Wednesday, March 17, 2010


It's been such a busy week but I wanted to share a few things that make me happy!

Convincing hotel workers to jump on the beds,
little brothers that double as soft pillows when you fall,
Cat scarves, they're all the rage!
finger family
finger families,
whistle necklaces ( my cute grandma always wore one! )
playing peek-a-Moo,
Notes on my college paper
finding an old college paper with my professor's notes " No smiley faces in essays"
I found this old picture of my mom and dad
My mom's red hair and rainbow suspenders,
Not as glamorous as Marilyn
practicing my Marilyn Monroe,
this happy pup,

brand new paper just waiting to get cut up,
Hello, free ice cream and hot chocolate
chocolate, chocolate, chocolate,

and scrabble tables!


Liz / Tangible Ingredients said...

Oh, such wonderful, life-affirming, happy things! Your blog is such a continual source of inspiration and joy for me. Have a wonderful evening!

San said...

this all are awesome i love your style!! can i ask what camera did you use?

Anonymous said...

I love it Katie!

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

I especially like the "CAREFUL W/ CAPITAL LETTERS".


colormekatie said...

@San-These photos were shot with all different cameras but right now I shoot with a Canon 5d Mark II !

Kristi @ Creative Kristi said...

Oh I love the capital letters warning....and the whole note is in capital letters. Made me giggle!

colormekatie said...

I didn't even realize that! Hilarious!!

missvanham said...

Wow love your Marilyn Monroe style.

have a great weekend

Heaven said...

That doggie looks so happy! You encounter the cutest animals.

leigh said...

reading your blog is like getting a big hug from a great friend!

Smeeeff said...

Your blog makes me VERY happy!

Lulu said...

aww this post made me smile SUPERBIG! i love that you put smiley faces in your college essays hehe and your mothers lovely suspenders (and wonderful pose!)

Hanne (from Denmark) said...

Wonderful photos!! Love the peek-a-moo ;-)

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

Hey! I think essays could use a few more smiley faces! ;-) And so could the rest of the world.

Did you catch any leprechauns today?

Roberta said...

for me the best photographer are you!!
love love love

BPremo said...

I'm so glad your professor's notes give you good memories. I'm an English prof. and I always feel like I'm being so mean correcting people, but that's my job, so I do it anyway!
Even though they are not allowed, I think smiley faces would be nice in a paper!

Megan Marie said...

No smiley faces in essays! What a crack-up! I hope he was smiling when he wrote that.

colormekatie said...

haha me too! It's such a funny thing to have to write =)

ahlin said...

those suspenders are to die for!

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...





(okay, I'll stop now. Over and out from Sweden :)

Indie Mom and the Reluctant Banker said...

Your mom was gorgeous! Great pictures!

beth said...

oh no...
I had those suspenders, too.... and yes, with a 22 year old, I'm old enough to be your mother :)

Anonymous said...

I love these. They all make me happy as well. :]

Megan Marie said...

Oh, yeah, and your mom's suspenders and red hair remind me of these funny superhero pictures of me.

ashlina {the decorista} said...

there is nothing like a happy pup! nothing!

Laura said...

QWhat a lovely post and great pic of your mom, i think you really take after her with your love of rainbow colours!

Laura said...

QWhat a lovely post and great pic of your mom, i think you really take after her with your love of rainbow colours!

Karen Travels said...

Happiness is this blog!!

Sue said...

The stack of paper is so exciting I almost shake looking at it! I still love school supplies!

Anonymous said...

Hihi, mein Sohn und ich malten uns heute auch Gesichter auf die Finger-das macht solchen Spass! ;-)
Deine Postings erhellen meine Tage,

Lucy said...

I smiled all the way through this! SO adorable, I especially love the colour of your mum's hair and the untouched paper.

Lucy (

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Love the new photos- I acutally spent a great deal of time on your site today. I toally read the Peter Pan article on American Airlines and didn't make the connection- until today.

