Saturday, December 5, 2009

Winter is coming!

It may be freezing outside but there's a million reasons to love winter: hot chocolate, pretty christmas lights, excuses to get lots of warm hugs...

My favorite thing is that I get to wear fun colorful tights!

So let's play a game, what's your favorite thing about winter?
I'm going to send a little present in the mail to whoever has the loveliest answer. I will pick someone on Wednesday so make sure to put your email or a link to your blog in the comments so I can contact you!


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Nicole said...

i definitely love winter a little more because of the fun scarves that i get to wear!

Becca said...

snuggling with someone special

Corynne Escalante said...

i love winter because i get to wear scarves and coats and hats and mittens. And because winter is the time that starbucks brings out their red cups. For the excuse to sit by warm fires and do puzzles and make cookies and invite people over. And because its so fun to watch my two little ones so excited over Christmas and cookies and lights. And because it is when we celebrate that Jesus was born! there's a lot to like about winter...

Mica White said...

I like winter because it's a chance to eat delicious frozen water off the ground! :D

But I seem to always get scolded by my friends for doing so.

5 or 15, time never changes. :/

Elisabeth said...

Winter is knitting season for me - mittens, scarves, shawls, hats, oh my! And I get to shop for lots of yummy yarn, which is always excellent! :)

Jennifer said...

I love winter because we get to experience a season other than hot. We get to pretend that we are almost in another land and buy heavy jackets and scarves and mittens, to go outside when it is only 60 degrees. That is cold for us in the desert you see. We revel in winter. Winter refuels us. :)

Lizzie said...

I love winter because I believe it is filled with so many magical things to lift one's heart/spirit.

Like, making snow angels in freshly falling snow. I love to do this. As I am swinging my arms and legs on the ground, I make a wish up to the sky for a better life, filled with love.

And how about, walking out in the falling snow underneath a bright streetlight, throwing your head back and catching snowflakes? What a marvelous magical feeling!!


Barb said...

I love going to bed when the air has that "going-to-snow" smell and waking up to a new world completely blanketed and muffled with snow!!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I love winter because the cozy flannel sheets on the bed make Sunday morning sleep-in's even better since it is a warm cocoon for a snuggle fest between me, my hubby, little girl and pug! In my cold winter world, life just doesn't get better than this!

Liz said...

Honestly when I was younger I loved winter because there was this ridiculously romantic quality to walking in the freshly fallen snow on a January night or the cozy appeal of Christmas lights fighting off the early, long nights.

And then when I had my first son three years ago I started to hate winter. The cold. The slush. The ice. We couldn't play outside. Then a year ago when I had my second son I hated it even more. Bah humbug!

But! This past Thursday we had our first real snow of the season. My 3 year old son was enchanted. He was beyond thrilled to put on his new boots to make footprints in the snow. We got a huge tub of snow inside for him to "cook" with. And he was so excited to make a snow angel that he literally just flopped into a snowbank in my mom's front yard to make his first one.

So this year I am loving winter through the eyes of my son who is really seeing it for the first time.

Wojtek said...

The scent of a Sunday morning, when you stay in warm bed while outside the snow keeps falling, the taste of hot tea when you come to your warm house, the sound of your family coming home for X-mass, the view of the city hidden deep under white snow...and the idea of spring that is about to come in a few months. I think these are (at least) some of the reasons to be in love with winter :)

- - - said...

I love winter because it's the time of year when everyone is just a little bit nicer to each other... sure, chaos often ensues at places like shopping malls... but I think you're more likely to get a warm smile from a stranger when holidays, glowing lights, and hot chocolate are present :-) I think strangers should be as warm and thankful all year 'round, no matter the season!

Give thanks y'all :)


GeoWulf said...

Jennifer is right. In Arizona, winter refuels us.

I especially love backyard campfires, s'mores, and singing around the fire.

It's just not fun to do in the HEAT. ;-)

Kelli said...

Winter (here on the gulf coast, the season is short) is usually a time of reflection for me, compared to the chaos of the rest of the year. Ironic, I realize, since the Christmas season is busy for most. But this is the time of year that I find myself making an extra effort to dream, plan out the new year, do more charity work, and count my blessings.

Happy Winter!
Kelli @

lindsey said...

i love winter.

1. snow cream: leave a cup outside and let it fill up with snow. add milk and maple syrup. stir. your very own sweet slushy.
2. egg nog.
3. wearing layers of clothing that dont even match. i.e. dressing like a homeless lady.
4. spending time inside with the fire on, watching it snow outside.

Sue said...

I love winter because I get to go spend 2 weeks with my daughter. She works for Disney and can't come home for, we spend Christmas with THE MOUSE and the greatest kid (25, but still my kid) that anyone could ever dream of. It is very hard to let your best friend move 1000 miles away, but there is nothing quite like watching your child live out their dream.

Rach said...

Everyone chooses to be warm and cozy in the winter! Waking up to the sound of the heater, slippers, giant blankets, fires, tights, hats, goes on forever, all to get warm!

The Reeds said...

Cuddling with my husband!

Trisarahtops and Aviators said...

I love Winter because I can go home to my family. I am at school in city that is about five hours away, so I spend all year waiting to go to my real home. My favourite moment is after I get off of the long train/plane/bus ride I get a big, warm group hug from all my favourite people. I cry every time.

linnykins said...

I love people watching in my favourite cafe during winter- hot drink in hand, with a fire, watching people with umbrellas and wearing coats walk around outside.

Amy said...

Among other reasons, winter is awesome because everyone is so cheery and there is this strong sense of oneness between us all. Plus, all the sparkly lights! :)

Pretty in a Power Suit said...

I agree that fun tights are a highlight of winter, but I particularly love the season because of the cheerful spirit that everyone embraces. Suddenly everyday seems happier with chocolate, hot cocoa, mittens, snuggles and twinkle lights...all to the soundtrack of Christmas music.

Fa la la la la...

liv said...

Do I have to pick one thing?? There are so many!
First, the snow.... it transforms everything into a sort of fairyland. Second, my cozy sweaters, scarves, and fluffy boots!
Third, Snowflakes. They amaze me.
I could come up with 100 other reason, but it's late and this will have to do =)

beth said...

what I love about has to be the ability to stay inside and cocoon and nest and hibernate without any explanations to anyone as to why they haven't seen you in weeks...

you don't have to shave your legs or even your armpits for that matter and if your upper lip doesn't get waxed, no worries there either since you haven't seen anyone....

and if you want to live in your pajamas and fuzzy socks, you can.

best of all, with all that hibernating, your closets get organized and your files get organized....

well, at least in wisconsin that's how we do winter :)

Olivia said...

