Wednesday, October 7, 2009


When I was younger, I always wanted to write in a diary. I thought I would feel so much better if I could write about how I felt. I bought so many diaries growing up but I would just fill out the first five pages and then stop. The problem was that I think and feel mostly with images so it was hard for me to find words to describe things. So I decided to make a diary of how I felt with images!
I started shooting self-portraits when I was seventeen and still do them now!

I get lots of nosebleeds during winter!

It's always made me feel better after taking a self-portrait based on my mood. I like to call it photo therapy ;)

It's been a while since I've made a new portrait but now I'm all pumped to do one! Anyone else wanna join me? If you have some new or old self-portraits, link to them in the comments. I'd love to see them!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful work as always! You really give me inspiration. I'm going to go out and try this now!

meowsk said...

I want to learn to take beautiful self-portraits like this. Trying to make the most of my new-found unemployment by taking photos. So far I have just been going around with my iPhone... but I would like to take out my nicer camera and do some self-portraits. Any tips for a first time self-portrait photographer?

Meg said...

My self-portraits are no way near as creative as yours.

I love to document my feet.

Laura Trevey said...

these are amazing!!!

Thao said...

I've always had the same problem, Katie! Maybe my problem is similar to yours. I'm actually doing a self-portraiture project for a class in a few weeks, so I'll be sure to post and link when I do. Love your self-portraits, as always!

Sue said...

You always inspire us to "step outside of the box" don't you? It is always a joy to read your blog.


Tricia Orchard said...

Hmmm. Now you have me wondering what kind of self-portraits I have of myself.

Thanks for the inspiration.


I agree with what Sue said!

Liz said...

I'm allergic to having my picture taken. :P So no self-portrait from me. But I just wanted to say that I love your blog and your art. It's amazing and always makes me smile. And Moo is an adorable name for a cat! I used to have a cat named Queso.

Anonymous said...

I used to do self portraits all the least the best I could without a tripod or a remote. I'm not sure why I've stopped. I think there's just too much life to live right now. But you reminded me of how much I love doing them.

Vanessa said...

These are amazing! I don't actually take photos of myself but after joining the flickr group " what I wore today" I started doing self-portrait drawings for a while...unfortunately I dont have that much time to do them...

Carolynn Cecilia said...

I am terribly enthralled with your ability to conquer light. Please tell me that I will one day learn this trick without maxing out my credit card to upgrade my little canon rebel.

Unknown said...

When I first came across your blog, I was inspired to do more full body self portraits rather than the "lean way back and i'll put my arm way out to take my pic" type. The joy that you express on at least your more recent self portraits is delightful to witness.

I have a few.. but I'm just getting started! And these are just with my little digi-camera:
our new couch
bruins fan, reborn

Amanda Mae said...

lovely! ... i do the same thing. its fun.
my favorite
another favorite

leaca said...

You are so darn creative with your sp's. I will look for a time to do a sp this week.

Gina said...

Those are incredible!

Miss Red said...

self portraits are so fun!

portraits of friends are fun, too:

cmv said...

these are so much fun!
here's my most recent:

MLG said...

I am more of a word girl as I tend to shy away from my picture being taken.

Your photos are amazing and inspiring for those who use words to share emotion.

I cannot wait to see more. Thanks for all of your inspiration.

Katie Palmer said...

Love these! Such variety, which I guess makes sense considering the great range of emotions...

Thanks for sharing them with us! My latest (though not that recent) self-portrait is actually a silkscreen print:

Anela Deisler said...

My self portrait is a series: here

jena said...

i love your self portraits.. especially the nose bleed one. you look so intense!

I also like to document my feet (or feets, heh)


Megan Marie said...

I love how expressive you are with your body. I also fill out the first five pages of a journal before quitting, and I take many, many self-portraits. You've inspired me to take a recent one, though I am seven months pregnant and I'm feeling rather... huge. But the top photo in this post is a favorite of mine: dandy photo

Yellowgoat said...

The last one is just too fun. ;D

Collette Parks said...
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Collette Parks said...

my friend Randal is doing a project. he takes one self-portrait a day. he's done 277 of 365 photos so far. have a look! Randal's Flickr

linnykins said...

Aww wow, that last photo is especially epic. You're so creative!! Your blog makes me smile <3 :)

Here's a link to one of my own self portraits..