Ananda said...

Lovely! Such happy things!

Megan said...

I love your what-makes-me-happy posts! Scrabble tables make me happy too.

Carolyn said...

Haha that's awesome! I really want one of those whistle necklaces... They're so pretty :D

N. said...

your blog is so lovely <3

Studded Rose said...

ahh i love your photos so much they make me smile on even the most miserable day x

Caroline said...

Hee, love the appreciation for the small details in life! I love cat scarves, too!

Caroline of Red Glasses

Miss Jaster said...

Bad teacher. If I get smiley faces and art on the papers I grade it UPS the grade...:P

Lee said...

Hi Katie! My son (he's 10) and I love your blog and your wonderful spirit. Thanks for spreading your sunshine beyond New York!

My son was inspired by the notes you left all over the airport, so he made some up (with sweet messages like "You are Loved") and left them all over the neighborhood. My 87 year old neighbor found one and she was so touched she asked my son if she could give him a hug. What a powerful message you have!

littletiara said...

Peek a Moo! Now that picture is my cellphone wallpaper, lol. he's just too adorable, and I love the color <3

and whistle necklace! Imma look for one now! lol xD

kelli said...

your blog makes me happy=)

linnykins said...

I'd be the student who puts smiley faces in essays! Whoops.

Melany said...

Haha, those suspenders are epic. My mom totally rocked those too and passed them down to me. :)

Abbyblujay said...

mhmm agreed! Scrabble and paper definitely make me happy too!

<3 from Chicago! :0)

Anonymous said...

you can get a whistle necklace here( and all the money goes to helping child soldiers!

Gali said...

This post just made my morning that much better!

Meg said...

your paper is making me drool :)

visible... said...


I loved your photos so much...

art.soul said...

someone should make you post every single day. i bsolutely adore your blog.
best one i've ever seen.

all the best for you Katie.
greeting from Portugal;)

Anonymous said...


Justine said...

Peek-a-Moo is hilarious! And I love finding old college papers myself. Love your blog!

Princess Camille said...

I love this post! I've had several warnings not to use smiley faces in my essays, but every time I got a new teacher, I'd do it again, just to see if I'd find one who'd allow me. I just can't resist smiley faces!

Your blog brings me such joy! Thank you. :)

miss. chief said...

HA!!! You put a smiley face in your essay? That's so cute. I'm going to do that on this research paper I'm working's the last thing I have to hand in for my degree...

Alexandria said...

You're adorable! Dogs and rainbow suspenders make me happy too! This post makes me very happy! Thank you.

Natalie said...

I LOVE YOUR BLOG. your pictures and stories make me smile every day miss! :)

ruthpclark said...

Love your professor's notes--hilarious!

Amanda said...

Katie, where do you get your paper?! Your colors are always so amazing and vibrant! I look everywhere and can never find paper like that.

Also, if that first picture was from a hotel it's officially the COOLEST hotel I've ever seen!

Wendy said...

fabulous, I agree 100%... and now I may have to grab some colorful paper, a whistle necklace and get to work making a scrabble table with brightly colored stars hanging over it. (happy sigh)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE your blog! You always make me smile. Thanks! :)

Shirin said...

I love that scrabble table! What a genius idea.
Your blog would be on my happy list. It always makes me smile!

Melissa Blake said...

oooh, i'm just thinking of all the things i'd like to do with that colored paper! Ahhh, the possibilities!

Raptor Plateado said...

WOW marilyn monroe!!! you lock pretty.. jejeje i like you post

Lauren Stacks said...

Oh my goodness I want a whistle necklace! Probably in silver though. Your grandma must have been rad. :)

Vanessa said...

oooh so much stuff to be happy about ! :) i especially like the scrabble table and the hotel workers jumping, and everything in between!

xxooo Vanessa

Unknown said...

your blog brightened my day!! these pictures are awesome! i've gotta do the finger family thing someday :)

Eva said...