In the winter, we do not turn up the heat at night so it is super cold outside the warmth of our quilts. I co-sleep with my littlest twin daughters and when the alarm wakes us to get the oldest girls to school, we spend a few extra minutes cuddling and giggling before starting our day!

samantha said...

fave thing about winter? making smores around a bonfire with friends...and christmas parades.

Chelsea said...

My favorite thing about winter is the fact that it is the only time of the year when my best friend and boyfriend come home from school, and I can finally feel complete. :)

Katherine said...

Eskimo kisses!

They are just not the same if there is more skin exposed than your face.

είσαι το πιο λευκό χρώμα απ' τις σκέψεις μου said...

I love winter because when it snows it's like the world stops for a moment. I love to take myself out in the midde of a ball field or something equally secluded and just.... take it all in. Chilly cold breaths in an ethereal world with snow falling on my face!!

. said...

my favorite thing about winter is cutting out millions of paper snowflakes to decorate my apartment

Taunya said...

I'm not sure how well this reflects on my parenting, but one of the many many reasons I love winter is because that is when "Jingles" our families ELF ON A SHELF works his magic. He is here all day to listen and watch so he can return to the North Pole each night to report to Santa all of the goings on in our house. Well - this time of year in our house there might be a game of Candyland that occurs without bickering, or you might find shoes in their cubbies, or quite possibly you will find children who chew with their mouths closed and sweet sibling interactions and joy and laughter and happily ever after. Ahh I love winter because I love JINGLES!!!!

{ CopyStrands } said...

My favorite thing about winter is carving figure eights into a frozen pond under the afternoon sun.

Amy said...

I love winter because it means snuggling, hot chocolate, and giving. There seems to be more selflessness this time of year. I love it--I only wish it would last all year long.

P.S. LOVE your blog!

Jen and Julz said...

One of my favourite things about winter is wearing colourful tights too!

But another is that despite the cold and the wet and consumerism, everyone seems happy and cheery and light, reflections of the snow or something, I guess.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MD said...

1. Wearing brightly colored clothes - I love standing out against a drab gray sky.
2. Walking home from a long, hectic day of classes - snowflakes dancing through the air around me. So peaceful.
3. Starbucks caramel apple cider.
4. Enjoying all sorts of traditions with my family - silly, meaningful, bizarre, and delightful.
5. Love so thick in the air you can taste it.

Meg said...

Oh that's such a loaded question... there are so many reasons i love winter! i think winter is so wonderful because you have so many reasons to act like a kid again. impromptu snowball fights, getting dressed up in so many layers of clothes that you can't bend your arms and legs, and you can wear the dorkiest toques and mittens and they are adorable, running around in the snow & making snow angels, singing silly songs, ice skating, building snowmen, getting excited about presents, drinking hot chocolate... i love it so much! and no one thinks you're ridiculous, because they're all doing it too! :)

Yard Sale Princess said...

I LOVE is my favorite season. I love it for so many reasons! The sound of the rain tip tapping on the roof lulling me to sleep. The cuddles under snuggly blankets with my two kids. Constant cups of hot tea and hot cocoa. Watching the wonder and delight in the faces of my kids as they experience all the wonders of winter for the first time...marshmellows in their hot cocoa, visits to the snowy mountains, catching rain drops on their tongues, jumping in puddles and putting on mittens for a walk around the neighborhood! All of these things make winter my absolute favorite season!

Elena said...

I love winter because of the giving spirit. For some reason, it always hits me to give, give give around December, and I'm thankful for it.

Rizel said...

because we spend more time indoors and get to focus, with less distractions, on yummy family LOVE!!

jessie said...

My favorite thing about winter is that the yucky bugs are all dead so I can go on adventures outside and not find creepy crawlies on my head!

Also, this is strange, but winter and Christmas remind me a lot of the 1940's and I LOVE the 1940's... mostly for the movies and the "feel". Nick and Nora? I think so.

Unknown said...

I love the quiet you get in the morning when it's snowed heavily during the night. It just seems as if the whole world is sleeping, and then you snuggle deeper into your warm bed.

carly mary said...

i love the winter for the rosey-wind-kissed cheeks.

Whittney and Ryan said...


Yael S said...

the color of the night sky when it snows. the quiet it brings.

Christen said...

I love going outside, seeing smooth, just fallen snow, and running like mad to make lovely tracks everywhere.

That, and snow angels!

Lesa said...

I love how the entire world changes into a completely different place. Walking around your neighborhood feels like you've stepped into a movie, and you're so sure you'll see a little elf pop out from behind a tree and ask you to visit the Island of Misfit Toys with him.



Emilia said...

we have a small octagon shaped sunroom at my family's house, and when it snows, it feels like we're inside a snowglobe!

Leslie said...

I love winter because I love a good snuggle: with my husband, my baby boy, or my kitties. Sometimes all of them at once.

nicoleann said...

I love winter because, when I witness the first snowflakes, I feel like I'm coming home! Winter brings me back to when I was a small child, finding the magic in snowmen and the adventure in finding the perfect snow hill. I'm from Chicagoland but go to school in the South so there isn't nearly the same amount of snow. (They already have two inches back home!)
When I get home, I can't wait to bundle up in my huge puffy coat, striped mittens, and coral hat!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this time of year because the air is cold and fresh. Because I get to drink hot cocoa in front of a crackling fire.
Because my house always smells of pine and the baked goodies I'm testing out for Christmas gifts. Because snow and ice makes everything sparkle.

Celeste said...

One word: cuties.
You know, those aptly named tiny citrus fruits they sell in big bags. I go through 'em like candy. Six or seven a day. Now my four year old girl loves them too and we just sit & peel cuties together & watch the snow fall.
Plus they smell like heaven as you peel them.

Jenny O. said...

I love getting up early with the kids on "snow days" and waiting to see their school name scroll across the screen. Sure, we could just pop onto the internet and find out right away if school is canceled, but there is nothing better than snuggling into bed while you wait for your schools' name on the TV. Then, the excitement of seeing their school name and knowing that we're in for a day of snowy fun.

Jiva said...

My favorite thing about winter is how, late at night, after it snows, everything sort of glows. The blanket of snow kind of shrouds the blackness of the night, and when you walk outside everything is calm. Every time you pass a street lamp the snow on the ground glitters, and if it is still snowing the light reflects like sprinkles of diamonds falling through the air. If you stop for a moment and listen, all you can hear is the stillness.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

We don't get snow in South Africa so I would have to say the best thing about winter here is snuggling up to my Boerewors at night under my goose down duvet with my electric blanket on.