Megan Marie said...

Your post inspired this photo

Little Gray Pixel said...

Love them all. Kudos.

Jenny at Dos Family said...

I am so in love with your blog. Here is my contribution

Well actually it is a marathon of Family-self -portraits I featured on my blog a couple of weeks ago. I really love them all.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! I always say that I like being the one behind the camera rather than in front of it, but secretly, when no one's looking, I take self portraits to see how I come out...
My favorite of mine is one I took back in '03. It's in my "About" page on my website

BTW, you take awesome self portraits!!

Anne said...

I love your creative mind! Unfortunately, I myself am very camera shy... However, now that I'm pregnant I need to get over that so that I can document my growing belly! If only I lived in NYC, so that I could hire you! :)

A Daft Scots Lass said...


Katie said...

I hope you like my blog:). You inspire me! I construction paper-mosaic-ed my bookshelf after seeing your amazing wall. Thanks!

emma said...

Love you're work Katie. The last pic where you're holding the kite is my fav! I'm doing a 365 day photography project. One a day for each day of 2009, it's awesome fun, and challenging. I've got a few self portraits in the mix. This one was my first and probably favourite:

But if you like check out #069 and #134 they're pretty cool too :)

Lauren said...

I LOVE the sad couple with the flowers. It feels so Brooklyn!

Lisa Goulet said...

I love your early portraits! (It's like a secret look into your life. :) ) I like to do portraits where I'm dressing up!

these are my favourite!

Julie [Plums for Breakfast] said...

Those are so great. Self portraits DO feel good--a few months ago, I spent a weekend taking self portraits, and it felt so fabulous to create art that was all about me for once. I made a pact to keep doing them, but I actually haven't done any since.

These were my favorites:

They're both rather quiet; I'd love to catch myself on a happy day, like you with your pretty bright colors :)

Farmgirl Paints said...

You really think outside the box. That's what I love about your work:)

Lindsey said...

You are amazing. What a truly communicative and introspective artist. I am a painter. My diary is all pictures. I always {thought} I wanted to be an art therapist.

mc said...

Katie, I don't have any self portraits, but I have a friend who does. She also manages a photography group and every month they take pictures of different themes. Here is the link to their "self portrait" month:

SK said...

It makes more sense now - to this day I still start writing in diaries and journals and stop not even a third into the pages. I definitely have my phases of being able to write about what I feel, but sometimes taking a photo of what I feel is so much more in-line with my emotions!

I'll definitely link some photos here when I post them on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Really cool photos - like them. Will try one myself - someday:)

Anonymous said...

love the kitchen one so much!

dblater said...

this may be random, but my husband get's nosebleeds all the time too and when he got one on the street the other day, a guy came up to us and said if you put a tiny bit of vaseline on a q-tip and swab it around in your nose, you won't get them so often. random comment i know, but i thought maybe it would help.

The Nightwatchman said...

Hi, Kate

Some great work and I love the idea of a self portrait diary! Even though I am going through some though times at present, they might be intense.

Keep up the good work.

BWs from Blighty


amytangerine said...

that kite one is amazing.

dylan said...

Me and my pet chicken, Coco!

Carolyn said...

I was in the mood for a self-portrait yesterday and ended up making a triptych...
Also, have you ever tried using a scanner to scan yourself into a picture?
Those two are my more recent ones. Still trying to figure out more ideas... :)

3StinkyBoysAndMe said...

Those self photos are so awesome!

gogo said...

wow, so many wonderful self-portraits here. I am also an "autoporteuse" girl, so here one goes:

CladdaughKris said...

Self-portraits are so personal and say so much about someone. Thanks for continuing to put yourself out there to inspire us all.

I just started a blog yesterday, and it just so happens that the header graphic is a self-portrait:

Keep sharing!

Inbal said...

Your pictures are wonderful!
The idea of self portrait as a diary is great but the pictures themselves are very beautifully done and very creative (although I don't think you'll be able to top your cat for portraits :D)
I will definitely continue to watch for further works! :D

Andrea Lynn said...

I feel like I know you :) because you are a lot like me :D
I love you work
Keep it up!

tifsong said...

you are beautiful!

theres some of mine! none are recent, though, unfortunately.

Katie said...

here's mine I took on my birthday a couple weeks ago:
I love self-portraits!

hailey said...

ooh i love this fun fun...

here is my latest one:

and this is one of my favs!...

