Sunday, March 14, 2010

Little old birthday girl

This morning I woke up with back pains, white hair, and glasses...
and that's when I realized I was another year older.
Where's my cane at?


Oh Emma said...

happy birthday girrrrl! :)xx

Merita said...

So happy birthday to you; pretty granny!

Verena said...

Hey, Happy Birthday Katie!!! Youre still sooooo young, enjoy this time!!!

Greetings from Switzerland!

JT said...

Happy Birthday Katie!

Dandansama said...

Happy colorful B-day, Katie!

Melissa Blake said...

Happy Birthday!!! Think of it as being another year wiser! xoxo

Lucy said...

Happy Birthday!
I love reading your blog, I'm just starting out in this whole blogging business :)

Hope you have a lovely day. xxx

Arianne said...

Happy birthday Katie! :) I'm sure it'll be an awesome day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Katie!

Daan said...

Happy happy happy birthday

(today we celebrate our son's Rover fifth birthday)

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie, happy birthday! I've always loved reading your blog and your wonderful sense of creativity (:

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY(: Thank you for constantly making me smile; I hope you have a great day!

Sofía Haltrup said...

So happy birthday!
have fun :D

Dennis Li said...

KATTIIIEEE!!! Happy birthday!!! XD And, since this is the first time I knew I could send you comments, I just want to say that I ADORE YOU and YOUR WORKS and YOUR CAT. ^^ Love from the Philippines. ^^ *Happy Birthday again. XD*

Gisele said...

Happy Katie!
lots of rainbows and candies for u today <3

Melissa said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Katie dear! I hope you have a great one! Your blog has blessed me so much and reminded me to live life full of color and joy.

City Mitten said...

Happy Birthday! Cute hair! :)

This Way to Joy said...

Happy Birthday Katie!! Wishing you a day full of laughter! Hmmmm, somehow I don't think you'll have a problem with that. : ) EnJOY!

Geovanna Garcia said...

Happy birthday Katie from Ecuador! Have a great day ;)

Anke said...

Happy birthday and thank you for making our lives more colourful! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Kate, have a great day with the ones you live. Greetings from Portugal :)

Tarah said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you're doing something fun!

Dina said...

Happy happy birthday!

Inbal said...

Yom Huledet SaMeAch Katie! (happy b'day in hebrew)
May all your wishes come true and that your pictures will carry on inspiring and making everyone smile!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! May your life continue to be filled with color!

_ffyona said...

Happy Bday to ya Katie!

Shannon said...

Happy birthday, magic girl!

BÉMOL said...

Happy Birthday Sunshine!

Frk Lundegaard said...

Happy B-day

Francesca said...

Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day and all your wishes come true.

CountessLaurie said...

Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your day!

Nina said...

happy happy day...great great year

Sue said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for all the joy you share with us!

Now, about that stereotype of aging...those white hairs are easy to hide. The glasses...a must have!

umama said...

Awww Happy Birthday!!!!!

Cydney said...

Happ Birthday! do something fun!

moofan said...

happy birthday katie! with each birthday may you be young-er at heart :)

RMb said...

happy birthday!!! i hope your day is wonderful. thank you for your amazing blog. :)

moamargareta said...

happy birthday! :D
thanks for all beautiful photos you show!

Kiki said...

Happy Biiiiiirthday :)
I wish you all the best, unicorns, glitter and a lot of fun and dances and cake with candles :)

kisses and cuddles :)

Shoe Gal said...

Happy Birthday, Katie! I think this is the most adorable birthday post I've ever seen...well done! But you are still very young and have a long time until you have white hair and wrinkles. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Monika - Twoja Asystentka said...

Best wishes! I hope you will be even more cheerful when you get older and older ;)

Lindsay Wiese said...

Happy birthday Katie! You're not old until you pass up 21.


You're older than 21.


Kidding :) White hair is totally in!

mermaidqueen said...

happy birthday!!! your bog is so wonderful, i love reading everything and looking at the awesome pictures you post!

kelli said...

you make a cute old lady!

enjoy your special day! (today is also pi day. eat lots of pie! =)

Vincent James Pia said...


I hope you'll have a wonderful day! :-)

nora said...

Happy birthday Katie !!!

What a beautiful old lady you're gonna be when you're reaaally old =)

Best wishes =)

Katie Eyles said...

Happy Birthday (:

Emily said...

happy happy birthday!!!