Its so cosy and romantic.

La Esposa said...

I grew up in CA, but am currently living in Utah while my husband and I finish school. I'd have to say my favorite part of winter in Utah is:

Getting up early enough to see fresh untouched fallen snow. I love how peacefully quiet everything becomes and how it almost 'muffles' the town. It is absolutely beautiful.

bonnieblue said...

I have a distinct memory from childhood of standing outside in the dark and the cold, having lost track of time and played into the night, and looking through my kitchen window at the warm glow of lights and the figures of my mother and father preparing dinner. I wanted to stand outside forever just basking in the glorious anticipation of the warmth, coziness, and love that was waiting for me inside. Winter makes me think of home.

Sadie Marie said...

My favorite thing about winter is the fresh blanket of snow that brightens the ground, it makes boots crunch as you walk, and everyone hustles about in their coats and bright hats.

Marina said...

I love the winter because the food tastes better, the bed is softer, and the snow bounces light from the moon.

Carrie said...

I've never actually seen snow so I can't really connect with everyone else's white Christmases.

I guess my favorite part of Winter would be Christmas Eve.
For some reason, no matter how old you get, you still can't sleep.


Liz said...

I love winter because I love the feeling of hearing the newscaster tell me that school will be canceled tomorrow. I love the joy of seeing the first snow of the season and then spontaneously running outside without a coat, scarf, hat, or gloves, just so I can dance in circles and catch snowflakes on my tongue (the first snow is always the sweetest). I love the feeling of the cold air that fills my lungs (even if it hurts sometimes) and the sight of snowflakes covering my black hair, making me look as if I aged 60 years. Most of all, I love laughing with my friends as we run across the white field with thermoses of hot chocolate, sliding on the frozen lake without a worry in the world.

Dawn Tan said...

I love winter! Cause I can dream of snow ( does not really snow in Australia, where I am ) !

I can set up my camping tent in the hall, along with my boyfriend, pile all our warm fluffy quilts in our little tent, light fairy lights all around on the outside, and snuggle inside, under all the comfy quilts, with a mug and flask of thick hot chocolate ( with marshmallows of course! ) And pretend we live in an igloo in the north pole, and imagine our fairy lights are actually beautiful auroras.

jessymessy said...

i love winter because i love the holiday decorations! all the buildings, trees, streets, people, windows... are all dressed up and make me smile.

Audrey PM said...

When I wake up and there's a snow storm, I just stay late in bed, play music and read. I tried to illustrate such a cozy day with this picture I took:

Formerly known as Frau said...

I love winter because of the crisp winter air and the smell of fireplaces burning. Knowing everyone is inside gathering with their love ones snuggling by the fire. I love the excuse to make soups and bake breads all the comfort foods.
Have a wonderful Sunday.

Audrey Jaye said...

I love:

- How crisp the air smells and feels.
- The way you feel when you're inside and warm making cookies or drinking Cider and it's freezing outside.
But mostly...
- Falling asleep on my couch with my winter blanket and a purring cat.

Anonymous said...

i love winter because i can wear my tights with cowboy boots and my royal purple scarf my mum knitted me.
Winter also means drinking lovely red wine by a fire and playing cluedo while the rain pours down outside.
& of coarse...jumping in puddles!!!


Chanelle said...

ah winter!
California is beautiful in the winter. In the winter it rains, washing away the ugly dirtiness of Southern Cali. The streets mirror the fresh new view of the city (Riverside), a picture of powder capped mountains and tall architecture at their base.
The air is crisp and is chilly when inhaled deeply through the nostrils.
My favorite thing to do during a California winter is to snuggle up next to a blazing, raging fire at home with a cup o' tea and watch christmas movies with my mom and sisters. Or I like to take a leisurely walk downtown by the Mission Inn which is decked out in Christmas lights and decorations.

I love winter. :)

Unknown said...

When your toes and nose get so, so cold from being outside and then coming in and having rosy cheeks!

katieleigh said...

our christmas is summer here in australia, but i love winter because nothing beats hot chocolate w/ marshmellows accompanied by a rainy night with boardgames around an open fire. winter can really bring people together and i love that.

Chris said...

The best thing about winter has to be having a real fire in the grate! It's made better to watch the dogs get as close as possible - the chocolate labrador lays her head on the hearth!

Shokoofeh said...

Hey, who doesn't love a girl who is hidden in her big handmade scarf, and smells like snow!

a work in progress said...

wow! you get a LOT of comments when a pressie is in the offing ;)

down here, we are just heading into a long hot summer, followed by a short only slightly-less-hot winter. After growing up in England I miss Winter, so I console myself with collecting snow-domes wherever I travel. actually, a friend brought one back from NY for me last winter (your winter that is!)

Stay warm, sending you sweaty hugs from Queensland, Australia :)

Erica said...

This is my second Christmas on Maui. I live here with my boyfriend and his family. I will tell you that my favorite thing about winter here on Maui are the huge waves! You defnitely know winter is here! :)

Mrs. Z said...

I love winter because people are kinder, the city gets covered with a blanket of pure white dotted with lights of every color, pumpkin pancakes make their annual appearance at Village Inn, and my husband, daughter and I have an excuse to curl up in bed on a Sunday morning and cuddle with our cats for as long as possible before facing the day. But my very most favorite part of winter? Dragging my toddler through the snow on a sled to Daniels of Paris for hot cocoa and pastries! A little slice of heaven right here in Denver.

Sunshine Sarah said...

Oh, geesh... why I love winter? Because I like it when the big city is covered in white, I simply love all the spectacular little lights that everyone hangs on their houses, on the buildings, on their doors, those beautiful decorations. I love this season because of the winter break, I can go home and see my folks and have that lovely Christmas dinner with them! My grandma's house is always full of goodies! Oh, and I simply adore wearing skirts and dresses in winter (donno why, but only in winter!) and those warm and BIG scarves! And mittens! (my friends call me "mittens"because of this) I like winter's cold air... I like breathing it, just strolling around in the park and breathing it.
And... sigh... I love winter because in winter I usually fall in love. Deeply and foolishly in love! It's the only time of the year I kinda let myself to fall in love. But I never regret it.
And I also love winter because I'm born in winter; but I'm never as cold as winter is. I'm more like a flower in December... I guess that's why all my friends and family love me.

Anonymous said...

My favourite thing about winter is KNITTING and comfortable woolen clothing. SNOW and SKIING, not feeling guilty about staying inside all day!
In Norway the winter season is long, dark and cold, so it's important for us to remind ourselves about the good things it brings!
It also makes me appreciate the SUMMER when it finally comes!

