I love the "Umm, Dad, have you lost your mind?" look on his face. Nothing says I've missed you like getting knocked down with a hug. Those are the best!
I don't think its possible for that little boy to love you any more than he does already! What an amazing thing for a little brother to love his big sister so much! I had to watch this over and over! He is tooooo cute for words!
you guys have an amazing bond. i have 3 brothers and a sister that i get along with, and *none* of them get that excited to see me ever, no matter how long it's been. You're so blessed!!
This is adorable! What's the age difference between you guys? I have a 3 year old sister and I'm 20, so this is kinda what it's like when I come home from college. One of the best feelings in the world!
This is adorable! What's the age difference between you guys? I have a 3 year old sister and I'm 20, so this is kinda what it's like when I come home from college. One of the best feelings in the world!
Aaaaah that was too cute, I'm saying one Hallmark saying after another, but it is! I love how you got it caught on film.
And I hope you see this comment out of dozens and dozens, but I awarded you an award from my little blog. It's not much, but it's my token to thank you for how awesome you are. :)
He is truly precious!! Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your joy from that day! I'm an older sibling too...but i'm almost 22 and my sister is 16...wish she jumped and hugged me every time i came home!! haha
this makes me remember the days when my little brother was....little! even though he now towers over me and doesn't tackle me to the ground when i come home to visit, I still see the 3 year old little boy who let me dress him up in my cinderella pajamas :)
reunions are fantastic and your brother loves you very much .. Katie I have a surprise on my blog, you need only translate it into English to receive ...
i'm just getting very happy and all because i am reading en looking at your bloggs and movies! i love it soooo much! you just can't get me happier! thnx so much!
oh I'm so glad you have this on tape, what a capture of pure LOVE!
I know exactly how your little bro feels, my sister & brother are 15 & 13 years older than me and were all moved out by the time I realized they existed ; )
The admiration & love you feel when you are the "baby" only grows and what I can tell you for sure is that now as adults we are so close and totally on the same page, like there isn't an age distinction at all, it's awesome! I think that will be one of your hugest testaments to how you ROCK a young soul inside because no matter what the chronological clock says you are Katie, you'll kick it's arse with glee!
Love your blog, it uplifts my day. You are truely adorable <3
Well what can I say that the other 116 comments haven't said, apart from [rtjnbi[orgjnbiorgb[orwjiertj, which I'm sure nobody else has said - probably because it's a lesser known word.
Anyways, yeah, I'm with the others-- this is great; wonderful-- it's the moments like these that make life worth living.
Katie you're such in inspiration! Look what I did to my entryway and door, inspired by you http://stressstories.blogspot.com/2010/03/i-need-to-have-more-fun.html
Awww..he's adorablee! I smiled so widely to myself when your little brother realised you were there!You could so see how happy and how much he actually missed you!
First of all let me compliment you on such an amazing little brother. He is polite, loving and most definitely crazy about his big sis! Secondly, congrats on being the kind of sis a little boy could love so much! ; ) I hope you guys enjoyed your visit.
Awwwww, so sweet! What an awesome surprise to give your little brother!
Just found your site... am in LOVE with all the color you have in your life. THANK YOU so much for sharing with us. I really REALLY needed to visit you. I will definitely be back for more.
I imagine that's what it will be like to be reunited with loved ones in Heaven. I love what a happy person you are! You spread sunshine on so many. What a gift!
awww he loves you so much!
aww thats too cute!
what a wonderful surprise! right after school too :)
How adorable!! That's the best reaction a surprise visit could ever get.
That is so cute!!!
That is the cutest thing. =]
I love the "Umm, Dad, have you lost your mind?" look on his face. Nothing says I've missed you like getting knocked down with a hug. Those are the best!
THIS. Is priceless.
I watched this like 5 times. I can't wait until I go home this weekend for Spring break : )
Hey Katie :)
Too MUCH FUN! I was LOL at first when your dad said "Come out comeout where ever you are....hello?" Thanks for sharing :)
Have a fun evening! :)
There was so much love in that, it brought tears to my eyes. Pure joy. :)
that was beautiful; i just shed a little tear! what a sweet moment.
