Thursday, May 27, 2010

12 things I love about Moo

He swims in the bathtub with no water,
he likes to have a bird's eye view of me cleaning the closet,
he's a chicken kisser,
he turned my new chair into his new throne,
Moo's girlfriend
his girlfriend is a squirrel named Shanda,
he's the king of camouflage,
he helps me get dressed,
he thinks he's sneaky,

I could probably build a whole new Moo from his shedding fur,
cat aerobics
he's into pilates,
he occasionally turns into a bridge,
and I can't tell whether he's cuter right side up or upside down!


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Larissa said...

he´s so cute!

Rachel said...

HE IS SOOOOO ADORABLE!!! I can't believe he's REAL!!

Paula said...

oh myy!!! Shanda is definitely the new cutest-thing-after-moo!!

i <3 moo

Carol Anne said...

Your cat is sooo cute! This post brought a huge smile to my face this morning!! <3

GM said...

Moo is SO cute! I want to know how he gets himself to the top of the closet should take a video sometime!

Victoria said...

this makes me smile :)

Anonymous said...

the more I see Moo, the more I wish he could go on a play-date with my cats!

colormekatie said...

@Ghenet- He's able to jump right to the top! I've been trying to catch it on video but he's too quick ;)

Anonymous said...

omg ive never seen such a cute cat!!

Unknown said...

he's an amazing kitty!
and you are an amazing photographer!

Michael Wurm Jr said...

how freakin' cute! i thought i feel in love when i saw him kissin' the chicken, but when i saw him playing with the squirrel... that pushed me over. thanks for sharing!

and your house is stunning!

augenscheinlichkeiten said...

He is cute right side up AND upside down! Thanks for these great pictures!

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

so i don't even like cats but your photos and Moo are too adorable to not like them. :)

mercurial mary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Danielle (elleinadspir) said...

I think Moo is my second fav feline. I
must give mine top billing or she might suffocate me in my sleep ;)

meowsk said...

I love Moo too! Such great photos of him. Lucy is a bit jealous of his girlfriend though.

Han said...

I don't think he approved of what you were wearing the day the photo in the drawer was taken! :)

Catherine said...

I love Moo too!

Have a fun day Katie & Moo!
xo Catherine

mercurial mary said...

hooray for moo! seriously laughing at "chicken kisser" - i think i'll be using that phrase today!

lauren ♥ said...

oh my hell. perfect, adorable post! thank you.

Dodo said...

Moo's got gorgeous eyes! Wish mine were so green! :)

Kimberly said...

These photos are stunning. I love them!!!

sunshine said...

oh my. such a sweet moo you've got there. :-)

Melissa~ said...

Oh Moo!!!
I love you!
He's into pilates, meyabe we can go together.
I love how he's always read for the camera.
Kisses LKatie and Kisses Moo.

C H R I S T I said...

I LOVE Moo pictures! They make me smile!

Carolina said...

He is the most awsomecat I have ever seen :D


I like his eyes!

liz song mandell said...

lol. i love this sweet sweet post. we need more moo love in this world. :-)

Leah Harrison said...

Haha I don't usually like cats but your Moo is adorable! How does he get into such high places?? Like the top of your closet door, that's so strange!

Ebbiemae said...

I love posts with Moo! Such an awesome kitty, you're a lucky girl :)

Bethany Susan said...

thanks for makin me smile this morning! love shanda the squirrel!

Melanie said...

It's official: Moo is the greatest cat ever. He can turn any dog person into a cat person.

Karen said...

Moo is one fabulous cat!! Your pics of him make me smile and make my kidlets howl with laughter (I suspect this will be a favorite & frequent post my son will hit!!!)! :>

Saara Tuulia said...

Moo is adorable! Thank you for making me smile, I was definitely in the need of a mood booster x

Anonymous said...

My fiance and I are thinking of cat shopping soon. I'm going to use Moo as our template! What a cutie.

kati said...

he is cute, so pretty cute! i love him <3

CountessLaurie said...