Your blog is very inspirational! Thanks for that.

Healthy Shift Worker said...

It's got to be sitting by a fire with friends and toasting marshmellows. There is nothing like it!

myszy said...

because it's fun watching people carrying (too) heavy Christmas trees home and doing other things which otherwise they'd find ridiculous.

Dora said...

What I love about winter the most, is the afternoon walks. We often take walks and like to watch the christmas decorations of others. Sometimes we see the christmas tree lights through their windows and the orange-yellow warmth of the fireplace. All the love that surrounds families at this time of the year is just wonderful.

Anonymous said...

this year is the third year that i'm making little advent calenders in 2 matchbox. i love to imagine and create them for friends and family! here are some photos of the content in 2oo7 and 2oo8 (on the right sides are the explanations - unfortunately in german. but if you have any questions just contact me ;)):

Unknown said...

my favorite thing in winter is christmas eve, the cold outside and me and my big family insside, at grandma's house. This year she won't be with us because we have one more star in the sky...
But we are gonna be together, as always, eating sweet things, listening christmas songs and thinkin she was the best


Anonymous said...

ps the matchboxes look like this:




Ioana said...

i like when my highschool mates and i go carol singing to my ex-teachers. it's so nice. to get together and remember high-school. can't wait to do this again this year. it's more about hanging out together and chit-chating and sharing life

Anisor said...

I arrived to Madrid from Gijón yesterday. And here winter has already came: it´s cold, there is snow on top of the mountains, people wears hats ands scarves... but above all wintery things, I love when I exhale and a white puff cames out from my mouth, as if I were a dragon!

Lauren said...

I love the fresh feel of the cold air first thing in the morning and playing possum inside blanket cocoons.

ariadna said...

my favourite thing of winter is holding a cup of hot coffee/tea/chocolate in my hands... it is even better than drinking it! :)

Unknown said...

because in col winter days, grundy(my cat)sleeps with me :)

Anonymous said...

I like winter because everything slows down because of the weather... frosty mornings everything is coated in a sugary coating and looks so beautiful. You can see your breath while you breathe through your scarf and 5 layers you wear to go out.

Winter, the time when you have days over xmas to spend with the ones you love and exchange gifts. Finally able to catch up without the worry of work getting in the way and you can finally relax a little.

KwoONZz said...

im staying at a country where there is no winter.. just the rain and hot sun each day.. so winter seems to be a very white and pure place i would like to be in ^^ a plus one cause i like white colour!!

Just so, i would like to really see and feel the snow myself once when i grow older ^^

Joy said...

I love getting to see family and having a vacation from work and school. I also love pumpkin spice everything!

Alabinbonban said...

eat roasted chestnuts in the streets, wearing my woolen hat with pompoms and arrive home to warm my boyfriend's feet under the blankets!! mmmm!!! i love winter!!


Teenage Tri Queen said...

I love winter, because it is the time of year that everyone gets along. It always seems that people are wishing strangers a Merry Christmas wherever they are. It is just really nice to see people getting along.

I also love wearing scarves, and colorful and crazy knee socks. Cuddling under warm balnkets while watching Christmas movies, and sipping a nice hot chocolate.

I also love counting down the days until my birthday ( which is Christmas day :) )

Anonymous said...

I love that I get to bundle up in layers and look like a little micheline man--but don't we all? I love having my sleds in my garage just in case we might have snow( I live in GA)! I love waking up early to the sunrise, realizing how early it is and curling back up into my warm bed and sleeping a little longer. I love the hot chocolate that I have to put ice cubes in just to be able to drink it. I love going snow tubing with my dad, even if I pretend to hate it each year. But most of all, I love everything that is for the winter from decorating the tree to the freezing cold I might complain about.

Taylor said...

I love the crispness of cold air, and the comforting quiet of a snowfall.

peachey said...

more than its twinkling lights, ornaments made from popsicle sticks, and a quilt wrapped at its base, it is the scent of an evergreen in the house that makes me smile most.

Tricia Orchard said...

Building snowmen & making snow angels with my kids. I am not sure who likes it more, me or them. Winter is magical when you have kids.

Tricia :)

Mara said...

winter means more blankets on the bed and more snuggles to stay warm!

abcgirl said...

i love winter because of all the cozy. cozy days snuggled up in a blanket on my hammock chair reading a book, the cozy smell of a loaf of bread baking in the oven, cozy warm hand-knitted socks.... those things aren't nearly as much fun in the summer!

Lunacy said...

I love winter because of christmas. The hapiness to find the perfect gift which will make somebody smile, christmas trees & lights everywhere, being just a child during december's month.
I love to drink a hot chocolate with my mother and talking about everything, and i'm definitly in love with snow. Even if, in my small town snow is rare , when it snows you can see everyone in the street, storekeepers are playing and trying to make the best snowman. We share something during few hours.

In winter, simple things are the best. (;

Oana said...

winter is my favourite season because it seems that it's the only time of the year when not only little children believe in santa, but grown people too. and everyone is on the street happy, smiling and careless.

also, when it snows outside, night turns into a beautiful shiny, cold day and every colour on the street seems brighter because of the contrast and reflection of light in the snow :D

i love to snuggle in my bed, with hot chocolate, my fluffy cat and carols in the background and read my box of old memories from school ^^ like little notes we sent during class and test i've failed.. stuff like that

Same New Story said...

catching snowflakes on my tongue. and my boyfriend's rosy cheeks from the cold. he looks tooo cute with rosy cheeks.

Ari Scott said...

Waking up to a snowstorm and having nowhere to go!

Jennywenny said...

I love that my kitty wants to snuggle more now that its cold!

Anonymous said...

the loveliest thing about the winter is the moment you wake up on a december morning and wonder why it is so bright in your room. Then you look outside and see that it's snowing, everything is white and christmas lights are shimmering through the snow. And that is the best time to drink a hot chocolate with marshmallows in bed.

Chloe Eakle said...

I love waking up in the morning and being blinded by the fluffy white snow and seeing my kitty cat's reaction, where she normally eyes it evilly, and stays in the house all day.
I love the feeling that there will be no school today and I can spend it relaxing and thinking of something fun to do(:

Dylan said...

I love winter because of the smell of snowy evergreens, because of how stores let their normally black-uniformed employees where red and green and antlers and how everything becomes just a little cozier. :)

Jackie said...

We are from Venezuela, and now we live in Montreal. Winter here is like a fairytale and the thing I love the most is seeing my two Caribbean daughters ice skating on the pond. Two tropical creatures adapting beautifully ♥


Lindsay Ross said...

