I have two little brothers. Mike is 22 and David is 8 years old. I'm pretty sure they're identical twins... except born 14 years apart.
I've been getting text messages from Mike lately that are so cute I just wanted to share with you.

I've been getting text messages from Mike lately that are so cute I just wanted to share with you.
"2 bros are better than 1"
"Real bros shave together"
They're even so close that they dressed up as the Mario Bros for Halloween! (I think it's so funny that Mike is Luigi. )
I'm curious, do you guys have any siblings that are much younger than you? I'd love to hear some cute stories of things you do together!
your "bros" are super quite, especially the oldest one! I think I'm in love with those two :D
Lovely blog! I try to find a post where you show how to make small pictures to your Mac, but I really can't find it. Do you know wehere it is?
@AgnesOlivia- Thanks! Is this the one you're looking for?
Ha, I love it. Yes, I have a sister who is 12 years younger than me. We like to go to the zoo, and watch Adventure Time together!
these are adorable! I'm really glad that they get along so well :o)
@Anonymous- I also watch Adventure Time with David! I love that show, haha
I've got 3 sisters: one is 7 years younger, another one 17 and the last one 20! Though the two youngest live in Spain (I'm from Argentina), They call me every now and then and sing kindergarten songs to me :) I always tear up
I have a little brother (8 years younger) and little sister (only 2 years younger)! Last Christmas it snowed in Tennessee, which doesn't happen often, so we all went outside after opening presents and made a giant snowman and took jumping pictures! Your brothers look fun!
I love the shaving photo!
I have a brother who is five years younger than me, which isn't really a lot on terms of numbers, but it sure feels like one heck of an age gap. He's sixteen now and all of a sudden has all kinds of personality that he didn't have when I left for college. We have a great time chatting about music and, against all odds, fashion. He's the only one who can tell me that my feet look stubby in a pair of shoes without me getting mad.
Katie!! I love this post! I'm 21 years old and I have a 2 year old sissy and 4 year old brother! Sometimes people ask me if it is strange, but I always just tell them, I love them the same as if they were any other age. It might be even more fun to have siblings at this age! Our favorite game is hide and go seek! They always want me to hide because I have awesome hiding places :-)
This was so sweet! And yes, I have only one little brother, and he is 16 years younger than me. It was a lot of fun getting to help raise him in a lot of ways, and his favorite things to do with me when I still lived at home were painting and baking (I brought out his artistic/creative side!). Actually, one time we baked fun cupcakes inspired by your cupcake sandwiches post! He loved that! :) He also loves my new husband and tells everyone he has a big brother now! Hehe.
Thank you so much! You are so inspiring! Btw, i also think your cat is cool!
I have a brother who is 30 years younger than me!!!! we like eating pizza together. We also like cuddling up in the sofa and going to the park. Can't wait to take him to the seaside next summer!
I have a little sister (4 years younger than me) and a little brother (7 years younger than me) and my little brother is my little "squishy" haha... I love to hug him and hold him- he is 10 now, and honestly I feel as if I have raised the kid. :) Love him to death!
@Rosa- 30 years younger?? that's amazing! I just checked out your blog and love that you are documenting your hair growth after chemo. You've got a new follower for sure!
they're so cute!
This is too adorable! I have lots of much younger siblings...they are a hoot.
I have two younger brothers, one is 15 years younger and one is 17 years younger than me. They're so adorable and their favourite thing to do with us (their older siblings) is make up silly games on the trampoline or give the cats funny hairstyles and make up silly accents for them to have conversations. Your little brothers look lovely!
Katie x
So so cute! Love that last photo! I've got two brothers, both older than me, but I have a picture of them when they were 3 and 6, and I had just been born, and they decorated our front door with their drawings welcoming me home and stuffed hundreds of cuddly toys into my arms. It's a wonder they didn't suffocate me, but it is just the sweetest picture ever! I wish I had younger siblings, especially a younger sister, so I could dress her up as fairys and ballerinas! Although in some senses it is best being youngest, as you never get the blame!
I have a sister who is 16 months younger and one two is almost 16 years younger. And the baby is now in high school so we do typical high school things--go to movies, get ice cream, and sing songs in the car. It is so awesome having a sister who is much younger...I loved having a baby in our house. Now that I have my own child it is double awesome watching her and my sister play--and payback ALL those diaper changes hehehe
Haha, super cute! I actually have a younger brother that is 9,im 23. So thats 14 years between, just like yours;)
We are really close, ive been like an extra mom/supercool big sis;) we like to paint together, i always buy big canvases for him, being an artist i buy a lot of them:) and he loves to paint! We also do stuff like bike trips and kite making together.
