parade :) http://dontmisit.blogspot.com/2012/04/parade-of-bonnets.html
thank you for making me smile :)
That is some crazy Jello!
Great photos!
(whisper voice):Your posts make me happy.
the straw is so fun! I want one in my name! :)
I really like how colourful and cheery your pictures are. They inspire me a lot. You blog is definitely one of my favourites!
such inspiring pictures! I love the colours in your house, they're always so bright and I'd love to live with you :DDDDD
your pics always make me so happy ;)
xoxo Jen
Bet your palms show a big heart.
'amo, tu corazon'
Hi Katie! I just saw you in a Tampax ad in Teen Vogue!! It's so fun and so you! I'm so glad you're getting recognition because you're so creative!
i love all those senses, i want to have those senses too
i love this oh so much! you always make my day each time you post!
Katie, this is adorable! I love your blog so much. I always wish my life was more like yours!
You inspired me to make a paper tea party in the hallway of our school. Everyone seems to love it!
I really love your idea of nonpermanent paper art. You get to brighten up others' days without destroying anything in the process!
oooh i'm loving every last bit of this!
Thanks for u Katie, for the first time in years, I fell in love with colors,colors in pictures and in clothes. Now I have lots of inspiration for the summer! You are just so inspiring! Thanks:)
Great post! colorful too....
Super cool and colorful!
Ooh such fun!I love your blog Katie!
i will repeat the 'not so creative' comments many have left before me : I love your blog! :) Seriously.
And I love your dress. You made me buy a skirt and dress in them whenever I go out.
Is your life really this colourful? I'm jealous but I still love your blog!
THINGS THAT MAKE ME OH SO HAPPY: see uhm, 1. reading your blog.. 2. YOUR BLOG! haha you're simply awesome!
you are so sweet ! i love your posts ! keep on sharing it :)
creativity absolut,,,
Thanks for the smiles, and the excellent advice!
The model on the left's headpiece reminds me of something that the wonderful Lady Gaga would wear.
We Love the colours, the happiness; the smiles!
So cool!!!!!
Great inspiration!!
I know what else would make you happy...it's Autumn here in Australia and the colours of the leaves are phenomenal, It truly took my breath away...I've included some pics in my blog post...
Love these post so much! You made my day happy. Thanks for sharing.
ARE YOU ON A SPOTIFY AD?! hahah, i glanced over at my computer screen and i'm pretty sure it was you?! but i moved the mouse and it went away. hahah. if it is COOL! I love that you're getting some attention, cause i've loved your blog for so long, and i mean improv everywhere(is already noticed) and your photography and creative skills should get noticed.
Very creative!
I love your blog! <3
Muy chulas las fotos :)
Gracias por el artículo,
Un saludo,
Francisco M.
Your photos are always so colorful :3, lovely blog ^^
xo L
this post made me happy :-) Hugs
wow really love the photos! they made my day <3
Nice pics...
Oh my God ! In your first picture, she is a lady gaga clone ? xD !!
Katie, I've loved your blog for so long now, and I wanted to leave you a comment to say that I've started a blog that hopefully will be as fun and happiness-inducing as yours! You're an inspiration, really you are :)))
Your blog makes me so happy. :)
One of your posts totally inspired me to leave little love notes all over Golden Gate Park in SF (http://couscoustangerine.com/love-notes-for-strangers/) I'm totally planning on doing more of the same...probably a variation of your project with painted hearts on rocks!
That easter bonnet is hilarious!!
Darling colors! <3
THIS makes me happy! I love your blog!
I like and love to see colorful things in every thing. It is quite relaxing and very entertaining.
I love this collection it makes me happy too :D
reeaaally crazy blogspot ;)
i love that i just saw you in a tampax ad in my people magazine! you're adorable.
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