Stilton and bloody marys with my family while we open presents on Christmas morning

Kitten's Lost Her Mittens said...

My favorite thing about winter is that it's a time for giving, and since it's so cold and blustery out (where I live in MN) my favorite thing to give is warm, indoor cuddles to my favorite people and cats. :)

Sofía Haltrup said...

Although winter is cold, I really like to eat ice-creams! And I love to stay in my bed, just lying around when it is raining hard outside.

Jenn said...

Cuddling. Since we live in Houston, it's frequently too hot/sticky for good cuddling. But last night we got a fire going in the fireplace, pulled the couch up close to t, and fell asleep cuddling on a couch that was way too small for two people:). It was awesome!

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

Seeing my husband wear his red footed pjs.

Anonymous said...

it's not the prettiest answer, but i absolutely LOVE being able to leave my groceries in the car while running errands! milk, eggs, even ice cream, depending on the temperature. it may not be fun getting into a car that feels like a refrigerator, but it sure is convenient. i'm originally from the l.a. area & now live in chicago, so it's sort of a phenomenon to me.

Nadine said...

We made the decision in summer to try living without a car, so this winter is different from any other I've experienced before. I'm loving it because instead of hiding inside and spending 30 minutes scraping off the car, we have to face winter full-force. I love the feeling of power over my very destiny I get when I pull on some tights, a few layers, and go out on my bike in 20-degree weather. It's exhilarating.

The Childlike Empress said...

I love going for a walk in the woods in the winter after it has snowed. I like to pretend that i have stepped through my wardrobe into Narnia. i am always on the look-out for mr. tumnus

luckily i can come back again though as i would hate to live in a world where it is always winter but never Christmas...

Digitalfront said...

Who doesn't like presents? So picking out presents is my favorite part about Christmas except when the security guard is all like "hey you didn't pay for that!" That part's a bummer.

Savannah said...

I like winter because if I draw in the "fug" on my boyfriend's window, everytime he warms up the car it appears again.

Allie O. said...

I live in Chicago, so it's so nice to head up north away from the hustle and bustle of the city to go skiing with friends. I especially love warming up at the lodge with hot cocoa after we're all tired and sore.

Unknown said...

i love winter cause...!!! i would be able to dress myself up in coats, fury boots and those really cute looking beanies and ear mufflers! :D which.. i won't and can't do it in Singapore. Cause i will either receive weird stares from people on the streets or most probably get a heat stroke.

† Brycrasch said...

Wow you have so many submissions!

But I wanted to add my two cents as well.

My favorite thing about winter isn't christmas lights, ice skating, or hot chocolate. Although all those things are very lovely.

No, my favorite thing about winter is everything that happens to the moon.

I love how the cold air makes her so crisp and bright.

It's so beautiful when she shines down on the snow covered city, it's like she's wrapping every building up in silver wrapping paper as a gift from her to us.

But my favorite is to watch her hanging up in the sky and imagine that she is the worlds biggest christmas ornament, making sure that everyone has some christmas spirit everywhere that they go.

I know that she is always around but I feel like she gets extra special around this time of year, which makes the moon my favorite thing about winter.


SS said...

My most favorite thing about winter is making hot cocoa with my mom. She makes it extra special with a hint of cinnamon, extra fluffy whipped cream and a lot of love. It makes me smile just thinking about it. =]

just me said...

My favourite things of winter are having surprise snowball fights in the park with your dearly beloved, and then walking arm in arm with snow crunching under our boots. But the best part of it is going home to warm up beside the fire, wrapped in a blanket sipping hot chocolate with mini marshmallows.
Those are my favourites things of winter :)

Tyler said...

cuddling up un blankets. seeing my breath, and hot chocolate with marshmellows of

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about winter are the holiday lights that go up on display in November and stay until well into January most of the time. When I was little I used to believe that these lights were tiny fairies and it just made everything, even the air, more magical. Even though I am 27-years-old now I still think of them as little fairies. That magically feeling is my favorite thing about winter!

Rebecca said...

I love seeing my baby wear his winter hat in the cold weather! He looks so cute with his chubby cheeks sticking makes me happy!

Anonymous said...

I am more of a summer girl. Love the heat and the blue skies.
BUT, there's something so great about cuddling with your someone under a thick blanket with a warm cup of cocoa, and you can here the rain falling outside. That I love. For that I will accept a winter period ;)

jackie24 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jackie24 said...

The first walk in the snow is my favorite. Whether it's with friends (like last night's) or by myself snow never fails to remind me of how beautiful this world is. Snow is magical, the whole world changes color and it seems to bring out the child in all of us. And it forces you to slow down. I think we all move too fast and snow is just a reminder from the world to stop and just see/hear/smell/touch for a moment.

Megan said...

My favorite thing about winter is my husband's excitement and happiness. He washes the inside and outside of every window in the house and raises all the window screens and all the blinds so that, if it snows, you would be able to see every single tiny snowflake.

sophia tangerine said...

i love catching falling snowflakes with the tip of my tongue. i may look silly, but it gives me a warm feeling inside!!

Erin Riley said...

I love over-the-top holiday light displays. People who may not be creative in their day-to-day lives commit to making these elaborate installations every year. I just watched the Christmas Truck Parade in Victoria, BC - a bizarre event that features semis and cement trucks decked out in garish lights. It's ridiculous, but I loved it!

anne said...

most years it's that i get to spend my evenings curled up with knitting with cuddly yarns. it's even better when i get to knit for other people!

but this year is super exciting! we have our first baby coming (a little christmas elf) so it will be the best winter ever!

Nina said...

you know what is lovely about winter? when you are outside and you're so cold...I mean even your skin under your clothes is cold and red...and you think you'll never get warm and walk inside and its like your house is the warmest coziest place in the world - oh so welcoming...and wonderful...

Unknown said...

I like helping my dad shovel our driveway, and then going and shoveling my neighbors' driveways too just to be nice.
I like not wearing enough jackets and wandering through the snowy forest taking pictures of icicles and snowdrifts and footprints and just trees with snow all over until my fingers are too numb from the cold to press the shutter button anymore and then just standing silently listening to the sound the snow makes as it hits the trees and watching my breath turn into clouds and disappear. Then going home to find that someone has just started out to look for me, laughing, and going back inside to sit by the fire and have a nice cup of hot chocolate with a candy cane.

Kara said...

This Arizonan's favorite thing about winter? It being cold enough outside to warrant the actual use of our TWO fireplaces at our house! Even better? Snuggling with loved ones and doggies in front of the crackling flames. We don't have white Christmases, but they're magical just the same.

cdelphine said...