I'm the younger one, my sister is 9 years older than me...
And i'm very lucky cause I've got the best sister of the world. She brung me to NY and in Canada... And she buys me lots and lots of books and other stuff... I love her!
(Sorry for my so bad english.. I'm french!)
(I reaaaally love your blog!)
Younger siblings are the best! I have siblings ranging in age from 10 to 29, and it's the most fun thing EVER. How to people make it through life without siblings?
Aw, cute!
I have a little brother who is 10 years younger than me. I sort of consider us both only children though, because we have never acted very much like siblings. The one tradition we have is that at Christmas time we would lay under the newly decorated tree and stare up through the branches at the lights. I miss doing that with him (I am now so very far away), as it is the only thing we really bonded over.
My aunt and my mom have 20 years between them! They love to talk on the phone and just laugh and laugh. When they are together, they like to bake chocolate chip cookies (and laugh some more).
My baby brother is only 8 years younger than me, but I remember clearly the day he was born, and we were inseparable for several years. One of the first songs I taught him was the chorus of "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and when he went to Kindergarten, he taught me "You Are My sunshine." We were always teaching each other fun stuff like that. Now he texts me and he is living 4,000 miles away - sends me pictures of his new motorcycle or pics of him working on big mud trucks. I felt like he was my own baby while he was growing up and now I probably cry like my mama when I see those pictures of him, all grown up :)
There are four of us! I'm still not entirely sure how my parents did this without throttling us. My older bro is 30, I'm 23, the younger bro is 19 and the sis is 17. (side note: your brother is totally cute)
I have to say, I love my siblings more than anything else. I am so thankful that there are four of us! It was great to have them when I was little, but now that we're all "real grow up people' for the most part, it's even better!
My brothers are 7 and 1 and I'm 24. I have a blast playing Mario Kart on the Wii with my 7 year old brother, even though he always beats me!
I love how close you and your siblings are!! That is hysterical that the older brother is Luigi, so sweet! My brothers are 9 and 12 years older than me. My middle brother used to take me to the movies all the time when I was little- Rainbow Brite, Care Bears, Follow that Bird. I love thinking back and realizing that he was in high school when we went to see those movies but he didn't care.
You and your brothers are adorable!
It's nine years between me and my oldest little brother. He likes to hang in my room and see TV shows and mimic my drawings which is super cute. :)
I'm the youngest in our family - my sisters are 22 and 17 years older than I.
I have fantastic memories of one of my older sisters (the one who is 17 years older - the 22 years older was gone and married by the time I was 4 or so.)
Anyway - she and I are SOOOO much alike despite our age difference - when I was very young she used to let me stay at her apartment on the weekends as a reward for being "good" - we played board games and went for long walks where she taught me about how to be a grown up girl; she taught me to be confident by showing me hers, when I got older (14 and up) we travelled together all over the world, and strangely - though we're so far apart,she married later in life and we had children at the same time - I had boys, she had girls, who are now 17 and 21.
Sadly, she passed away 3 years ago and I "inherited" her children - so I now have two boys and two girls - and I am able to tell the girls wonderful, funny stories about their mom, the great times we had together - her romances when she was young, her excitement over her first car, her first trip to Europe, and her pregnancies with them... all the things a daughter might want to know.
A lifetime of wonderful memories - the same thing your brothers can look forward to. Lucky them!
I'm 26, and my brothers are 21 and 11 year old! They are two of my best friends in the world :) My littlest brother and I love to joke that we're twins separated by 15 years. We both have red hair and green eyes, and we share all of the same interests, talents, and hobbies! I live 500 miles away from my family these days, but we visit each other often, and savor the technology of facetime. My brothers are the BEST!
my oldest sister is 18 years older than me. and since we live in different states, we call each other randomly just to chat quite often! i also have 6 other siblings. and i since im the youngest i really enjoy when my brothers and sisters do special things with me. or just want to hang out!
cutie! i have 2 younger brothers. the 1st one is 15 years younger than me and our youngest was born 2 years after him. the age gap may be really big but we can be a pretty hilarious bunch when we're together. i now live in Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines while they are still in Laguna, Luzon, Philippines. A 1.75-hour plane ride + a 4-hour bus ride away but I always make it a point to keep in touch with them.
check out my birthday greetings for our little one last september:
u have adorable brothers. made me wish i had one! :) oops.. i still got a sister.still happy.
this is awesome! both of my siblings are 20 -23 years older than me. my sister and i are as tight as can be. so its pretty cool to see other people in similar situations and being just as awesome!