Priceless! What a show of complete and utter abandon. He didn't care about anything else in the world but getting to you. Amazing!
so fun. :)
that's so adorable! I mean, aww.. the way he reacts when he finally saw you two, priceless! :D
thank you for providing me with such happiness early in the morning ;)
Wow, that is seriously the cutest! Such love! :)
Wow, he must really miss you when you're not around. :)
Aw, that was so sweet! I actually teared up a little bit.
This really made my day.
It was cute how he guessed at first that it was you but was still super excited to actually see you. :D
That is the cutest thing ever! Oh my goodness!
Joy is awesome. Thank you so much for sharing it!!
So incredibly sweet!!
thats really cute!!! I have watched it like 4 times :)
Awww...this is priceless. I keep watching the video over, and over!!
That's so adorable. I think that your relationship with your brother is so precious.
What a sweetheart! You have the cutest little brother.
The best reaction, EVER! :D
awww so sweet!! I'd be so happy to have a moment like this on tape to watch whenever a need a little pick me up!
This is just so adorable. It made me tear up a bit!
Seriously the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.
i couldn't stop smiling. that was so cute :]
I'm so happy you shared the video. That was so adorably sweet.
I don't think its possible for that little boy to love you any more than he does already! What an amazing thing for a little brother to love his big sister so much! I had to watch this over and over! He is tooooo cute for words!
He's a doll...doesn't that make you feel great!
this is absolutely the sweetest thing i've ever seen. totally just teared up. oh my goodness...
Oh my gosh...that is so adorable! It is so wonderful to be loved.
That made my day, thank you for sharing!
how cute is your little brother! So cute.
that is just so sweet and cute, thanks for sharing :)
i replay this for few times! it was wonderful katie! :)
Aww, what a surprise it must have been for him. So sweet, Katie! Especially on the big hugging!
Awwww, that brought a tear to my eye. So beautiful!
How cute! Ok it's now my goal in life to have someone get that excited to see me!
Okay that just made me tear up a little. So sweet!
this got me a little teary-eyed!<3 i just had to watch it over and over again. thanks for sharing katie!:D
you guys have an amazing bond. i have 3 brothers and a sister that i get along with, and *none* of them get that excited to see me ever, no matter how long it's been. You're so blessed!!
Your comments are so sweet! I wish you could all meet David, he's so friendly he'd give everyone a giant hug!
That was adorable and put a smile on my face!
Oh to be loved like that is a beautiful thing! Thanks for sharing. That really made me smile.
OK...that's the cutest thing I've ever seen! What a huge blessing to have a little brother like that! Love it!
This is adorable! What's the age difference between you guys? I have a 3 year old sister and I'm 20, so this is kinda what it's like when I come home from college. One of the best feelings in the world!
This is adorable! What's the age difference between you guys? I have a 3 year old sister and I'm 20, so this is kinda what it's like when I come home from college. One of the best feelings in the world!
@Michaela Lynch- That's so great! I'm allllmost 23 and he's 6. Isn't it so fun being an older sibling??
I want to say that I love your blog, and that is by far one of the cutest things I have ever seen! He couldn't get to you fast enough!
How freakin' cute was that! Love little brothers...mine is still my best friend after 30 years!
That video is priceless, you can just feel how much he loves you, so sweet!
That. Was. Priceless.
Aaaaah that was too cute, I'm saying one Hallmark saying after another, but it is! I love how you got it caught on film.
And I hope you see this comment out of dozens and dozens, but I awarded you an award from my little blog. It's not much, but it's my token to thank you for how awesome you are. :)
Toast with Charmalade
oh gosh, that made me tear up and smile so wide. Sweet sweet sweet!!!!
Oh goodness. that just made my week :)
That was beautiful, I hope to one day have a connection like that with someone.
How sweet!
who loves their sister that much?! that's awesome and speaks volumes about you. so sweet. glad you shared.
That's so amazing! Now I miss my family :-)
Thank you so much for sharing this! It truly made my day! Thank you for always making me smile!
This made my day, i got happy tears in my eyes. You both are so loved.
Aww, that was too cute. He was so excited to see you he fell down, lol! That totally made my day :)
This made my day! I can't wait to see my own little bro again... Little brothers are one of life's most amazing gifts :)
He is truly precious!! Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your joy from that day! I'm an older sibling too...but i'm almost 22 and my sister is 16...wish she jumped and hugged me every time i came home!! haha
Omg I love seeing the joy in his face! Awesome thanks for sharing!