I LOVE winter, for so many reasons. I love it for the bit of crispness in the air so that when I go outside and breath in, I feel a bit more alive. I feel like a lot of people hate winter because it depresses them but it excites me, it helps me see the possibilities.

Hundewanderer said...

Living in the sunny Southwest, where it's WARM in the winter! I toss my scarf to the wind, get my beautiful dog and we hike for miles :o)

CountessLaurie said...

Piling up on the couch with my honey and my two babies under an afgan while the woodstove crackles merrily in the background.

Nothing beats it.

l.moore.j at gmail dot com

Catherine said...

i love winter because i LOVE running around my big cold house in slippers & leg warmers!

Vanessa said...

The main reason I love winter is that people seem to slow down and take time to think about themselves, their lives and their loved ones. Because its not nice to be outside, people become closer and share more (feelings, thoughts, and so on). When it snows the whole world seems to stay still and its so quiet. I always feel like I am less busy and less stressed and can actually do the things I want to do like reading, drawing, talking about life with my boyfriend. (In the summer I always feel guilty about being inside, when its nice outside.)

Margo said...

I love winter because winter means the prospect of snow. My favorite thing to do when it snows is find a patch of perfect, untouched snow and run around in it, maybe making a picture, but most definitely walking where no one has walked yet!

Aline Correa said...

I love winter because everything seems a bit cheerier. People get into the holiday spirit and seem to be friendlier and filled with love. I love the snow and pretending to be angels. The warm hot chocolate, watching white christmas, thinking of fun creative gifts for your friends and the layers and layers of clothes. most of all, I love the fact that that we are filled with hope for a brand new year with no mistakes in it!


Daisy said...

I especially am excited about this winter because my husband and I are going to try out cross country skiing. I love being outdoors and instead of letting winter prevent me from being outside... I'll just find a way to enjoy it :-)

Anna said...

My favorite thing about winter coming is that MY Wynter, my older sister, really is coming home from Arizona for the holidays. She was born on Dec 21st, the 1st day of winter, and our parents were hippies. When I was in 1st grade the teacher told us we had to learn to zip our own coats because winter was coming. I refused to learn & when she asked why i said "if wynter is coming, she always zips my coat".
so thats why i love Wynter & winter :)

Brooke L. said...

Watching the monkeys on my monkey puzzle tree frolic in the snow!

And then drawing pictures in my hot chocolate to warm up. :)

tifsong said...

My favorite thing about winter is the undaunted fact that I get to spend so many wonderful days, warming up with my family. You know, the sort of warmth that comes from good conversations, cheer being spread, and the undeniable love we all share for each other. That is the kind of warmth every winter needs.

AmyBean said...

I love so many things about winter. I love the clear blue of the sky on a cold, cloudless day. I love how snow drifts remind me of how my big sister and I used to carve side-by-side snow caves in the big snowdrift that always happened by our basement. I love seeing the joy on my kids' faces when they're learning to make snow angels, or when they catch snowflakes on their tongues.

But I think my favorite thing about winter is the quiet. How the snow just seems to turn down the volume on the world. "All is calm, all is bright."

JessAnn said...

My favorite things about winter:

Wrapping presents,
Sliding across the kitchen in fuzzy socks,
The way a light snow makes the trees look at night.

Maddie Marie said...

my favorite thing about winter (aside from the winter weight you get to pack on and then hide under cute sweaters and scarves) is making gingerbread houses and setting up a christmas tree. i guess that's more so my favorite thing about christmas, but hey.....winter includes christmas, right?! i guess i love being with family when the world seems so still and peaceful and we all really express how much we love each other. but dammit, i love gingerbread too. yum!
when my brothers and i were younger, our aunt would send us tons and tons of candy and trimmings to use on some pre-maid gingerbread she baked and sent to us. i always carefully tiled the roof with chex mix and lined the front lawn with gum drops. my brothers on the other hand could never get the gingerbread house to stand up correctly (they didn't have the patience to hold it while the frosting dried) and so they would create a ginger bread war zone. every santa candy for himself. red frosting blood was squirted everywhere. we lost a lot of good (ginger bread) men.
the funny thing? we are all grown up now and we still head back to my moms house for our gingerbread making tradition.....and those assholes still make a gingerbread war zone and teach the kids how to do the same. i could kill them, but it kinda cracks me up too. some things never change....and i love winter for that. traditions live on...too bad the ginger bread people die.

Sareberry said...

So many reasons to love winter here in Utah, but I think my favorite happened this morning. After a powdery snowfall, when you walk out into a sunny day with a bright blue sky, and the powder starts to fall out of the trees. The sunlight shines through it and you're surrounded by rainbows and sparkles. It's like walking through a snowglobe but ten times better than you ever thought it would be!

Lynne said...

I have to work to love winter. I think I am still getting over the trauma of having snowballs thrown at me as a kid and having to walk home with them slowly melting inside my scarf, mingling with the smell of snot congealing on the yarn...

However now I have a child whose favorite season is winter and I can start to see the appeal through her eyes. The snow sparkling like diamonds in the sun. Making snow angels. Building snowpeople and snowcats to match our little family, and using only edible buttons and noses to decorate them so the birds can have a feast. Going inside and having hot chocolate with more marshmallows than chocolate in the cup. Clementines. Hands in mittens holding tinier hands in mittens. Pink cheeks. And of course, Christmas. And the fresh start of New Year's, when anything is possible again.

p S h A o R t A o said...

A lot of cute favorites :) Mine is experiencing "winter firsts" because I grew up in Houston where we rarely have snow. The first time I experienced a real winter was when I was 20. I did not build my first actual snowman until I was 23. I'm only 24 now and I still have more firsts to go. This year I'm hoping to build my first snow fort with my boyfriend and have a real snowball fight (first time for that too).

So my favorite thing is that it's never too late to experience winter wonderland, regardless of your past experience or age.

Mandy said...

I love winter because my mommy makes the BEST hot chocolate. I drink so much of it i never get cold. I also love winter because i have my heated blanket i can take on my roof and look at the stars. I also love wearing boots with my dresses. And i love remembering how i always wore extra butt padding when i walked to school because i slipped almost everyday.

Cydney said...

I love Winter because despite all the Christmas chaos, there's so much love going around

kate s. said...