My little sister is also 8 years old. She does the funniest things! :D
I was 19 when one sister was born and 22 when the second sister was born. I'm now 29 so they are 10 and 7. I left home shortly after Miss 7 was born.
I live on the other side of Australia now so when I go home for visits we go to the zoo, the museum, to the movies, have 'girls days' were we get our nails done, hair done and I buy us all new outfits.
I skype and call regularly and spoil them as much as possible. So much that Mum has put rules on how much I'm allowed to spend for birthdays and Christmas haha!
Much younger siblings can be so much fun! They'll tell you the truth and make you laugh at their silliness. I have 4 much younger siblings. They're 13, 10, 8 and 3. I take care of the youngest, we have a 30 year difference. We like watching movies together and snuggling. :)
My twin daughters just started a blog and they put all kinds of neat stuff on it together. Nothing like 9 year olds to put life into perspective! If you want to take a look at it...
The fast forward drawing of the chair is pretty cute. And they love you Katie! I think I heard them talking about doing a ColorMeKatie inspired post.
I am 26, and I have two 16 year-old sisters and a 12 year-old sister! I really enjoy taking them to the movies, or shopping so that they can teach what's cool and what's not anymore. My, how the times have changed! We also enjoy sharing funny youtube videos... I really believe that hanging out with them keeps me young at heart!
ahwww they're adorable! :)
This is such a sweet post!
They're adorable :D ♥
Very sweet! Thanks for sharing!
Wow they're so adorable together, it must be great for them to have such a close relationship :) SO cute!
I have a brother 6 years younger, it's not thaaat much younger but it's still quite the age gap and it's crazy to see him grow up so fast :( !
These are so cute! There are 5 kids in my family, with me being the oldest at 21, and my youngest sister just 5 years old. I'm a senior in college and she's in kindergarten. I have always considered her my best friend. When I go home to visit her, we usually make stop motion animations together. (She wants to be an artist, too!) Anyway, if you want to see how awesome she is, we have a youtube! (youtube.com/user/CaylaAndMia).
Love, Michaela
love it
i have two little siblings a younger sis that's 9 and a younger bro that's 6 they get on my nerves some times but i love them any way.
oh and please ceack my blog
- Morgan
I love this post! I have a daughter who's 10 and a baby boy who's 9 months. I hope they'll have as much fun as your brothers when they're older - they already have A LOT of fun now :)
This is such a cute post. My brother is 'only' 7 years younger, we used to invent our own games together in which we ended up walking backwards like a chicken (flapping wings and chicken sounds) in geeky hats around the trashbin and dreaming about making it a national sport. Now he is 16 and 'too cool' to do that. I will play it anytime with him though once he grows out of this phase again ;)
I have three little brothers, and they are the best!
We still love to play trampoline games together, and the youngest is 15 now :)
I have a little brother who is 17 years my junior and another who is 20 years my junior. THey're both still really young so when I go back to my Dads for a visit I always seem to get woken up at 6am to have a 'breakfast picnic'. It's great and super cute but there's always muffin crumbs in my bed and chocolate smears on my pillow. I love the little guys :)
my older brother (and only sibling) is eight years older than me.
when i was little he would take me to every little girl/disney/power ranger movie and theme parks even though he was in high school and his friends teased him endlessly about it :)
now when we're both older and live far away (he's in Japan and i'm in Indonesia), we travel together with his wife on vacations and i have the best time!
i loved reading all the comments of fun sibling stories :D
I think it's absolutely adorable the way your brothers hang out together! I'm 26 and have 2 sisters: one who's 24 and one who's 12. We used to walk down to the park together on Saturday nights in the summer and those were some good times.
My other sister and I got really huge t-shirts as gifts a couple of years ago, and there's a picture of us wearing one of them together somewhere. :)
ADORABLE!!! I have two younger sisters ages 9 and 12 and one younger brother who is 18. Me and my sisters get together with our big sister once a month and do girls day. We watch movies and hang out and do girl stuff. My 12 year old sister comes over every other weds and hangs out after school. My brother just graduated in spring so we dont get to see him as much because hes working to save up for school! But we hang out when we can. :) thanks for sharing your family!
they are too cute! i love the two-headed brother one =) i have all younger siblings. 2 from the same parents- Mirelle & Ben, 3 from my dads wife's previous marriage- Danielle, Mika & Johnny, and two little baby half-sisters- Mai & Leonne. its like the brady bunch, but its so fun to have such a big family! i always feel proud to be the oldest out of all of them. like im always to set the example, like to be open about if they ever want to talk about anything or complain about mom or dad....
i have the best time with my siblings!
omg this has to be one of the sweetest things i have ever seen! your youngest bro must LOVE his older brother :) You know these will be good memories for him, for both of them, for life.