Unknown said...

wow, it's my sister's birthday too!

happy birthday!! =D

stephanie said...

Happy birthday! =3

Prinsesse Mari said...

Happy B-day, Katie!! Love reading your blog. When I first found it I could not stop reading it. You always makes me smile!!! :)

Best wishes from Norway!

Ali said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to the most creative gal I know! xo

Ali said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to the most creative gal I know! xo

Meg said...

happy birthday! you always brighten my day, so i hope your day today is just wonderful. enjoy :)

littletiara said...

Oh my! It's your birthday today? :o guess what? Our birthdays are only two days away, you shoyld've waited a little longer and we'd be twins! Well with two years age difference, haha...

Thank you for the heavy dose of colorfuk ideas and creativity you've gicen to us ;D more, please, haha

mrkeroppi said...

Thanks for keeping us happy Granny! Keep us smiling one more year, please.

roxy said...

happy birthday! I love you bloggg! i have it on my "like and love" list! make a big beautiful wish 2day! ;;-) :-***

Roselie said...

happy birthday dear!!

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

you can never be are too young at heart! Have a MAGICAL Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! The white hair is amazing. ;D

augenscheinlichkeiten said...

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Happy Birthday, Katie! You look younger than ever..... ;-)

Anne said...

You've aged fast, but gracefully! :)
Happy Birthday Katie!! xoxo

Yelena R. said...

Happy Birthday Katie :)

Indie Mom and the Reluctant Banker said...

Happy birthday! You still look great!

Thao said...

Happy birthday, you adorable creature! I won't even bother to tell you to have a fabulous day, because you always seem to! :D

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

Happy Birthday!!! Grattis på födelsedagen!!! Your hair looks like cotton candy!!!

chelsea rebecca said...


Megan said...

Happy birthday! This photo is adorable!

Art Wall Katie said...

You are way too cute. Happy Birthday

lauren, curious constellation said...

Happy Birthday cutie pie!

Dayna said...

A comment to wish you a very happy birthday and to pose the question- How can I get my hands on a beautiful blanket like you're snuggled up under in this picture??

Anneke said...

Happy birthday Katie!

Kelli said...

You're so much fun! Happy birthday!!!

Teany Tiny Star said...

Happy Birthday! I hope all of your birthday wishes come true :)

mahler76 said...

happy birthday!!!

Lulu said...

haha this is so great! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! =]

Chanel said...

Aww! Happy Birthday!!
You sure look great for an 'old' person :P

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday!!!

Your blog is so fun!

goldlionaz said...

Happy Birthday!!! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face and keeping my inspired :)

pi said...

Happy Birthday!
I don't know if anyone else has pointed this out to you, but your birthday is on pi day!

have a slice of birthday pie on me! :)

. s h e r r y * said...

Haha, you're the cutest Grandma ever! Happy Birthday AND Happy Pi Day :)

penguininthesun said...

Happy Birthday :)

pneuwarum said...

Aaah, a shameless birthday plug? Have a happy one. :)

XW said...

Happy day! The white hair is becoming on you. (:

poet said...

Happy birthday!

I think we're exactly the same age now; I also feel old :)

8thstreet-store said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa~ said...

Oh God!! fro one day to another this happened??! Now you're a granny.
Happy birthday dear, lot of kisses, bear hugs and I owe you the gift.


Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday Katie!!! You look great with white hair!!! :)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You consistently make my day! Here's to many, many more wonderful years. xx

Charmalade said...

Ooooh happy birthday you ol' whippersnapper! You're nowhere near old now (unless you've managed to Benjamin Button yourself), but I happen to think that when the time comes, you'll make an adorable grandma. :)

Toast with Charmalade

t r a c y said...

h a p p y . b i r t h d a y . k a t i e !

here's to another year of smiles and spreading your creativity and inspiration all over the world.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday! Ha! My granny's birthday is today too! And mine next week. I often find that people that have March birthdays are quite Awesome! Have a good one!

Hope Chella said...

Hysterical!!!! :D

Lindsey said...

happy birthday! Love the photo!


Jennifer Milena said...

happy birthday :)

mc said...

Happy Birthday Katie!

jsanalak said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Your blog is the bestest!!! <3<3<3


April said...

Happppy birthday!

princessica said...

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Katie,
Happy birthday to you!
and many moooooore!

I wish you all the best of everything in all-ways cuppycake!

Chantel said...

