Wanna know how me and Matty met?

We were both extras on the TV show The Sopranos! The director pulled me and Matty aside and told us we were gonna play a couple in the scene. We fake dated for 10 hours that day and ended up real dating since then!
How did you meet your love?
Wow. I love these things. and hey! I am first to comment here today! Yeppeeeee
and yes! I never met someone I love. Oh God! anyway! happy Valentine's day!
We were on the same track team in college, but only flirted for a year while we were in other relationships. Once we were single it only took a tiny bit of time until we were dating. I expected us to be a small fling, not married for 15 years with two kids!
We met in 3rd grade.... I was new to the school, he knew I was the one then. So 13 years later he let me know that + every since we have been together :)
That is the most perfect "how we met" story!
That is the CUTEST thing I've ever heard! I met my last boyfriend when he approached me in a bar and said "Hi, I read your blog."
That's a very cute story. :D
We met through a six degree of separation. Then boom, he's there, and I'm there. Now we're married.
Sometimes, love finds its way, without anyone trying.
I LOVE that freakin' show!! My husband and I worked for the same boss...so we met at work! We were both going through a divorce at the same time....we had common ground!!
Shared a class in high school and I had a habit of ritualistic gazing toward her. I was very shy, and it took me nearly forever to actually talk to her, but when I approached her, I didn't really talk at all.
She found me on myspace and then we talked a lot more, and over time we couldn't help but fall for each other.
I am totally following this blog, it's adorably amusing.
I love this photo.
We met at 17 & 18 at the library where we both worked :)
We were friends for years and have now been married for 8 years. xx
Now that's a great story.
We met at my boyfriend's Bible study. I went to cheer up (then) boyfriend and my my (now) husband. I don't think I really cheered S. up very much at all.
That is a lovely story. Happy Valentine's Day!
He was being shown around Sydney by a friend (he's from Scotland) and was brought around to my parent's place. My mum invited them both to dinner - and I liked him because he ate all his noodles :)
That's such a sweet story! :)
I met my husband eight years ago through Yahoo! chat - he was in Kuwait and I was in Scotland. We emailed back and forth for five years before being able to meet. Two years ago we got married in India. We live in Scotland now with out beautiful baby girl, Millie. :D
My boyfriend and I first met in AIESEC five years ago.
Then, we met again at a concert he was singing at 2 years ago, we started dating a few months after that :)
I love the post!
My husband and I met while I was working at our family owned coffeehouse. He told me to get the change to him quickly, because he was late -- so I ignored him. I told him that it wasn't my responsibility to make sure he got to class on time. He fell in love that moment, he said LOL We've been together 15 years.
i LOVE your blog. i LOVE your love story. thank you for being one of the many reasons i smile each day!
oh. and i met my boyfriend when i was looking for a place to live and he had a room open in his house. he opened the door and i said "i can't live here". i knew if i did, i'd end up in love with my landlord. i finally DID move in after a year and a half of very S-L-O-W courting - but not into the spare room. :)
We met at heathrow airport. He said : Are you xxxx, I said : It depends, have you seen her before? He said no, and then, i said ok, it's me.
It has been 3 years since 18th february 2006.
I had skipped out in the middle of my work day to go to a friend's springtime picnic. I met him there.
you guys look great together
we met in high school and have been together ever since, with no break ups....that means 24 years of marriage, 2 kids and a total of 27 years of love !!!!
How sweet! I met my love because I had a huge crush on his roommate in college. Through hanging out at his house all the time I ended getting to know Dannon and discovered he was the one I really belonged with, not the roomy. You can see some of our favorite love pics on my blog - www.fillyourwell.blogspot.com
we met while making my peacock costume for halloween at my house. SOme new friends came over and there he was. looked like my type of guy but took us a year to ever go out. Been married 5mo. He is great and still remembers the famous halloween costume:)
I have a very similar story. I was living in KY but drove to Nashville to be an extra in a music video and he was the guitar player for the band. He said he noticed me out of all the girls in the crowd and wanted to meet me. I went to dinner with him and the band that night and continued to meet him on the road for months. I now live in Nashville to be closer to him and we pretty much spend everyday together when is his not on the road.
when we were 12 our parents became friends & went out to dinner leaving us at home to watch a movie. we held hands that night but didn't start dating until 6 years later. i always knew i wanted to marry him--so i did!