Those pictures of Moo make me want to pet him :-)

kelsie rae. said...

i've never met moo, but i love him. he's full of personality!

OB said...

OMG so cute I love MOO I will babysit anytime! :) I love these photos!

Anonymous said...

AHH Moo puts me on cute overload! :-)

Gilding Lilies said...

ohhh, the shedding, and just when I thought he was perfect! He is so cute. I love the shot with his girlfriend.

Kiri said...

~grins~ Adorable kitty, just what I needed to get me through an afternoon of revision. I miss living in a house with a cat.

Chaucee said...

He seems like a really great cat : )

katie hanson said...

love this post! :)

Anonymous said...

Moo love ♥ ♥ ♥!

Leona said...

That's so adorable!
And I love his name! ♥

Laura said...

omg he is soo cute I wouldnt be able to handle it! I'm a huge cat lover, and I have a fluffy kitty like moo but shes grey/tabby!

- Laura

Giulia said...

Oh he's adorable no matter which way you look at him. Julie the Cat & I are in love with Moo.


Linda Sue said...

When you build another Moo out of the collection of fur bits- please send it to me! I need a Moo for sure- My kitty is very old and doesn't do much anymore- just grows tumors and talks all day about them...

Anonymous said...

lindo seu gatinho, fico encantada com sua sensibilidade.


Judith said...

I love love love your cat! :)

margie w. said...

Moo is amazing! My smile got bigger with each additional photo, and I love that your photos are always so vivid.

Anonymous said...

I love your cat and I love how you capture his personality.

Charlotte. said...

i love the squirrel photo! so funny.

Anonymous said...

all cats are funny,but yours just seems like a character :) i love him

Carly said...

Moo is so cute! I'm allergic to cats, so I'll just have to live vicariously through you and pretend Moo is my little fur-baby.

PS did you know you can donate her fur to help clean up the oil spill?? Pretty awesome, right? There's a bunch of places to do it.. i'll leave you one of them below. Moo's fur looks like it would be REALLY good.. ;)

Emma said...


C'est La Vie said...

i believe i can say that you have the most original and interesting cat out there, how entertaining!


Chess said...

I can only dream of having a cat so amazing and adorable! :-)

Janina Modaal said...

Ow, he's really funny and adorable!

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

aaaawwwwww! :D

tRiSh said...

Moo is simply the best: he's one gorgeous guy! You're very lucky =)

Melinda said...

it continues to amaze me that you always happen to capture him at the funniest moments :)

Unknown said...

I love cats for these reasons. Mine always does his stretches on my yoga mat before it's my turn. I love it!

mahler76 said...


Fathima said...

Oh my, i loooooooooove this! :D
What an awesome feline!

Becky said...

I adore Moo!

Bakkanekko said...

Hahaha.. nice timing shots and writing! I love Moo <3

stephiejane said...

oh i'm so in love with moo!! how could you not just adore that quirky kitty?! also, i could probably build another roxy out of my doggie's sheddings...isn't that crazy?!

Anonymous said...

Adorable! Just so adorable! I agree on all points! Moo is pretty awesome.


Naomi @ NIMO. said...

Wow. You truly have an acrobatic cat! Looks like you have the coolest cat on the planet! It must be so much fun to be around :)

Mademoiselle C. said...

I definitely love Moo.

Claudia said...

Soooo cute!

Uma Lee said...

I just love the way you photos are so bright and full of colour!!!
You have great ideas for decorating your walls!!!
visit me when you can:)
your cat is sooo cute!!!

Struinkunst by Lisette said...

He is so cute!! I wonder... Do you have to wait for him to do funny things or is he just funny all day long?

moofan said...

awesomeness and smiles. thanks i am forever a moofan. more moo, pls!

colormekatie said...

@Lisette- He's funny all day long!

- said...

Love <3

Unknown said...

He is cute no matter what way he is hanging! I love Moo!

Carolina said...

How adorable! Your photos always make me smile.

I loved the pilates one. :)

felicity.lupo said...

The photo of him doing pilates has made my day! So funny!