That was just adorable! Love that he fell over himself with excitement but just didn't care! cute, cute, cute! xx
This is just sooo lovely!
Kate x
this makes me remember the days when my little brother was....little! even though he now towers over me and doesn't tackle me to the ground when i come home to visit, I still see the 3 year old little boy who let me dress him up in my cinderella pajamas :)
Aaaaw that is so adorable! It made me laugh out loud and tear up a little bit at the same time :)
aw! so cute!! Your lilbro has so much love for you !
i just cried in my coffee...that was beautiful!
Um he doesn't love you or anything does he? lol That was adorable! So glad you have a good relationship with your family!! :)
aw so sweet! :D
he is such a wee cutie pie!!! ;)
That is just the sweetest thing!!! He's so cute and he loves you so much!!!! YAY!!!!!
Best Visit EVER!!!
OH HILARIOUS!!! So much Love! :)
You are special and always make me smile.
Love like that is unique!
That's the cutest thing!
That's fantastic!! Katie, you are so loved! :-D What a sweetheart little boy.
Aww you're a great big sister!
OMG. I got tears in my eyes watching this. What a precious nugget he is!
i love kids and their genuine happiness. there's no faking it when you're that age.
this is my first time visiting your lovely, inspiring blog. i'll be back for sure. :)
That is the cutest thing ever!!!!
that was the best. it made my heart squeeze. thanks for sharing!!!
He's such a darling!
That is so sweet! Thanks for the smiles this morning :)
reunions are fantastic and your brother loves you very much .. Katie I have a surprise on my blog, you need only translate it into English to receive ...
That was just about the sweetest thing I've ever seen!!
Hi! Found your blog yesterday and I am in love with it...;) I'm a portuguese designer and I'll visit you everyday now! * xoxo
What a wonderful surprise! thanks for sharing. it made me smile.
omg that was so cute!!! heheh
haha, hilarious! so adorable.
that brought a little tear to my eye so sweet
awww. that's so sweet!! :) thanks for sharing.
i'm just getting very happy
and all because i am reading en looking at your bloggs and movies!
i love it soooo much!
you just can't get me happier! thnx so much!
love marije.
You just made my day!
That's pure love!!!
oh I'm so glad you have this on tape, what a capture of pure LOVE!
I know exactly how your little bro feels, my sister & brother are 15 & 13 years older than me and were all moved out by the time I realized they existed ; )
The admiration & love you feel when you are the "baby" only grows and what I can tell you for sure is that now as adults we are so close and totally on the same page, like there isn't an age distinction at all, it's awesome! I think that will be one of your hugest testaments to how you ROCK a young soul inside because no matter what the chronological clock says you are Katie, you'll kick it's arse with glee!
Love your blog, it uplifts my day. You are truely adorable <3
one of my favorite posts ever.
i totally teared up. you've got the best little brother. <3
that was the sweetest thing I've ever seen!!
this made me cry. so adorable!
poor boy!
I like the sequence :) :)
ohhhhh that was sooooooooo cute! i almost cried... made me think how much i miss my little bro! i must go and surprise him soon too!!!!
that is too sweet. you must be an amazing big sister.
Awwwww so cute...and excited to see you...:-)
I found your site from using the www.stumbleupon.com website button.
After reading through tons of posts I only have one question for you
be my best friend?
Aw, his reaction is the best!!!! So sweet.
so adorable!
Well what can I say that the other 116 comments haven't said, apart from [rtjnbi[orgjnbiorgb[orwjiertj, which I'm sure nobody else has said - probably because it's a lesser known word.
Anyways, yeah, I'm with the others-- this is great; wonderful-- it's the moments like these that make life worth living.
Oh darling, this is so cute! He couldn't help falling down in emotion <3
That's sweet!
Hi Katie,
Your blog inspires me daily, I have an award waiting for your acceptance over on my blog :)
This made my day a hundred thousand times better. I just found your blog and I can already tell following it will be a BIG moral uplifter!
Cutest little brother ever. Very heart warming to see so much love, awwwwww :)
omg i love this.
I think you could win on Americas funiest videos with that.
Awwww that's so so sweet!
This is absolutely adorable!!!
