Good morning! I thought I would try something new today...
Live blogging!
I'm determined to make something fun by the end of the day. I'll be updating my blog as I go along so that you can follow on the adventure too! I have no idea what I'm making yet so I better go and search my apartment for materials!

11:30 am- paper it is!

12:15 pm- searching for circles

1:00 pm- time to trace

2:20 pm- cutting

3:00 pm- making a big lovely mess!
5:30 pm- ready to start taping

9:00 pm- almost done!
Include some pics of Moo! I'm definitely a Moo fan! =D
Have a great day! Thanks for your fun and happy blog site!!!
Laura in SC
That sounds fun! I'll be checking up while I'm at work too!
Good morning, sweet Katie! I will be following your blog. Victoria is in Tokyo now...having a great trip!
That is fantastic. I can't wait to see pictures of her trip!
:) Cant wait to see how this turns out! Hope you have a fun adventure!
looks like you're up to no good :)
I'm so excited! This gives me something to look forward to all day. :]
thank you so much for making a good morning better!!
i'm excited to see what uplifting idea will arise!
Can't wait. but I am going to sleep soon. Will check back tmr morning. ;D
Cool! I can't wait to see what you come up with. =)
What a cool idea Katie! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Eek! I'm so excited!
Well that's an interesting idea. Can't wait to see what you have in store:)
yay! that's so exciting!! :)
how exciting!!! I wish I could do that myself !
sounds like a fun idea! I'll be checking back =)
Yayyy! A Moo pic! =D
I have 2 cats of my own, so I love to see pics of other cats and their humans. =)
I'll be checking on your blog throughout the day...can't wait to see what's next!
I love your flip flop tan lines! Happy day to Moo!
fun idea! I heart your tan lines too! Can't wait to see what you do!
Oh, I am SO excited to follow along for updates on your blog today! I am cleaning (boring) today so I will have something fun to peek at when I take breaks! Although, don't let me take too many! I ahve a friend coming from out of town to sleep over and go with some other friends urban exploring all day tomorrow!
Your blog is one of my very favorites that I have found! I'm so glad that I just recently stumbled upon it!
Your photography is
And, it makes me want to do somersaults, dance crazy and squeeze you all at the same time!
Ummm, I'm mentally stable ~ promise!
Although, I had a friend who once said that if you ever have to make a statement like the one above that you're not what you say, LOL!
Have a wonderfully colorful and creative time! :D
Squeezes from Michigan,
Bella (me),
Emma (the gray and white kitty who does tricks and eats pineapple)
Isabella (the velvety soft huge gray kitty who likes monster noises)
this is a splendid idea! my curiousity is piqued (and again i adore Moo).
i have that same flip flop tan line. i like to call it a "tandal."
Could I have used any more exclamation marks above?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, as you all were.
Awww Bella you are adorable, thank you! Get over here so I can give you a squeeze back!
i love your circle collection!
This is so fun!!
Nice dishes!
excited to see the outcome!
Hi, Moo!!
hehe, can't wait to see what you create!
Katie you are such an inspiration - in art and in life. I adore your blog and your radar video and I appreciate you mentioning the other artists Radar featured because I found a lot of other good inspiration/stuff to view and listen to too! It's hard to imagine a day you don't make someone smile! Have fun and good luck :)
1) Colorful Papers, 2)Plates, Cups & Mugs, 3) Colorful Circles
Hmm ? A Katie version of twister ??
oh this is exciting!! i cant wait to see what you make.
Ok, can you please tech me how to take great pics? Pretty please?
Love it!
You are so cute! Love this idea.
Hi! I have just woken up in Australia - what great ideas you have! I'll keep checking back to see what you havemade - as always you are an inspiration for a fun day!
Just checked back in - beautiful things created by you today! Awesome.
Came back for a squeeze (we call them a "skeese" or "skeese's" at my apt.!) and to tell you that I'm lovin' following your day!
And, your colorful mess is inspirational!
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY for colorful, creative, spontaneous day!
Love this idea. And your photographs. The colors always make me so happy. I am also curious (and hope you document) what your clean-up habits/procedures are. I love the abandon that comes with taking over the floor and a room for a project...but how to keep it from getting out of control! I am mistress of piles, and books and paper eat up my space quicker than quick!
OOHH. How fuN! ANd here I am just wasting time watching "cash cab"...
....speaking of cabs...I think you should get one and decorate it and drive around with you and moo picking people up at airports! Can u even imagine the first impression you'd make on tourists!! THAT's a show I'd watch all day!
your blog is happiest i´ve ever seen
it´s a pleasure to see it
Newbie here. Love the site. Hi everyone. I'm in!
Katie, I love it! Post bunches of pictures to show us what you did!