Felicity xx

Chelsea said...

the pilates picture is so funny! cutest cat ever.

Valeria said...

all the pics are great!

Jacqueline said...

What a little cutie! I love that he is so adventurous!! My cat is a sleeper, not a player. hahaha

Love and Turtledoves,

Amandolin said...

Moo is absolutely adorable. He makes me miss my kitty so badly! If only I knew where he was and had a family that was more cat friendly. Someday, when I have a house of my own, I will get myself a kitty again:)

(funny, I had a cat named moo once. He was from a litter of kittens our mama cat had, so we couldnt keep him:(

Alissa said...

Moo is adorable! He and my cat Calvin would be best friends, I'm sure of it!

nora said...

Oh, Moo...

I can look at you for hours and hours but still can't get enough !!!

You simply rock! =)

Bec Watts | Yummy Mummies & Mini Me said...

oh my goodness! moo is the ultimate, what a spunk! =) xx

Diana said...

Moo has got to be one of the most adorable cats ever!

Thank you for making me smile once again!

C.Sarah said...

Every time you feature Moo, you make me really wish I had a cat despite the fact that I'm allergic! This was a cute post :) :)

Sue said...

I swear this cat cannot be real...he is an actor in a cat suit!

AmandaB. said...

I love Moo posts! We have that Ikea chair and it's our cat, Tuna's favorite chair.

I was told once that someone took their Husky's fur and spun it into thread and than made it into a sweater. They said it was ridiculously warm. haha

Sophia - Red Lotus Jewellery said...

Beautiful, adorable Moo! Reminds me so much of my cat. He is just as cheeky and cute!

Unknown said...

he is the reason I am considering for a cat now.. although i am a dog person!

Brittany said...

I have one of those chairs! They are ever so comfy...

Caroline said...

Hahaha, all my cat does is sleep in a circle and mew incessantly between the hours of 6 and 7 AM. Moo needs to come host activity training for her. :)

Chris said...

It's official: I've got a crush on Moo. ;)

Unknown said...


And a kiss for you as well!
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

this could easily turn into a story book!

Ashleigh said...

This just made me sooo happy. I love that hes so into having pictures taken of him.

Anonymous said...

i am always so impressed by how well he can balance! thanks for sharing :)

Be said...

Upside down. Definately.

Unknown said...

Your cat is amazing! I want a moo too!! hihi!!! I also have a cat, I love cats! they are special!

smashlee said...

soo ccutteee!!!! and he likes camera too! ;)

Emm said...

i love moo,
i dream to have a cat likes yours one day


juliannamariee said...

OOOOOOOOOOO! what a silly beautiful baby! thanks for the share

Renee said...

OOOOH gosh! Those pictures are just too cute for words!

Multiductus said...

Posts about Moo really delight me: I love cats deeply and I can't have one... so I make up for my lack looking at Moo :)

Apple said...

i've always been a dog person.. but that might change because of moo.. <3

Jessica @ j-wood photography said...

All amazing reason to love about Moo. He is pretty good at camouflage. I couldn't spot him there for a second.

Teany Tiny Star said...

He's such an adorable kitty! Have you thought of writing a book with your photography, like the many amazing adventures of moo? People would love it :)

bl0gg3rn4m3 said...

OMG! are these photos real? LOVE THEM! LOVE the kitty! :)

Imelda's said...

the best nmodel :-)

kristine said...


Raptor Plateado said...

Moo its funny!!!

Laura said...

He's so adorable!!! :D Great pics!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Making me miss my now gone cat, Clyde. I think Clyde and Moo would have been the best of friends. Adorable friend you have there.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I think Moo just converted me into a cat lover. Nawh, can you give Moo a big tight bear hug for me? Thanks :))

ms. helen said...

Oh my goodness! I just fell in love with moo's eyes. So pretty! :)

Lynn said...

When I try to take photos of our cat, Mooch, all I end up with are shots of his behind as he stalks off.

Moo needs to come give Mooch a talking to! Sweet post. We're all Moo fans in our house.