I love winter for the atmosphere. For some reason, the colder it gets outside the happier I get inside. You get to build a fire in the fireplace and eat twice as many cookies as usual without feeling bad about it. It feels almost like you senses are heightened because there are so many new delicious smells and tastes. Hot cocoa, cookies, gingerbread, the fire, the snow and don' forget the tree! Even though my entire family is allergic, including me, we still get a real tree each year for Christmas and I can't imagine the holidays without one.

kate s. said...

haha, forgot to put contact info:

sorry about that!

I love winter for the atmosphere. For some reason, the colder it gets outside the happier I get inside. You get to build a fire in the fireplace and eat twice as many cookies as usual without feeling bad about it. It feels almost like you senses are heightened because there are so many new delicious smells and tastes. Hot cocoa, cookies, gingerbread, the fire, the snow and don' forget the tree! Even though my entire family is allergic, including me, we still get a real tree each year for Christmas and I can't imagine the holidays without one.

Ali said...

My favorite thing about winter? Hm...that's tough! Winter used to mean different things for me when I lived in New York (ie: SNOW!), but now that I live in SoCal, it's a whole other ball game.

However, no matter where we are, on Christmas, it's always the same deal. 2 movies (back-to-back) and Chinese food for dinner. Hey, when you're Jewish, this is really all ya got on Christmas! But we love it.

JayBailey said...

Giving! Hey, I'm gonna send YOU some tights from the UK!!!!

KerryBrown said...

I love the snow, and being from Maine, we get plenty of it! I love making miniature snowmen in unsuspecting neighbor's yards without them knowing. I love singing at the top of my lungs while strolling down the streets of the small town with my dearest friends, hearing nothing but our own giggles through the thickly falling flakes. I love watching my little dog jumping into the drifts without hesitation, and then trying to swim her way out... every time.

But really, I love Winter because it makes Spring seem that much more miraculous. I like when snow starts to melt, the mud is in plenty, and the flowers in the garden start to poke their pretty faces through, giving the yard that much needed hope of color.

michy said...

My favourite thing about winter is discovering interesting snow-covered things (snow-covered balloons=cute!) and making bumble-bee trails by running around in my boots in the snow


Belly said...

Funny thing is my favorite thing about winter is wearing colorful tights too! I'm upset that in Texas I don't get to ear them as often as I''d like because it doesn't get quite as cold as it did when I lived in NY. But wearing the tights reminds me of cold winter days enjoying the outdoor holiday festivities with my family. (And my many, many years of tap dancing outside for winter festivals with my dance troop)

Unknown said...

i love winter because there's always that one day when it snows down here in mississippi. we all go out in our warmest, non-snowproof clothes and play like little kids. we find anything that can be used as a sled, usually cardboard, and make tiny tiny snowmen on the hoods of our cars. it's so funny how we get so excited about our 1-2 inches of snow. but it only comes once, so we make the best of it.

Becky C. said...

Definitely getting to use the excuse 'I'm cold' as an excuse to get extra hugs from awesome people!

Anonymous said...

I love eating ice cream in the cold and talking like donald with my tongue frozen out... And I love making beautiful christmas cards to my freinds and family and singing christmas songs and making yummy desserts and gaining weight to lose later in january :) Also love december because last christmas (well, the 25th with breakfast leftovers)the guy I had a crush fro about 6 years finally told me he loved me and started dating that same very day :) it was beautiful.

Anonymous said...

coming home after a veryveryvery long day with a het starbucks coffe and finding my two lovely kittens sleeping warmly and together on the sofa.

PS: lovely blog! lots of love from argentina (

bpddjeoomon said...

I live in Phoenix, so when winter finally arrives, it's like the entire city is collectively relaxing. No more getting burned from touching the steering wheel. No more SPF 100. No more sweat! It's glorious! And around here it's a fleeting joy.

Plus, the crafts are cute and sparkly! All my knitting, crochet and embroidery get a facelift when the weather gets "frightful"

i'm B. said...

staying toasty by snuggling in bed with my love!

kittydekatsa said...

I love winter so much more because of all the snow and how it immediately brings out the child in anyone. :D

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about winter is the holidays. I love how the family comes together with a renewed sense of love and closeness. I love cuddling up on the couch with a warm blanket and my sweet little boy to watch Christmas movies.

Casi Leigh said...

I love posts like these because then I feel even more inspired to go out and enjoy the frostiness after I read all the great comments!

My best memories of winter when I was little were making snow ice cream with my mum and little brother. Mom always let us hunt for the best clean snow patch and let us pour in all the cream and spices. We would eat it straight out of the big bowl with our spoons! favorite thing about winter, now that the three of us live in different cities, is to call them while we're all making snow ice cream at our houses (my LITTLE brother is making it for his kids now!) and sing our favorite holiday song to each other, "Winter Wonderland." We always sang it in the car on our way to our grandparents' house so it's just as important as the ice cream!

I LOVE your red tights, Katie! So very festive and they look warm too!!

Michelle said...

I totally need to get some colorful tights. My favorite thing about winter is all of the delicious cookies and fudge that I make with family and friends. Its a fun thing to do while hanging out and then you get to eat some too!

XW said...

I love walks in quiet nighttime snowfalls with my honey which include, but are not limited to, hand holding, warm mittens, shimmery christmas lights, chilly pink cheeks, and toasty hot chocolate! (And maybe some snow angels, too!)

Mrs. H said...

i love all the cozy things that come along with winter--my electric mattress pad, hot cider, fireplaces, candles, twinkly lights--you name it, i will "cozy" it! the smells included--i like the smell of the air outside--the snow and the woodsmoke, and coming inside to the warm glowy candle smell...ahhh!!!

Anonymous said...

I love winter/holiday time because everyone is so much more sharing, caring, and loving. People smile at each other on the streets simply because the Christmas spirit is in the air.

April (Everything Little Miss) said...

i am crazy about winter. i love to ski and make snow men (& women) and see my breath and cuddle up in blankets with hot chocolate. but i think my absolute favorite thing about winter is taking evening walks with a hat, scarf, mittens, and my love and getting ROSY CHEEKS!

M. said...

I've gone from having Christmas mornings with a packed Christmas tree
to spending Christmas on my own and no presents to or from me,
I've gone from celebrating Hanukah with my best friend,
to spending holidays alone crying on end.
And after 25 years of spending so many holiday mood swings,
what I love most about Christmas is that...
regardless if i try to ignore the holiday...
there's always a special mood it brings.

In other favorite thing about Christmas.

Susie said...

I love THIS winter because THIS winter my baby boy from Rwanda is coming home and THIS winter will be the winter I get to meet him, snuggle with him, and introduce him to snow, hats, and...well, I guess he's too young for me to introduce him to hot chocolate. So, I'll drink hot chocolate while I'm enjoying THIS winter with my new baby.