Is there anything not cool about you (like I met my love at university, so.. ordinary... lol) Katie?! Great story! Happy valentine's!
We met at Laguna Beach, CA, through mutual friends, became best friends and then 3 years later discovered we had feelings for each other and started dating. A month into our relationship, he got a job offer in Houston and moved! So we had a long distance relationship for 2 years!!! But now we are finally together!
I was working as a pretzelgirl, he was staring at me all night, god, he was the cutest thing i've ever seen - then he bought a pretzel and made a heart out of it....so in love ever since.
We met in a bar in Savannah GA while I was n Art School. I turned him down when he asked for my number, because my best friend/roomate liked him too.
I still had a big crush on later when I was leaving and moving to CA by myself.
4 years later he happened to be living in CA too, and stumbled upon me on Friendster [remember Friendster?!]
Almost 5 years later he is my best friend and love of my life!
Wow! that is incredible!
I met my love at my step-brother's graduation party in 2005. The was visiting from Pennsylvania and neither of us knew anyone at the party except my step-brother, who was busy being the star, so we decided to hang out. Instand best friends. Unfortunately, since she lived so far away we didn't see eachother for 2 years but then reunited after and dated for a while. Everything was perfect.. until she made an immature decision. To make a long story short, we're no longer dating. But that's how it happened!
That is awesome!! Great story and I love that photo!! I love all your photos, so full of color (duh), but I just love it! They always make me smile!
Oh, awesome story!!
okay, long story short: i met my love at an organic grocery store...i worked there part time, he shopped there full time.
he decided to bring me flowers...twice. and i wasn't working either day. the people i worked with would tease me when i did come in, telling me "that guy" came in again, asking for me.
finally one day he came in, wearing a shirt that said
"where's ____?" (my name, ha ha)and brought flowers. again.
he said he was tired of asking the cashiers where i was.
he is so cute!!
We saw each other on BART in San Francisco for months and one day I finally said Hi! Ten years and one cute kid later, we are still in love! Thanks mass transit.
I met my love at a skateboard contest........We have been going strong every since then......
Wow, that might be the best "how we met" story ever.
i met my love at a poetry birthday party... we talked of our seperate hitchhiking stories and a week later i asked him to drop his trip to japan and instead come to guatemala with me. i thought we´d get there in 4 months and its been 10 and were still in Mexico... Much love, my lady Katie.
Dude, that is killer awesome.
we grew up together. sorta. i hated her for thirteen years because i thought she was mean. then she found me again on myspace, we started talking, and even though she was engaged at the time and i tried my damndest to push her away, it happened. it's still new, but it's also really amazing.
Wow! I've been a long time visitor but just HAD to comment now - the way I met my Sig O was similar...but different!
I was an extra on the set of a friend's short film (definitely not an HBO production) and was to flirt in the background with a gorgeous, suave guy. We tested so many cheesy pick-up lines on each other that we ended up dating...until I was dumped.
One night while I was moping, my best friend pulled me out of my room, and I met my current boyfriend at the party we wandered to! In...the bathroom! Four years later we're still together.
Yay love!
that is such a cute story! I'm loving all these other stories that commenters have left. Mine is comparatively boring, maybe I should make a crazy one up haha! :P
Jeez, and it must be kind of funny because everyone knows that show too! Must mean you have similar interests, that's one way to make sure!
As for us two we met at a sand castle competition at university. We were on the same team in frosh week and my parents' place was near the beach, so I wanted to go get shovels to make our sculpture massive :) But no one wanted to go or would even answer me on my big team when I said that(!). Until he volunteered to come and walk with me...and said later he knew that day that he would marry me. We got to my parents' place and my little sister who was about 11 blurted "is that your boyfriend!?" First day I'd ever seen him and I could have strangled her :) 6.5 years and two continents later and we're still together!
