Wednesday, June 3, 2009


For about 2 hours yesterday I had a dog that I named ChiChi!
I found this little guy roaming the streets looking very scared so I brought him home. Moo was so jealous!
I took a few pictures of him so that I could make flyers to put up around the neighborhood (it's funny how glorious he looks in this shot). Luckily, I found his owner at a store asking the manager if he had seen her dog. She was so happy to see him she was crying. It felt so good to help!

Taking this picture reminded me about my 100 pet project. I haven't had time to work on it but I'm really going to try!


Your escalator operator said...

Way to go!

Also, really enjoyed the past posts about the wedding and the video about your work!

Thanks for the smiles.

Anonymous said...

hey katie, what a great story! I'm glad to hear you're still doing the 100 pet project. I think my pup Brillo would be perfect for it... you saw her feet on my blog the other day :) are you planning any shoots soon?


tscd said...

Chichi looks very relaxed around you! Maybe he knows you're a nice person.

purrsikat said...

I'm so happy that you were the one to find this little cutie! Wonderful. :)

& I second Your escalator operator; thanks for the smiles.

Rock on!

Es said...

I hope you include ChiChi in your 100 pet project, it would be so nice if you had a collection of pets in there that you've shared adventures with.

colormekatie said...

I was totally thinking that Es! It's really cool that each pet has it's own story =)

Erica said...


I was wondering when you were going to post your 100 Pet Project! I'm very much looking forward to it!


My name is Erin. said...

I love that picture against the pink background. Both are great, but the pink is stunning. Chichi was fortunate to find you. :)

I once had a neighbor chihuahua named, Beans. He was a wonderful little friend who has unfortunately passed on. RIP, little Beansie!

Here's a photo of Beans and his best friend, Clancy, if you'd like to take a gander sometime...

colormekatie said...

Awww what a cute dog! I love that his name was Beans!

Stephanie Irigoyen said...

Awww! What an adorable chihuahua! Then again, I'm biased, since my chi looks like an exact clone, only a bit chubbier, of Chichi, haha! My little dog's name is Yoshi, I swear, they're like brothers! :) I'm so glad you found the owner, that was so nice what you did. Beautiful photos, I really like the second one, with the awesome pink background.

Raquel said...

That's such a sweet story. I think you and the little projects you do are so adorable. They make me happy :) Thank you for having such a positive outlook on life. You're inspiring!

carly mary said...

love it.

Elly said...

Oh cuteness! :) Can't wait to see your pet project!

jasmine said...

oh! i'm so glad she got her dog back! my dog at my mom's house (their dog, my dog, our dog, whatever) has gotten out a couple of times, and we are always so panicked when she's missing. it's like losing a member of your family! the relief you feel when you get them back is huge! that woman will remember you forever. :)

Mo said...

aww! I have a chihuahua. but he's also part wiener dog. <3

:D cute doggies.

Tine said...

How good!

In the first picture he looks like a pig, I think. Can't help it :)

Micaela said...

my pets are my babies, so i can understand the owner crying. awww BLESS your darling heart Katie.

he does look pretty glorious in that pic ;)

Shaun said...

Your photographs are awesome. Very nice... glad I found it..

clairette said...

Cute little dog strory... aren't you an angel?

Susie Q said...

I'm amazed that you can make an animal with such obscure features look fantastic!

Joanna Goddard said...

what amazing photos, it would be so crazy to lose your dog and then see a photo of him in a pink background! how nice of you :)

Adelaide said...

Would have been the coolest lost dog posters ever, but I'm glad he was reunited with his owner instead.

PunkRockRunner said...

Every time I read your blog I am happier for doing so. I can't tell you how much I enjoy the photos and your stories.

Thank you,


Melissa said...

I left a comment on the 100 Pets post, but if you need more pets, I've got two cats in Brooklyn that would love to help out!

leni said...

so cute!

the un-bride said...

What an awesome thing to have done. I'm so glad he's back with his mom. Go, you!

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

Cute! Love the name too.

Regina said...

Oh, what a good deed you've done!
I was crossing guard the other day for a mother duck and her brood that were attempting to cross an entry into a busy strip mall...! I just had to make sure they got across the road and back to the pond!
And wonderful pictures of ChiChi!

flourish by mindy said...

oh katie! you are so cute! my daughter loves you!

SK said...

That is the most glorious, well photographed "Dog Found" photo ever!!

I'm glad ChiChi found his/her owner!

peewee said...

Wow. You decorate your neighborhood, rescue dogs, get the neighbors to dance with you...I think you need your own title, like 'groove-nor of Brooklyn" or something :)

I have TWO pets ready and willing to pose!

Alya said...

Oh that's so sweet what you did! What goes around comes around, so hopefully you'll get something good in return :)