Happy Birthday Katie! You really know how to pull off the white hair :-) I hope you have a fabulous day!

JenRem said...

Your photos are always so adorable! Love this one especially. HAPPY BIRTHDAY darling :) Hope you are having a super great day!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are adorable and fun and I want to be JUST LIKE YOU when I grow up! (I'm 17 so I'm not too far behind! hahaha!)

You should know that you have made my day on many occasions. When I am sad, lonely, or have been in a spat with my parents, I just pull up your blog or Matty's website, and my mood is made a thousand times better. I truly hope that one day I can be AS bright and fun and loving and lovable as you! I'm trying now but maybe one day I'll reach your level of awesometasticness! :)


Peace & Love,

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! :D

Roc said...

happy birthday!

Jane said...

Happy Birthday!
I actually just discovered your blog this morning and I LOVE IT!
I hope you have a very very happy day!

tami said...

Happy Birthday!! I heard Einstein's birthday is also today!

Anonymous said...


Katie said...

Hey it's my birthday today too! How many Katie's from New York are there born on March 14th?

MJW said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have many more years of happiness! :)

rachel awes said...

happy birthday, delightful princess of play!

rachel awes said...

happy birthday, delightful princess of play!

Daniela said...

Ooooohh, happy birthday!

Muito Igual a Você said...

Happy Birthday Katie! Wish you a rainstorm of candies, kisses, hugs, joy and peace!

Be happy!


Leah said...

Happy Birthday! My Birthday is on the 16th! We are almost birthday twins. Yay us March b-day gals!!

colormekatie said...

Thanks so much everyone! I actually really love how white hair looks. I secretly can't wait to get some ;)

@Dayna- Matt's mom gave me this fun blanket

@Katie- Happy birthday to you too!!

LIESL said...

WE SHARE OUR BIRTHDAY! So happy birthday to you!

PaisleyJade said...

Haha - love the photo. Happy Birthday!!!

fish said...

happy birthday! (=

Jenn said...

You look adorable with white hair. Can I just tell you how much I love your blog? Not to get all gushy, but I always know I'll see something I would never have thought of, and it will make me smile!

Elizabeth said...

That white hair is pretty cute on you!

Anonymous said...

It's my birthday, too! birthday buddies! :]

Emma Fick said...

Good God, you will be the cutest old lady!

LuLu said...

Happy Birthday! You make a very cute old lady!


Jacqueline said...

Happy Birthday you colorful sweetheart!

Courtney said...

happy birthday! I hope it's wonderful!

whoisnell said...

Happee birthday!!
u r such a doll ^*^
May all your dreams come true and sending a potful of rainbows to you..

Ingrid said...

happy, happy birthday!

Deepthi Pola said...

happy birthday katie!!!! have loads of fun!!!

Nicole Jeannette said...

Haaaaaaaaappy Birthday! You have the same birthday as many of my wonderful friends! It must be something about the day you guys were born!

alinitaxula said...

Hapy birthday Katie¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
I like so much your new look


Yaëlla said...

a late happy birthday wishes!!

siniann said...

happy birthday!

Diana said...

LOL! Aw, c'mon... you still look your lovely colorful self.

Happy Birthday! {a bit late}

Anonymous said...

it was almost obvious that you're a pisces ~~

muchlove said...

happy birthday! It makes me happy knowing you're a March girl too :D

Apple said...

happy happy birthday katie! YEY!! another year!!! enjoy the rest of YOUR day!<3<3<3

nina said...

congratulations (:

Helena said...

Happy birthday! (p.s. Nice wig.)

LA said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVELY KATIE :) keep on smiling and inspiring everyone around you with your happiness and grace :)

Anonymous said...


Serena said...

happy birthday!! =]

Bell Book and Candle Mixed Media Artist said...

What a brat even I don't have a cane and I am a white witch of over 300 years..hehehehehe....
ahhhh the days go faster though I will tell you that....
You make me smile all over my face.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, birthday twin! :D Yesterday was my birthday too! I hope you had a great day!

Jazmine. said...

Happy Birthday dearest Katie, thank you for inspiring me over the past year (:

jdavissquared said...

happy belated birthday! hope it was magical!

Melinda said...

You're so cute! Happy birthday Katie!

Gina said...

You crack me up! Happy Birthday!

Mariella said...

Happy Birthday!!!

A little late but still. :D

Clyde said...