I love siblings..I am 3rd of 12..and so I have younger siblings all the way to 18 yrs younger..we are so close and have so much fun together..that is why I can't stop having kids ....love it!
Katie, Katie, Katie!
I really love your blog! It's so colorfull and happy!
Keep being so smiley!
My sis and I are 15 years apart. She got me into the Twilight saga by forcing me to take her to the first movie. Love my sis!
I'm the only child. But about a year ago, my mom's best friend, who's a nurse like my mom, adopted one of her patients, since her mother and father didn't pay any atention to her. And she became my little sister because two times a week we take care of her. I never had the chance to share not even a day with a little kid, and now that I had, I realize that they're so magical. There are a lot of cute stories, from how I started to influence her music taste to how she runs to the door when I arrive from university, but the cutest one is how from hate kids I started to love them and how I change my mind from "I don't need to have kids" to " I wanna be a mom someday"
I'm glad that you have such cute bros, and David is a mini version of you BTW.
I only have one sister and I'm the younger one ~ we're 6 years apart but we do all sorts of things together and we are very close (^_^) As kids we played invented games and read books together, and now we do crafting together and travel a lot (^_^) It's so great to see your brothers many years apart in age but very very close in terms of their connection to each other (^_^) I'm sure they also think it's so cool to have a sister like you! :)
how sweet!
So sweet,i miss my youngest sister suddenly =P
I have a sister who's actually 16 years *older* than me... ^^; Unfortunately, we do not have the sort of relationship that Mike and David do. XD Nowhere close, lol.
I'm 25 and I have two younger sisters: a 20 year old and a 4 year old. There are so SO many things I absolutely love about having a sibling so much younger than me. To name a few:
-Getting a glimpse of my mom being a mom to a child, as an adult. It makes me love her so much more than I ever thought I could! She's a great mom.
-My little sister is so much like the rest of the women in our family: funny and quirky and weird and tender and cat-lover already! It's really amazing to watch her develop. In some strange way it's almost like a glimpse into my own childhood; I see a lot of myself in her.
-She calls my husband my "brother". I have no idea where it came from, but it kills me.
-fort-building, snuggling, playing dress-up, pretend-fighting over our mom (she's MY mom! No, she's MY mom!), and making eachother laugh. We are both really aware of how good we are at making the other one laugh.
& so much more! It's just the best. I can relate to getting silly picture texts of my sisters from my 20 year old sister, so this post was fun for me to read! thanks!!
I absolutely love your blog! Would love to feature you over on mine some day (http://ilookgoodtoday.com). Your brothers are adorable. As an only child I miss not having an older of younger sibling to have such a relationship with. You're a lucky girl!
My dad is 15 years older than his brother Tim. When Tim was 5 and my dad was 20, he used to pick Tim up from kindergarten on his motorcycle. Instant cool cred!
These photos are to cute! I wish I had a much younger brother or sister!
I love this because I have two little brothers that are way younger than me and they're still two of my best friends! Even though I'm 25 and they are 8 & 4 we have so much fun watching cartoons, having dance parties, doing art projects and building snow day forts.
I thought I was the only one who had such a close relationship with my super younger siblings- I'm really glad to know I'm not alone!
ms. katy, please check out my blog. I made it because I was inspired by you! :) ♥
This post is sooooo sweet.
I recently found your blog and can't wait to see more. Your work is fantastic!
Happy Thanksgiving!
My brother is 14 years younger than I am. We don't see each other as often as we would like because we live at opposite ends of the country, but when we do, it is as if we haven't been apart. We spend hours ... days ... together, with our cameras - he has taught me all I know about photography. More than any other, he is still the person who makes me laugh most and longest.
ON the other side of the spectrum my brother is 25 years older than me and I didn't get to meet him until I was 7 years old. I'm so lucky that I did. He's my hero, and a great guy. We have SO much fun together and he's helped me mature way beyond my age. Now I'm living in Slovakia on foreign exchange. I know I would not be here if he didn't give me the confidence to leave home. I know he'll be there when I'm home :)
my little sister is 11 years younger than me. we color and have girl-to-girl chats about all her first grade drama :)
just wanted to thank you, for your loooovely blog!
i have read it for a long time now, and i love it!
all your beautiful colored pictures, make me so happy :)
.. so thank you!