Chocolate always makes me happy :)

Unknown said...

your blogs never fail to put a smile on my face!

anna said...

"no smiley faces in essays" - haha!

Henrietta said...

These have now made me so happy! It's those little things that really count!

drollgirl said...

the "CAT SCARF" made me laugh out loud! and that scrabble table needs to be MINE!

Sartre said...

this bolg make me smile.

_ffyona said...

I really like the whistle necklace. I think i need one! And how awesome are the cat's scarf and scrabble tables!

simone on the internet said...

Wonderful post! By the way, where are the whistle necklaces from? They are great!

heidi pumpkin pie said...

i just discovered your blog! I think you are so cute and amazing!

Dani said...

these pictures made me smile too! the note form your teacher made me laugh & reminded me that in high school i used to do all my science homework in purple pen! i also used to use colored staples but i can't find any anymore. & i'm not even a cat person but you have the best cat ever.

Eva said...

You know what makes me happy? That a stranger 3000 miles away has put so much joy in my 'lil heart that its changing my life. :D

Your color and outlook have made me want to be a better person. Thank you for you!

With Love, Jamie said...

Just found your blog, AMAZING!

Koey said...

Wonderful! I like your photos and color.
Watching your photos makes me happy too:-)!

fashionfamous said...

Happy and fun!

¡Besitos fashionistas!

Laura Pita said...

i just saw this picture
and it totally remminded me of you.
Its sooo cute and colorful!!
hope you like! ^_^

Dr. Jason said...

Smiley faces in papers? Yikes kiddo. That's pretty basic, what were you doing putting them in there?

Your blog is too much sugar for a cloudy Sunday afternoon.

OneCraftyFox said...

Nothing better than a good cat scarf!

Diana Monteiro said...

I'm from Brazil, and a found your blog! I fell in love for your work! So cool and inspired!
I also made a post in my blog, hope you like it: And i follow you at twitter!

Kristin said...

Chocolate!! ♥

Anonymous said...

Your blog ..... it's amazing and soooo inspiring. Nice to find you!

A small footprint from Agneta & Sweden

Ps. I have an ongoing jewelry contest on my blog. Welcome! Ds

Blogger to Wordpress said...

Hey Cool Images.. Stumbled the post

Tiffany said...

Where were the Scrabble tables? I'd love to go to that restaurant!

colormekatie said...

They're at a restaurant called The Collective. It's on 9th Ave and 12th St. It's so fun!

anabella said...

I thought I had the worst day today, but thanks to your blog, it made me remember how to smile again^^ Thank you dear Katie!!

Audrey Jaye said...

Adorable. I want all these things in my life immediately - Can I borrow your wand?

trang said...

I stumbled across your blog from CRAFT, and I just want to thank you for bringing so much colours into my life! I love, love your work!!!

AMIT said...

Wow i just liked all the happy photos.

Make website india

Frannie said...

I loved the whistle necklaces so much! And your mum seems really artsy in that picture...very much like you!

Simply Me said...

love your blog!
new follower

Kat said...

I am feeling it. Thank you. Merci.

Alan Corey said...

Cat Scarves 4eva!!

Anonymous said...

That Scrabble table is the bomb!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Love it! These made me chuckle! :)

Aron said...

We just posted about a store with vintage whistles-they were pretty great.

Love your post about pac-man!

jenbern said...

thank you for this burst of inspiration!

Miki said...

I want a cat scarf, too! Hehe! I LOVE what you do! Cheers from Buenos Aires! =P

Ps.Ellen said...

Your cat is verry cute!

Tori said...

I'm totally going to go out and make a scrabble table! I'm going to put in all the words I love and use it all the time. It makes me happy just thinking about making one.

Girl in the frame said...

haha I remember a teacher once told me a similar thing about smiley faces! It just shows we love to be happy in life, right?
This is adorable as always! :)