BTW, The word verification is squinti. Which seriously made me giggle. It's the little things... :o)

Jessica (Stars and Clouds) said...

Oh my, he is sooooo adorable upside down!

Walter Helena Photography said...

All the personalities inside a cat. enough to build an army.... Beautiful photographs!

deebriese said...

OMG I just love this post. My cat is the same way..I find something I love about her and I find her so amusing..What type of kitty is Moo? He is adorable. Great post enjoyed it so much!



Anonymous said...

Awww! You have the awesomest cat EVER. :D

K said...

THAT, is a one of a kind cat!

Merinda said...

Cats are the BEST. I have two characters of my own...

Thanks for sharing!

Dylana Suarez said...

This is adorable! You have such a wonderful blog! Really love reading it and looking at the pictures!

Pocketful of Patterns said...

Oh my goodness - he is ADOREABLE!!!!

Pocketful of Patterns said...

Cool name too! :)

Ana said...

I love your cat! It's wonderful!

siniann said...

Oh Moo, you are way too cute!

MissAlyssaDawn said...

wow he is amazing! great photos!

Unknown said...

this really made my day. thanks! :)

Unknown said...

Definitely upside down!

Ynaffit said...

Nicole LOVES moo! And she says he's cuter upside down!

Anonymous said...


Lola said...

oh no, I think my kitten just fell in love with him. she keeps looking at the screen and pawing his face.

kiki said...

I think Moo is the cutest cat alive!!! It must have to do with all the love you give him! XO!

Kelsey said...

the first picture is fantastic

Jenny. said...

Too funny. I have a cat named Moo as well! 'Cept his full name is Mr. Mickey Moo. Aka MooMooBoi or just Moo. He was named Moo because he used to be kind of uh obese?
Your Moo is hilarious with his bendiness!

LITTY said...

Did u just gave the squirrel a name? hahahah. xD

Audrey Jaye said...

So adorable! He makes me miss my kitties!


Yayyy, Cute cat ;)

Elle said...

aaah hes so adorable! i think i just fell in love with your cat - very funny post - especially about the squirrel! loving your blog as always xxx

Gracie said...

He's so sweet :)
If you ever figure out how to clone him, let me know :D
I love your blog btw.

Silver Strands said...

No wonder you love him!
Hope you've had a great weekend.

Frannie said...

Moo is the cutest kitty EVER!!!!

Great post Katie!!!

xoxox Aury

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me smile on this rainy May day! (I think it was the squirrel named Shanda that did it actually!)

Alison said...

The picture with Shanda made me laughed, I love the Moo can do pilates! That position looks very difficult, even for a cat!

PinkMelody said...

Oh gosh, totally love those pics.
He's so cute~~~

Anonymous said...

Moo's pics are simply cute. They lighten up my day.

Gina said...

Loving everything about this post! Of course, I am a sucker for felines. Moo rocks.

handbagcom said...


I have such a weakness for cats. I bet he and my cat would get along greeat - she could be his cat girlfiend!

Have a fun day!

Katie @

Unknown said...

my bunny, jessica rabbit, just might rival moo. but ill give you that you have waaaay better pics of moo lol. i think i can build a new jessica from her shedding fur too!!!

wishful nals said...

totally made my day! :)

Diana said...

Moo is adorable! I especially love your videos on Vimeo and was wondering two things: 1) what video camera you use for film and 2) what program you use for editing. Thanks. I look forward to all things Moo!

Anonymous said...

OMGosh!!! loving these images!! too cute... & funny! :)


Taylor Swim said...

I am not a cat lover. I'm a dog person all the way but those pictures might have converted me. His personality sure does come out on film. I love it!

Anne Kästner said...

What a gorgeous cat! I can type this as my Lisa is outside at the moment :-)
The picture with the squirrel is fabulous, too!
Greetings from Munich, Germany!

Miki said...

He's adorable! I think Moo and my Dimitri should become friends :).

Morgan said...

Moo makes me so happy! He is super cute! :) ♥

Maria said...

oh man the pics of Moo make me laugh every single time. love it!

