Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I'm featured on Scoutmob.com today!
They followed me around and documented me making some street art. I like how Moo makes a little guest appearance!


Anonymous said...

That's awesome. Congratulations!

Amber said...

You are as charming, whimsical, and adorable as ever! Congratulations :)

Rebecca Jane said...

This is fantastic! You are adorable! :)

Ashley Sisk said...

I've always loved your work but it was kinda neat seeing your thought process. Completely awesome!

Bel said...

"He saw" Hahahha you are sooooo adorable! Moo is going to turn me into a cat person.

Belly B

Kelly/Aperture Agog said...

Fantastic idea and a wonderful way to use street art. More!

Lexy said...

Love it and Love Scoutmob!

Hanna said...

You are the most creative person in the world! (thats just my opinion!)

Hanna said...

You are the most creative person in the world! (thats just my opinion!)

miek said...

its nice to see you at work, i allways look at the photos one your blog but now its realy "live".
i follow you for 1.5 year now and you are still making me happy and smiling.
after the same amount of time i have had a bad healt and it is not over jet, but i know a place to go to cheer me up, this place, thank you.

Nik Perring said...

Love it! Fab idea!

Lindsay C said...

How could anyone consider what you do graffiti?! Its way too awesome and pretty to be anything close to that!

Anonymous said...

You are fantastic! There is no word there can desribe you :)))))) I really love your creativity! U ARE AWESOME, KATIE!

Becca said...

LOVE this idea. I would love to try it in my little town. so much fun.

Patchie said...

Congrats and way to spread the word!

Folkhaus Studios said...

Brilliant! Bizarre that people have issue with paper "graffiti", which is clearly temporary and easily removable, but there is always someone, I suppose.

Sidenote: Moo is adorable, as always!

Skraeling said...

Nice work ... and kudos to Moo

Veronica C. said...

This is wonderful! My new goal is to have as much fun as you do!

anna said...

Im sitting with a big smile on my face, thank you :)I can imagine its a game where you never get tired of, hunting for the best shots.

Candice said...

ah i'm so excited to find someone else who has a high pitched voice like me! in a good way not in a bad way :)

Marissa at Style Cusp said...

Such a great video. Thanks for sharing! & Congrats on your feature :)



Anonymous said...

aww you put your bubble on P.S. 110, my old elementary school ... P.S. 110 should feel honored =)

Unknown said...

Wouldn't it be amazing if we all walked around with our thoughts visible - certainly would impact our relationships!

Miy said...

I always always always adore your work.. it makes me happy!

The Picnic Girl

Amber R. Nelson said...

It was great to see you in the process of creating your thought bubbles. The story behind your art can be just as whimsical as the art itself!

Paige Hadley said...

I love that idea, and you inspire me to do something wonderful too, though I can never think what! I love that you can see the elephant head in the background - I really enjoyed that post too. Where do they make girls as sweet as you?

HahahaComedy said...

Holy cow! Either Moo is humongous or you're really tiny. Never realized he took up that much space. I hope he helps with the rent.

Sisse-Sofie said...

i love your ideas!
but is it legal to take pictures of people and post it on the internet without their knowledge?
i don't think its legal in Denmark. the rules might be different in the US?
anyway, I love your work, and if it is not legal, I like that you do it anyway!


Thinkorange said...

You have such a cute voice :D

Hamizah VenXas said...

The way you talk is like Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter! SO ccuuuuttteee !!

colormekatie said...

@hahahacomedy- That's hilarious! It's actually both. Moo is huge and I'm tiny ( I weigh 88 pounds! )

@Thinkorange- awww thanks!

Shurrley said...

Can I just say this...

Shurrley :)

Chelsea T said...

you're awesome :) You always inspire me! Hope to bump into you or your work when I'm in NYC end of this year!!!

najodleglejszy said...

yeah, Moo will always sneak into the movie to get his 5 minutes of fame :)

by the way, I saw a truck with "Żywiec" logo on the movie, it's a Polish beer brand :)

greetings from tiny Poland :)

senovia said...

That's so fun! I love your style. How do you get so many pics of you? Do you set up a tripod in the street, or do you have a friend go with you and take a pic of you?

Windsor Grace said...

You're so cute! I can't imagine why anyone would ever call the cops on you!

Loes said...

really nice!
I always take a look at your blog when I need to smile (:

LL said...

yay! i love it when good things happen to good people!

annrap said...

love it Katie, art should be about playing and you sure know how to bring the play back into art, thanks AnnieX

Anonymous said...

What a great video. I can't believe people would call the police of you. Don't they have a sense of humour??

Alana Full (With Energy) said...

I just love the work you do! And how creative you are. And I of course love Moo to! ^^

Amber L said...


Saw this and thought of you!

Hope you like :)

Katy said...

Hi! I like your blog. I'm adding myself as your newest follower and I hope you'll check out my blog as well!

Vika Vilon said...

like it so much;D

Jackie said...

I never knew Moo was such a big cat!

peewee said...

That's AWESOME! I just can't WAIT until I see you on Oprah :)

Nathalie (Bluna), Muse said...

I love 2 c u at work. It encourages me not 2 b so lazy sometimes... and more exact ;-)

hugs fromyour german fan Nathalie

Unknown said...

I felt that way on Thursday, like punching something though not a person, maybe a pillow... a boxing bubble might have been useful in my neck of the woods. ;)

Amanda said...

I loved seeing your thought process on the whole thing, I would enjoy another video to see your thought process on another photo session/idea.

Kitten's Lost Her Mittens said...


I've linked to your blog on my blog's sidebar. I hope that's ok! Let me know if you'd like me to remove the link.

colormekatie said...

Thanks for the link!

Shea said...

love this! youve completely inspired me to redo my bedroom with all sorts of colored paper and thought bubbles! you truly are an inspiration

love, shea


{schlawittchen} said...

Very cool idea. And you're so funny :).

And YES. It's just paper. Relax, people!

w said...

cute cute cute!!!
moo is a total movie star

Anonymous said...

I can totally tell you live in a Polish neigbourhood :)
Love your work!

Igor Kventor said...

This is very cool idea! Thanks Katie for the inspiration! Now I have an interesting theme for a series of photos too! :)

Rebeka said...

You're awesome. :) I now must fulfill my sudden deep desire to fill my walls with paper hearts.....

Paulecita said...

Hi Katie,

Have you seen this ted talk by JR?
Your thought-bubbles reminded me of this specific one.


also, not short... but really moving.. and inspirational

Janna Renee said...

You are just too cute! lovin' your blog!

Steffie said...

Greate ideas and so lovely to see you working on the floor. I do it, too.

Best wishes from Germany!

Iita said...

WOW your cat is almost bigger than you!

Miss K said...

Please spill the details on that hoodie...it's as cute as you are!