My friend showed me your blog and I love it! I have read the whole thing and watched almost every video! I feel like I found a friend as I like to create things too and I feel super inspired. You made me want to move to NY, he :) Now you know you have a friend in Latvia you have never talked to.
I take my husband's little sister (20 years my junior) to Roller Derby bouts. She loooves cheering on our local team :) We have also had slumber parties, ran two 5k races and go on hikes together, and are planning to have an eggnog date sometime soon. I have promised her for the past couple of years that when we have our big birthdays (me turning 30 and her turning 10), we will have a party together!!
My older sister (for whom I am now interning for at everytinglittlemiss.com) is five years older than me. We also who have a brother who is six years younger than me. Although I am the one closer to both of them in age those two are twins born eleven years apart! It is amazing how similar they are! Watching them interact is probably the funniest thing to witness, they both have a very quick wit but they both have some wicked awesome dance moves! Anywho loved this post along with many others!! Keep on being full of whimsy and charm! -Emma
My sister April (for whom I now proudly intern for!) is five years older me and my brother Max is six years young than me. Despite the eleven year difference April & Max are like twins! It is so funny to watch them interact. Besides their quick wit they also share a talent for the same awesomely bad dance moves! They really are two peas in a pod! Anywho loved this post along with many others! Stay charming and whimsical!! -Emma
im one of your followers from malaysia,, hope you will join this contest,, :D
My wee (and only) bro is 10 years younger than me - he hit the big 16 mark yesterday!!
There were a few years when he was a brat and I was going through my turbulent teenage years, but we're close now, despite living at opposite ends of the country.
We'll often swap pictures of stuff that's going on in our lives. His most recent picture: a swing he made me and hung from the tree in my parents back yard. So sweet...
Your brothers are so cute!
I have a brother that is 12 years younger than me, and we always play around like I was his own age. He is 13 and I am 25...
I am 23 and my little sister is 10. I was present at her birth, and consider her my best friend. She lights up my life every day.
One of the many special things that we do together is our dragon game. During a hurricane last year we were stuck in the house and she pretended to be a dragon and I was her master. Her wings are too thick for her to fly, and when she tried to breathe fire, she blew a raspberry instead, so she is a water breathing dragon.
She has a special voice. Her dragon name is Fairfax.
And to make it even better, one day while she was out with our mom she bought a beautiful dragon hand-puppet that is now her son, Fang.
Both my sisters are quite a bit younger than I am - I'm 38 and they are 26 and 21. Fortunately, even with, or maybe because of, the age difference, we're very close. When they were younger I'd play games, Barbies, house, pretty well anything they wanted to do! Now we watch movies, go to concerts, shop, go out to eat and even travel together. And we laugh. We laugh a ridiculous amount, often until we're in tears. I'm so happy our friendship continues to grow. I couldn't be more proud of them. They're both smart, funny, independent, awesome women - and I'm so lucky to have them in my life! (And I love seeing your brothers bonding in the same way!)
I have three younger siblings. When I (a college student) come home for break, my favorite thing is to jump into the queen-size bed my two little sisters share. Keeps me toasty while I sleep!
I super duper love stalking your blog and reading you posts, they make my day :D I wish my sisters and i have had this kind of fun while growing up. But since we haven't, I hop that if I will have 2 more kids (i have only one yet) I wish they would all love and cherish their time together. you rock!!
I'm the eldest of 4. I have a sister who is 18 months younger, and then it jumps to a brother (7 years younger) and then a second sister (21 years younger). When I was getting married, my dad loved to say, "I have one in a wedding dress and another in diapers". I love it now. She's 10, and is closer in age to my son (20 months). Love that your brothers are so close and cool!
Just discovered your blog - I love it!! :D Your brothers look like they are very close, the shaving photo is so cute! I have 4 siblings, 3 are younger than me. The first is 4 years younger, then 14 years younger and last is just 4months old and 21 years younger than me. It's great fun having so many siblings (great excuse to watch Disney films!) :D
My sister is 13 years younger than me (no siblings in between and yes we're related from both of our parents). We don't spend too much time with each other as we have very different lives (I'm 37, she's 24) but we have a blast whenever we watch a funny movie together at my place, once babies are asleep, over organic pizza or out humbergering ( we love sharing junk food dinners). We've never thought of dressing up alike though, nice idea.
My big brother is 37 years older than me. My oldest sister is 35 years older (my mum is in between!) And my closest sister is 6 years older. I have neices who are older than me :) it's kinda nice to feel u have 'extra parents' without having to do what they say
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