Tuesday, December 8, 2009

MAD Museum

This Thursday I'm going to be a guest artist at the Museum of Art and Design!
If you live in nyc, come by for a night of hands-on art with myself and three other artists, live music, drinks, and a tour of the museum (which has an amazing exhibit on paper art!). It would be great to meet you and make some fun projects together. I may even break out some dance moves, wooooo!

Read about the details here.


Jair RIvera said...

Hi Katie, again around here, my name is Jair and I'm from mexico, a small town called Coatzacoalcos, I'm your fan and I hope you continue posting more incredible things, the truth is I like doing things like that you have your, your boyfriend and all your friends, my girlfriend and me like to see what they do, hope someday to know though whether by mail, greetings ... affectionate hug from mexico

XW said...

wish i lived closer! i'd totally be there!

Jair RIvera said...

If you get to have time, please send me an email, so at least know if I leave the messages and comments receive them ... my mail is dino_73@hotmail.com, also I have a page ... well, actually are 2, www.raptopolis.ya.st www.dixcineproducciones.blogspot.com and hope to hear from you soon, greetings to your boyfriend your videos are great ...

carolion said...

you're inspiring.

Glamour Diaries said...

Oh, how exciting! congrats Katie on the opportunity! I wish I lived closer by as well. I'm just a little ways north of you, from the Maritimes in Canada.
Let us know the turn out and how you enjoyed your evening!
Keep up the great work!

Sue said...

I wish I lived close enough...I would be there!


L'oeuf qui chante said...

Congratulations! I wish I lived in New-York to be there! I hope it'll be a wonderful night :)

Maria-Thérèse ~ www.afiori.com said...

If I had some more cash I'd fly straight over! Sounds like fun!

linnykins said...

Woohoo! Sounds like fun!! Gutted that NYC is a bit too far from here, otherwise I'd totally go.

Dance moves for the win!

Georgia Jones said...

Oh, how I wish I lived in NYC! Sounds like a great time and I know you will sparkle : )

Mélodie said...

Ohh That's too Bad i live in France, I would have loved to see this!!!

Elaine said...

Hi Katie! Do you have an inkling as to how long the event will last? I have a final on Thursday night, but would love to come afterward, if it lasts long enough!

P.S. Love your work! :)

thingsonmymindgrapes said...

O no! I just left New York yesterday and am making my way back to Egypt tomorrow night! Totally would have been there to see you bust out some smooth moves. Congrats though, hope it goes well!

Carolina said...

Wow! I went to see the paper exhibition and went back 2 more times...It's really beautiful. I'll be there tomorrow, would love to meet you!

Raptor Plateado said...

Hi Katie... this is my new site..

Paula said...

oooooh, so bad i'll miss that! i wish i could come.. hope you all have a great time! :)

wedogmomma said...

Oooooo, please come to SF.

elenitalokita said...

Congratulations from Spain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and good luck!!!!

Liz Meehan Neighbors said...

i hope my daughter and i can come when/if you do this again....i love your wonderful whimsical spirit! your parents must be so cool to have fostered this joyous free spirit! thanks.

May said...

I hope the event went well. I wish I lived in NYC.
I also wanted to comment on your nail polish. I love that you're so gutsy to paint your fingernails in such lovely colors. I normally paint only my toenails in different colors.

Stel.la said...

it sounds sooo great...I wish i could be there...!
Great works!

Elmarie said...

A friend of mine showed me your blog and I just had so much fun looking through it!! You are clearly very talented and have great creative ideas that are fun and funny! Keep up the good work :)