I love your art! I wish I were as creative as you. :[
Lovely lovely!! Wonder what those circles will do!
You have the MOST fun!!! How great is this?? Love it!!
Why are you so cute!?!
EEEK!!! I LOVE it! So happy and fun. I especially love that you took photos of it along the way so you could make a video of the bubbles. Brilliant!
love love love the video
What a great project!
And your flip flop tan lines are terrific. (Ps, I thought it was common knowledge that Katie likes wandering around barefoot - looks like she wears shoes afterall!)
Fabulous! I am always in awe of your creativity and this is no exception.
You're amazing Katie!!! I love bubbles!
This was so much fun Katie! Thank you!
Love it! love it! love it!
oh your wonderful! what a lovely idea and great execution!
Love it! yay.
you are adorable! everything you do makes me happy.
beautiful. this gave me a smile to start off my morning. thankyou!
So sweet! I love seeing your process!! Thank you for sharing that with us!
I love all your ideas.
Brilliant, as usual!
Yay!!! Love it! Thank you for the smile....what a gift!
Love it! What a Happy Day!
My daughter and I found your colorful spot in the universe and became inspired to create some of our own art today....
I hope you don't mind that my daughter used your bubble idea. Here's the link to her picture if you'd like to see what she did!
Thanks for sharing your art!
Oh, and I did link back to your site! I'm wanting all of my friends to come visit you... so they can live colorfully, too!
You're adorable. I'm going to link to your blog if you don't mind!
Ow!! It's so cute congratulations Katie!! Kisses from Spain
Me parece muy divertido todo lo que haces y me alegra saber que en el mundo hay gente como tú y tus amigos.
Desde Barcelona (Spain) muchos corazones de amor también para ti.
Few days ago I stepped in here and ... I don't wanna leave. You do great things which are inspiring and really turned my creativness on. Keep doing that great job.
as always, your creative ideas make me so happy. who could have thought — blowing bubbles on your wall! Love it.
So cool!!!! I came here because of Roban - Moments in Time. I love the stop motion photography. Very creative.
Hi, Katie - Just a note to say how bubbly-fun I think your site is, and to share that I posted about this project on "Fresh Living," the holistic health blog I co-author on Check it!
Can't wait for what you'll create next!
Really, I don't know who you do it! How you manage to come up with something so fun every time :) I love that brain!
thats so cool!
That is one of the coolest things I think I have ever seen! Thank you for your live blogging!
you are kind of repeating your self
the bubbles are not that diffrant from the hearts , but any how i like the bright colours
and it seems that your having fun.. good for you
Thanks a lot for making my day! :)
Loooove your bubbles.
I love your pussy cat. My cats like to feature in things as well.
I love your idea here, it's silly and fun. I found you through Girl Interrupted, who is also a bit silly. My god, you've got a lot of followers; looks like you've got one more. xo
Wow, that was rad!
i love this!!!! =) it's great!!! =D
amazing... as always!
Love your live blogging idea and the bubbles :) so lovely to combine the wall art with people in photographs. I just took a great bubble photo for my blog
Can't wait to see what your next exciting project is!
I love this entry! Colours make anyone's day :)
wow! completely fabulous!!!
You just made my day :)
well aren't you clever and inspiring? thank you!
Beautiful colors and beautiful creative unfoldment.
Adorable. As always. =)
Adorable..I'll be checking on your blog since now...
You're amazing! You're never out of ideas - original fun, happy, beautiful, inspiring ideas! You're one of a kind.
you are a genius!!
I love your ideas!glad that I´ve found your blog! wish you a great day today :o)
You must live for your weekends, I would too if I was this creative. I love your blog :)
so dang cute! I love it!
so sweet and cute
the colours are beautiful
i love this blog
These projects! Yup, it's these kinds of things that make us love you.
you did a magic work!
Love it so much!
Thats sooo cool
Love it
Beautiful site! stop by mine sometime
Just writing to let you know that I think you're fabulous! What a creative way to spend a day.
love love love love it!!! super fun!!
incredibly creative ideas and beautifully executed... you're my new fav photog... :) ~peace
your idea turned out wonderfully! documenting the journey to the end result is a great idea.
Me inspira tu proceso.
Absolutely fabulous... I love your creativity.
Just discovered your blog through So Fawned. LOVE the BUBBLES!!!
wow! just loving your creative craft projects!
i love bubbles! :D
wow that was really impressive! your one creative cookie!
Just spent the last hour or so looking though your blog. WOW, you are so creative!! I want to be you when I grow up! Thanks for all the inspiration!
Simply Beautiful
omg, you are so fun.
i just realized much of my crockery is the same as yours >.<
small world
you must live such a wonderful life. <3
perfect job dear
I'm very glad for meet to you
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