PS - I used to wear fun tights, when I was young and skinny. At 30, I'm going to declare myself still young enough and skinny enough to try it again :)

Ashley said...

Katie, my favorite thing about winter is the snow. Specifically, it's snowy nights when my husband and I have a fire going and we snuggle in front of a movie or just talk. I think there is nothing more peaceful than a snowy night. I love that when you walk outside the world is so silent and white. It's so quiet you can practically hear the snowflakes hitting the ground. So that's my favorite thing, peaceful, snowy nights :).

Unknown said...

there are so many reasons to love winter. snuggling under a warm blanket with some hot coco with little marshmallows, making snow angels, wearing big warm scarves, gloves and hats! and when the time to decorate the Christmas tree finally rolls around..ah, the nostalgia. finding old ornaments, stringing popcorn, making sure the lights are on perfectly perfect. decorating gingerbread houses, finding just the right gift for everyone on your list. and of course, winter is a time for helping people. volunteering with Toys For Tots, and The Giving Tree. oh, winter! its just a fun time to get into the spirit of the holiday season. Its a time that comes once a year. A time to believe in miracles, and Santa Claus, and watch all the holiday movies. Oh, winter..what would I do without you?

Sid said...

I adore winter because I get to wear my cute kitty mittens, as well as crochet scarves and I agree with you on the tights or thigh high wool, knit socks over them and maybe leg warmers over those with my boots. Layering is a def favorite thing of well, ADVENT CALANDERS and GINGERBREAD HOUSE MAKING...and of ocurse spending the day snuggled under the covers with my lovely man drinking hot cocoa and watching a good movie

Ynaffit said...

My favorite thing about Christmas? I'm going to condense this into one moment, ready???

I love snuggling by the fire with my sweet daughter (who has an infectious giggle!) while being warmed by a real fire, drinking hot chocolate, and watching our favorite Christmas movies together!

See? I told you it was one moment! But it's delicious, and I wish it would last forever!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday my two year old was playing with playdough. When she was done there were tons of little colorful crumbles on the table. Reminded me of you and your beautiful colorful artwork.

Anonymous said...

I love winter because when you can see your breath in the air, its one of the few times you can pretend you're a dragon and have your own fairy tale story happen in front of you.

Katie W. said...

My favorite thing about winter is that when it snows in the forest, what usually looks like a bare brown blur becomes a magical field of calligraphic trees. You can see each branch outlined carefully, and all of the layers of trees. Plus, when the afternoon sun hits it, the tips of the trees look like they're made of diamond.

Jess said...

Living in Phoenix Arizona where snow is absolutely non-existent, we have to be creative with our winter traditions! For my family, the best thing about winter is getting together, leaving a couple windows open to make it as cool as possible, and me, my sister and my mother making mounds and mounds of cookies! Peanut butter, chocolate chip, sugar...all decorated and packaged with love to be given as tasty presents or nibble on before ewe even get to the car to leave!

katie said...

the best thing for me this winter is me finding this blog of yours and this is no small thing as the light drains from the sky and I sit by my high powered light box wondering where the sun has gone and wham - there it is - right there on my computer screen - sparkling out at me with a hundred different bright pictures and thoughts and ideas. I am blown away. I am filled with joy. It is second hand joy straight from you and it is good. fabulous. 'thank you' seems a bit inadequate.

kage said...

Wrapped up in fun scarves, toques and mittens while shopping for Christmas ornaments wit my best friend...and of course, all done while drinking egg nog lattes.

Tatel said...

My brithday is the 24th of december so the thing I like most is knowing that my family, friends and boyfriend are staying for xmas so they can celebrate my birthday with me.

Unknown said...

kissing under the mistletoe! :*

melee said...

Silver Bells, Silver Bells,
It's Christmas Time in the City.

kim martin said...

i love seeing the kindest people dressing up as Santa Clause or his little elves, just to keep the magic of christmas in childrens' eyes alive. i love the bright decorations displayed everywhere. i love the effort that people give by carolling just to spread christmas joy. i love that i finally have an excuse to be wearing a big wooly jumper to school. i love trying to wear a lot of layers each time i go out, but then realizing i'd need more just when the cold wind hits my skin. i even love for my whole body to be trembling at the bus stop because it means i get to spend moments of laughter with my sister before she finishes school and goes to university. but most of all, i think i love seeing the smiling faces of those around me, whether it be strangers, family, friends - because for one time of the year, our world is peaceful. that's what i love most about winter.

Shay said...

every year my family and i go and cut down a christmas tree then go get hot chocolate to warm up. its my favorite part of the year and i look forward to it all the time.

Nat said...

this year i love winter because it is Christmas time and it is finally time when i will meet my family!)))

Robyn said...

Hot Chocolate with a Candy Cane in it!

Eli said...

Aww, what a great collection of pretty skirts and cool socks you have!

There's a lot of things I like about winter, but what i like most are the first rains of the season, when is still warm enough so you don't mind getting all wet...

I really like the rains that comes by surprise, when you don't have your's a lot of fun having to run in the rain sharing a single umbrella with a lot of friends!

And the best thing is when you come bacAnd i love the smell of rain that stays afterwards, is the smell of grass, and wood, and cause i live near the sea is a salty smell to.

And the best thing is when you finally get home, and you change into dry clothes, it's a great feeling! It's like sleeping in a bed when the sheets are just changed :D

Eli said...

Aww, what a great collection of pretty skirts and cool socks you have!

There's a lot of things I like about winter, but what i like most are the first rains of the season, when is still warm enough so you don't mind getting all wet...

I really like the rains that comes by surprise, when you don't have your's a lot of fun having to run in the rain sharing a single umbrella with a lot of friends!

I love the smell of rain that stays afterwards, is the smell of grass, and wood, and cause i live near the sea is a salty smell to.

And the best thing is when you finally get home, and you change into dry clothes, it's a great feeling! It's like sleeping in a bed when the sheets are just changed :D

Tessa said...

I love that we have to reach out to make more connections, that we get to find more creative things to do to occupy ourselves, and go within to a more contemplative place. We get to let our inner lights shine in the absence of sun. Oh, the fire and tights and hot chocolate are also plus's.

Erin said...

the way the snow and frost
on the top of the mailbox
glitters and sparkles
after dark
in the magical light
of the street-lamp


Susan Moorhead said...

Winter is the poet's season. A time to go inward, to reflect, to have all the images of the earlier season's blend and merge into a collage in your mind and give a sense of grounding to your days. What could be more wonderful than sitting in a warm, darkened room watching the snow fall outside? Winter magic.

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