Mrs4444 said...

What an awesome cat! Almost makes me wish we had one again...ALMOST.

P.S. VIsiting via Kristin (The Goat)

Rebecca Jane said...

These are the most adorable photos. Such a cute cat!

Mrs T said...

These photos brightened my day! Thanks Moo.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha this post made my day. He is just awesome. My cats nickname is Moo!

Nina said...

what a cute kitty. is he doing all of this by himself? what a sweatheart.

if you like to watch my cats, just visit me on my blog. i've got three of them :).

Amy Seager said...

What a cutie!


Melissa Blake said...

Aren't cats amazing?? :)

Sarah K. said...

I love the "chicken kisser" comment. It reminds me of that orbitz gum commercial where the lady calls the other lady a "lint licker." Haha.

Alicia said...

so cute!

minkandbird said...

The first thing that came to my mind was 'how adorable' followed by, why doesnt my cat do those things? One of my goals in life is to get a cat that does really strange things- like the funny cat videos you see on youtube.
One can only dream!
Love x

Debbie B said...

yes!! Moo makes merry moments that bring smiles to my face! The more (Moo) the merrier -

ma fu said...

i think you have the coolest cat.

Anonymous said...

He's so cute and makes me laugh.

Maggie =D said...

I really love you cat!!

Anonymous said...

Moo needs his own TV show and a trailer and an entourage...

Your shots and captions would make an adorable gift book!

Marita Bliss said...

Aaaw, so cute ♥♥

Blindcopy said...

this post made my day! :)

Rachel Elizabeth said...

So many amazing pictures. What an inventive cat. I wouldn't want to be paired against Moo in a game of hide and seek.

Lisa said...

It's kind of embarrassing how much I love your cat.

~✽ Yen ♪ ✽~ said...

What a cutie! :D

Anonymous said...

I was expecting more "Donate his fur to the oil spill!" posts. But since I scrolled through and only counted one, I figure I should repeat their sentiment.

Donate his fur!


Aaawww. This is the cutest post i've ever seeen! I recognize the dummyness in moo, haha my cat does the same funny/weird stuff.

Love it! xx Sjanna

Molly Mouse said...

I love this. Moo perched on the top of the closet door is hilarious!


'he think's he's sneaky'haha! typical cat behaviour!
Il Gatto Selvatico Shop
Il Gatto Selvatico Blog

Anonymous said...

That is one hilarious and intelligent feline, I say.

Mila said...

The pilates one is very funny!! :)

couture dresses said...

This is so cute! Moo is adorable. And I love it that he swims in a bath tub with no water!

Jess said...

Ha, that's a funny coincidence that your cat is named Moo. I have a cat more rotund, and female that's nickname is Moo, or Moo-Moo. She's probably a confused cat, since there are so many things I call her. Her actual name is Lina, but her other nicknames are Linaface, Neener, and Neener-face. I can't help myself. Anyway, your cat definitely looks like a Moo.

stephanieee said...

i am obsessed with my cats like this too:) i think moo and my cat juno would be best friends! juno fetches! and also like pilates.


Anonymous said...

Your cat is awesome! I wish I could get better pictures of my cat. Whenever she sees the camera, she stops what she's doing and sits pretty.

Fish Food Tees said...

Absolutely adorable!!!

S.L.North said...

fabulous cat! what a person. ;)

The Flying Dragon said...

I see a picture book in this!

Gio said...

Now, I love your Moo, too.
And mine, of course.

Thanks for this wonderful, colourful blog!

Yvonne said...

OMG...I just found your blog....LOVE IT!!! And what a cutie Moo is!!

Brooklyn Bettens said...

hi! i just started following your blog. your cat is ADORABLE!! :) your blog and photos are wonderful too :)

Claire said...

You might just have the craziest most amazing cat ever and you named him Moo. I think that's fantastic.

Emily Bliss Beal said...

AHHHH I am obsessed with your blog. I love your kitty!!! Gahhhhh


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