Feliz Cumpleanos, Katie! I hope you had a colorful day. :)

tania tashan said...

congratulations!!!!!!!! yuhuuuuuuuuuuu!

Anonymous said...


Alexandria said...

Happy Birthday!!! The only cane you need is a candy cane!

look a little closer said...

haaaaappppy birthday! :) have a wonderful day filled with love, smiles, sunshine, and happiness! the same things your blog brings all of us!

Chloé said...

Happy birthday!!

Anonymous said...

happy belated brithday! we share it, how fun is that?! how old are you btw, i turned 23 yesterday. thanks for making me smile, i love your blog!
greets from europe

colormekatie said...

I turned 23 as well! Happy birthday to you too Julie!

Michaela Lynch said...

This is the best birthday picture! What a good sense of humor! Haha, have a wonderful birthday!

Unknown said...

Love the picture! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

missDTM said...

adore the pic! happy birthday!

IsabelCunha said...


Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! Hope your birthday was as colorful as you are! XO.

pinky blue said...

happy belated birthday dear katie!!

megan said...

Happy Birthday Katie!!
Just want to say your blog is so inspiring and always lifts my spirits! There needs to be more people like you in the world! Please keep it up! Hope you have a great day and I can't believe we're the same age! :)

LovelyAnomaly said...

Aww! A very merry birthday to you!

Unknown said...

Hope you had a fabulous birthday!!!!

mello said...

Happy belated birthday! Hope it was good for you :D :D Funny picture BTW. Totally cute.

May said...

Happy Birthday Katie! I'm probably the 5 millionth x infinity who are glad you were born. Hope it was a great one!

anna said...

Happy Birthday katie! :)

Natalie. said...

Happy birthday Katie!(:

missvanham said...

(to late) Happy birthday girl!!

did you have a great BrtdCAKE?


Lizza said...

Joyeux Anniversaire!! Joyeux Anniversaire! J'adore ton site, j'adore tes photos, j'adore tes projets, c'est genial !
Bonne continuation et encore meilleurs voeux!

mas. said...

happy birthday sweetheart.
thanks for being you:)

Meg said...

Happy 23rd, you silly sausage! xx

Raptor Plateado said...

happy birthday!!! dont worry, the years are experience... Congratulation you are more wise!!!

charlene said...

Happy Birthday Katie! Have a blast!!!

I love your blog! It always makes my day.

Kisses from Singapore.

Hanne Eriksen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hanne Eriksen said...

Happy birthday from Denmark as well! Cute photo :-)

Frannie said...

Happy Birthday Dearest! May all your wishes come true :)

Wendy said...

You look beautiful as always, white hair and all! Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

YAY another March Birthday!!! My birthday was on Friday March 12th!! Happy Birthday! I turned 27...i think I like that number! :)

min said...

happy birthday katie!!!!!! you're an everyday inspiration to me xxx

Bina said...

hi, you never seen me before, but,

Happy late birthday! :)

I always enjoy your blog, keep up the good work!

judy said...

happy birthday beautiful :)
your blog never fails to make my day and i hope you had a birthday as wonderful as you are

Ana said...

Happy B-Day Katie!!

Beautiful pic ;)

Suzy Loves said...

Heylo! I nominated you for a sunshine award Happy Blogging xx

margot said...

HAHAHA! happy birthday!

pinkplaster said...

this is very very belated, but happy birthday nevertheless! your posts always make me so happy! x)

Amber said...

Haha! Cute! :) This reminds me of Little Red Riding Hood going to visit her grandma. That doesn't happen to be the bad wolf you are looking at, does it? (Congratulations on being another year older. What a blessing!)

Unknown said...

Belate, belate, belate.

Happy birthday to a wonderful person.


melindapedia said...

I just discovered your delightful blog and photos today (better late than never!) and I see I have the same birthday as you. Happy Belated Birthday! It's so nice to share a birthday with such a wonderful, happy person. And did you know that Albert Einstein's birthday is March 14, too? (I'm sure you already knew that :) Anyway, thanks for being a little ray of sunshine for the world. Your work is amazing.

10Yen said...

Katie! Yes I'm days behind but hello anyways! You can't find your cane because well I stole it and hid it somewhere. :) It was so tempting I had to do it. Good luck finding it. ^^ To the person who said 21 is old....Thank you! finally someone else see's it that way :)

Paul said...

It can happen with any one when you suddenly remember that this particular day is bday. Believe me this is not less than any kind of good surprise.