This is so cute!!!
Fantastic! How wonderful for your brother that he knows he is loved so much!
Thank you for be who you are and sharing what you do. I love your world.
Katie you're such in inspiration! Look what I did to my entryway and door, inspired by you http://stressstories.blogspot.com/2010/03/i-need-to-have-more-fun.html
That's just pure love right there.
It is so nice to see that someone loves their little brother as much as I love mine. They are so silly and fun!
so sweet I even started to cry! Now that is happy to see you.
totally made me cry! how sweet!!!
Nice blog!!
xx fesi-fashion
That is ADORABLE! Little brothers are the best.
What an awesome sister you are! And what a cute little brother!
Adorable! I love when your dad was like, not the best cue. I used to cry whenever my older sister would have to leave at the end of the weekend.
That is priceless!!
make me smile also :)
Awww..he's adorablee! I smiled so widely to myself when your little brother realised you were there!You could so see how happy and how much he actually missed you!
That was truly adorable!
hahaha i'm obsessed.
thats the cutest thing i've ever seen.
Awww, and he loves Matt so much, too! That made my day. Awesome.
That is freakin ADORABLE. Glad you guys didn't get hurt with all of that love!
First of all let me compliment you on such an amazing little brother. He is polite, loving and most definitely crazy about his big sis! Secondly, congrats on being the kind of sis a little boy could love so much! ; ) I hope you guys enjoyed your visit.
That was probably the most adorable thing that I have EVER seen!!!
ps just found your blog via Gary Pepper Vintage
xx SAA
I left home when my youngest brothers were 6 and 3--when our love was so uncomplicated. Thanks for the good remembering of reunions.
Awwwww, so sweet! What an awesome surprise to give your little brother!
Just found your site... am in LOVE with all the color you have in your life. THANK YOU so much for sharing with us. I really REALLY needed to visit you. I will definitely be back for more.
aaahhhh cute!
oh shoot! this made me tear up!
still gots a lump in my throat!!
thanks for sharing :)
Hi, Katie!
Your creativity sure does bring so much happiness.
Thank you so much for it!
I have chosen you for the Sunshine Award because I adore your blog.
i watched this for the 6th time and I'm still in awe-- he's precious! :)
Now that’s a reason to go home! Awesome!
O how adorable, that bought a tear to my eye!
Aw, that made me tear up a little bit. How sweet!
That is seriously the cutest thing ever.
That is so impossibly cute. Ah!! Just priceless. LOVE that he caught it on video..
adorable! i try to be a big sister that my little brothers can't get enough of too! family is life.
that is officially the best thing i have seen all day :) thank you!!
He's such a doll! What you have with him is so precious, you have a treasure right there!(:
ah that is so adorable! Great to know there's so much love
This is so cute! It makes me really miss my little brother :(
hahahaha a wonderful surprise..
you must be the most awesome big sister!! he adores you!!
I think I can tell why... I adore you and don't even know you!
just lovely!
That is too, too cute. I have a little brother who is much younger - only 7 - and we have a similar relationship - isn't it great?
that's sooo sweet! i think i might have cried just watching. i, too, have a baby brother :)
Haha, love it! So adorable!
ah! it kills me how much he adores you!
this is the best.
Aww, He loves you that much! He was like the happiest little kid when he saw you. Brought me to tears ;)
I have tears in my eyes! Reminds me of my 2 really young sisters back in LA. so sweet!
That was so adorable! I just discovered your blog. It's wonderful!
That was SO adorable!! I just discovered your blog. It's wonderful!
this was so funy yet heartwarming at the same time nawwwwwww!
I imagine that's what it will be like to be reunited with loved ones in Heaven.
I love what a happy person you are! You spread sunshine on so many. What a gift!
That's so beautiful!
I hope he never ever grows out of that - please trap him in your never-neverland with you forever!
Omg my eyes just welled up a bit at how cute your little brother is and how happy he was to see you!
I cry when i see that !
that's so cute video.
Katie, this is amazing. I love this video; I'm so glad you and your little brother have such a strong bond :)
This was absolutely wonderful and beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us :)
that definitely brought a smile to my face!!!! loves it!
You make me cry <3
By: henriettewybrandt.blogspot.com
adorable! i have a little brother myself and i a-d-o-r-e him!
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