Elisquared said...

I love taking self-portraits. This one of a series I took over the summer. Probably my favorite in the whole bunch.

Unknown said...

I have a love/hate relationship with self-portraits. A little more hate than love, actually. Here are a few that I have done this year:

drachen said...

I love them all, but the one I like the most is the third one, it has such a sense of playfullness and comfyness and connection and quirkyness and joy and ... well lots of skin as well :D ;) :)

diarys have been the same for me, never worked for long

great idea these self portraits :)

some ppl go to photo-booths regularly and shoot there diary photos there :D.

but doing them one your one gives you much more flexibility

gotta try this out myself :) ive got a compact digital camera and a tiny tripod don't need more to portray me at home :) :) :)

thank you for sharing some of your self-portraits, like the diverse aspects of yours that shine through :)

SK said...

I posted my self-portraits!

I had to dig through my folders for these, but it was totally worth it! Thank you for reminding me of the self-portraits I have taken in the past.


Melanie said...

amazing as always!

i have quite a few self portraits on my blog too, come visit!

Verte Adélie said...

I love your self-portraits, it's good to see someone who looks confident in front of a camera, and your joy is infectious :).

I recently tried to make a self-portrait to celebrate some changes in my life, so as you ask, here it is !

Rachel T. said...

I love your photos and blog! My husband is a pastor, so I get ready for church on Sunday mornings with quite a bit of trepidation. Here's my Sunday morning self portrait:

colormekatie said...

haha I love this photo Rachel. You look so cute!

Anonymous said...

I think taking self portraits would be really good for me a a photographer. I'm really shy infront of a camera but yet I expect other people to let me take their photo. I need to get comfortable infront of the camera. Thanks for the inspiration but it might be a while before I'm ready to share! :)

{ CopyStrands } said...

Thanks for making me smile :) You are so fun!

Unknown said...

This last summer, I found myself with a piece of birch bark and no poetry to write on it. Ashamed of calling myself an English major and knowing no verse spontaneously, I now write poetry on my hands for memorizing when I am bored. I documented my most recent poem with a self portrait I think you will enjoy.

It is here

zarah said...

loooove your selfportraits! I mean, I love your photography - it's so ful of humor, poetry, blissfulness :)

here are some of my humble attempts at selfportraits...

Unknown said...

what i create in my diary is a combination of words and images. i draw everything that comes to my head, and it makes me feel so peaceful to get things where i can really see them with my eyes.

that first picture is impossibly beautiful. i admire you so much.

Conor said...

I love your site and your photos!!

I was fooling around with new features on my new computer last week and made an album of silly shots - they look kinda scary, but I like them!

Dey said...

Love your portraits :)
Here are a couple of mines

Unknown said...

Here is my latest self portrait:

Still figuring out a new camera, so I couldn't get me+spinning wheel+ the view in there.

Rhya said...

These are so awesome.
I like to make masks sometimes, adds to the fun:


Anonymous said...

I get nosebleeds as well during the winter, everytime it happens I'm scared to death haha

Asaf Sagi said...

I took a self-portrait when I was stuck without gas in my car, in the middle of a highway. Thank god there was enough shoulder space to accommodate me while I waited for help.

Unknown said...

i love it katie! u're my inspiration... and i love portraits!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed viewing this collection of self-portraits. It’s amazing how well you can document a diary entry without using words. Your choice of settings and use of various lighting options helps capture the true moment and the feelings that accompany them.

Anonymous said...

you are an amazing photographer!

Anonymous said...

Your statement about diaries and self portraits is sooo true. It's just how I feel. The difference: i'm only 18 and not as creative as you are!!!

Melinda said...

hey! how'd you do that one with two of you in it? it's very cool. i'd love to know =)

najodleglejszy said...

one day I just felt I HAVE to do a photo like this. so I did.

it's not in a full size though (had to download it from facebook).

ooooh, and in October, when I started my medical studies, I found that awesome scapula. and couldn't stop myself to snap a pic, even though there was a camera in a room.
it's like The Phantom of the Morgue :)

najodleglejszy said...

how does it happen I'm always forgetting to subscribe?

Lauren said...

Hi! I love your positivity and am inspired by your outlook.

My blog contains my own cat, Bella, and many happy photos as well :)