We met when we were kids, at junior high, I was 11 he was 13... back then I thought he was way too strange, then he became my best friend through highschool, he was the only person I ever trusted to read my poems... I lost track of him for years, he moved to another city, I moved to another country... then, 7 years ago we started bumping into each other out of the blue everywhere, on overseas travels: I took a picture of Notre Dame and he was in it!... at the doctor... vacationing with my family: my mom was staring at a beautiful rock in the ocean, he was climbing it!... at the supermarket he grabbed the same papaya... at a friend's wedding he was in the band!
Suddenly he was everywhere... after a few months I understood the signs and asked him out... TADA! True True Love!
that's an adorable picture! Josh and I met in middle school, and started dating in high school :)
I checked my husband in for his flight at the airport. He arrived 10 minutes too late and I had to rebook him for 2 hours later. we flirted a bit and a week later on his way back he stopped and got my phone number. we have been married for almost 8 years:)
love your blog!
My boyfriend and I met while I was an RA (resident assistant) in his friends dorm. We stayed up the next two nights talking, a couple weeks later I was his first kiss, and that was 3 years ago :-D
We worked together. I was the intern; he was a surveyor. We saw each other 'professionally' over beer and fries for six months. It was only after I left to go back to school that we started to see each other 'not so professionally.'
Well there's two things. The first time I ever saw him was my freshman year in high school and he had a goofy haircut, and funny glasses, and I swear everything went into slow motion. I didn't know him, but I was hooked.
A couple weeks later I was at a movie with my friends and he was there, we sat on the opposite end of a group of friends, but throughout the whole movie we were catching glimpses of each other.
With many breakups, and growing processes, we're together staying strong. I love him so much. :]
He sat next to me in a school play. It was winter, and he took his hat off and shook his hair out. Little droplets of water got all over my face, and he tried (very nervously) to get them off.
I love your blog.
WOW! How cool! :D
I was DRAGGED to a party and I met this guy who just laughed and poured drinks. 2 days later I don't know what I was thinking I called him and asked him on a date [that never happened] and that's where it started, almost 3 years ago
that is crazy cute. my boyfriend lived just across the hallway from where my ex lived...so we had coffee together a couple of times before even realizing that the universe would have the guts to pull off a trick like that!
Richard and I went to middle school together but never really talked. In high school we became great friends and he asked me out but I said no. After high school we lost touch when he joined the Marines. When he returned from Iraq we got back in touch through a mutual friend and have been together since. I love him more everyday.
Me and my hubby met though Everquest , the Mass multiplayer fantasy game, in 2002. He's form the UK and I'm from Israel, so after talking on MSN for 6 months he decided to come over to Israel for a few short visits, then he quit his job and came over for 7 months. Eventually I finished my army service and moved over to the UK where we got married in 2005. We celebrated our 5 year anniversary in February :)
oh my g o d. presh.
My boyfriend is in my brother's band and has been since I was 15/ he was 20. They all treated me like a little sister; he taught me how to throw a punch and would throw me over his should an spin while I yelped.
Then 7 years later, they were playing a show and I saw him singing and thought, "wow, he's cute!" I courted him for many months before he finally agreed that we were meant for each other!
I don't know if you still read this far ahead, but your blog has put a gigantic grin on my face all day!
It feels like I've known him forever, but we met 5 years ago. My sis and I were the new girls at church, being introduce to everybody and we became friends with him and his brother. After 3 years, we were best friends, my mom was asking me "are you really sure you're not dating him?" and one day he walked me home after band practice and said he had a decent proposal to make me. It's been 2 years since then and I couldn't be happier.
Cutest story ever! Were you extras together (or apart) in any other show?
My husband (who's from Switzerland) and I (from NJ) were matched to each other by Rev. Sun Myung Moon in Korea. Sounds totally unromantic and brainwashed, but to put THAT much faith into one's faith is, in my mind, incredibly romantic... sorta transcends romance really. Three years later, we are genuinely in love, and would do it all over again. :)
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