For our latest Improv Everywhere mission, we created an art gallery opening on a subway platform!

The gallery had a cellist,

a coat rack and a bar!

Placards were posted next to objects in the station, immediately turning them into works of art.

Check out the video to see the gallery and some fun reactions!
wow! how long does it take to get everything prepared before the mission?
Hahahaa. Passers-by must have been thinking that artists are getting loopier and loopier as time goes on. ANYTHING is art these days.
I can't believe I missed this at my own station!!
Teresa- Some of the placards are still up! They should be on the uptown side of the ACE line on 23rd =)
gosh you guys are fun!
ha, that is so awesome!
you guys are too funny! And innovative! You make the city like a treasure hunt. I look for your touches everywhere! Hey...I am coming to NY for 4 months...Can my dogs be in your hundred pet piece?!
That is so beyond awesome. You're going to make me move back to New York.
I live in the wrong place!
awesome.. thank you for making smile after a crappy day at werk. hehe.. love the fresh ideas.
This is so funny! :) And creative. I love it. From your pictures, it really does look like it could be an old gallery!
could not help but laugh and smile. You guys are great. Loved the cello. That was probably *the* finishing touch on this whole thing. Kudos.
I wish you guys all lived in Saskatchewan!!!
I love it! You seriously have the greatest ideas and posts!
Hi Katie,
I just found your blog and I have been smiling SMILING ever since. I went back and read every single post because every single one is filled with such buoyancy and delight and creativity. Thank you for sharing your whimsy and wonder and beauty with the world!
Also, I adore the idea of Improv Everywhere. Brilliant.
I like the photography on this blog. Good work.
What a great way to look at public space! Thank you.
what a fantastic idea, love it.
Haha I love these videos. I swear they are the best way to cheer me up. Love it. Great work once again.
i absolutely love u & ur blog. I want to be you when I'm an adult!
Just brilliant! Wish I'd been there. Love your blog, always such fun.
Oh how I wish I lived in NY! My boyfriend and I did San Francisco's version of Pants-less Saturday and it was so fun (our pics are here: http://fillyourwell.blogspot.com/2009/01/no-pants-saturday.html), but San Franciscan's don't really get the improv part and mostly did it to be scandalous.
your photography is absolutely amazing! ^__^
Your work is so inspirational! I would love to discuss photography with you one day!
Keep up the amazing work! =)
Can I just say:
I think you're great!
Thats sooooo good. I love it
Oh, what great fun! You guys are SO imaginative! Love the video. You never fail to leave me smiling.
That's so awesome! And to think, i always thought the C line was the worst...
that's probably just cause i live off it.
Brilliant ... and very Marcel Duchamp! I wish I had seen it!
how cool is that??
you're all so smart! please come to Barcelona! hehehe
big hug
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