Friday, May 14, 2010


I love all of my colorful t-shirts but I wanted to make them a little more fun by adding some words.
Step 1- find random words in a pile of iron on letters
Step 2- iron, iron, iron
Step 3- have your cat put his stinky butt on everything
Step 4- all done!
My favorite is the "Pootles" shirt. It's a silly nickname my brother gave me =)


Emma said...

those t-shirts are so lovely! where did you get those iron on letters? anywhere online i could pick 'em up? x

loveee your blog, btw.

Dori the Giant said...

Interesting. They are nice.
I can't believe you would expose something so personal though; that you like hugs? That is crazy.

Anonymous said...

I love the blue one!


Lulu said...

that is so amazing! i love the Hugs one =] what a beautiful, colorful collection of fun!

Mariel Torres said...

this looks like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I am not a t-shirt fan but I must admit, these personalized ones are lovely!

Anonymous said...

I like the 'I like hugs' and the picture of you is so sweet!

AllTheBS said...

I also like hugs!

Lavender Playground said...

Love your color t-shirts, and the words add that special extra touch.

konner said...

In the first picture, the I Like Hugs shirt is folded and I was like, DOES THAT SAY 'I LIKE SOUP'?

Do you like soup?

wood & wool stool said...

Love your new shirts!
Want one. Tomorrow I will try to find some L E T T E R S, so tonight I can figure out whatever the text will be :)

Danielle (elleinadspir) said...

Love them!!!! I think you should sell a mystery though. We tell you our size and send $ and you send us whatever sentiment you want to. Wouldn't that be fun?

Unknown said...

la dee da is my fav. absolut my fav!

Delilah Lillie said...

You are so inspiring, I have had a pretty lame year, I wish I had found you sooner. I can't wait to follow your blog through the summer! I might have to make some T-Shirts to brighten my days :) THANKS LOVELY LADY xo

colormekatie said...

@Konner haha! I do like soup. Maybe I'll make an I love soup shirt as well ;)

@Danielle- That is such a fun idea! I definitely want to start selling things. I just need to get more organized and start setting everything up!

@anne elise- I just found the letters at a little art store around here.

Liza said...

i love these!
i want one!

tRiSh said...

aww those are cute! well done =)

Elizabeth Dahl said...

Extremely cute. I love this idea!!!

Deepthi Pola said...

i love your t-shirts :)
especially the 'i love hugs' one :)
i want one :(

Karen said...

You are seriously fun! :>

Becky said...

Adorable! You have the best ideas.

aricakay said...

ah! you're fantastic
you've inspired me to be more colorful and creative this year :]

where did you get the t-shirts? i'm always looking for colorful tees.

kelli said...


so funny... i was driving home today thinking i want to make some shirts! great minds think alike. =)

Stephine said...

Awesome! You are so creative, I'd love to see what else you do!

Simon Phan said...

Moo is a naughty boy. haha
I love to have one that have 'I love MOO' on it <3

Katie said...

supa cute!

Melanie said...

I LOVE the i <3 brooklyn one.

Anonymous said...

linda! adorei!


Tempest Ahoy said...

They look great! Love them.

Francesca said...

Those are lovely! I admire your creativity.

Venassa said...

Adorable. Love the color of the shirts.

littletiara said...

my favorite part would be the third step, ahaha... I'd love to have moo butting around, ahehe... :p

I might as well make an 'I love Moo' shirt, hahaha... Wait, shouldn't you make one? Lol

Unknown said...

Dear Katie, you are the most creative person I know. Those shirts are pure awesomeness. Much love, Nowi. :)

natalie said...

cool! you should make Moo a tiny cat shirt saying 'stinky butt' ;)

emma said...

super cute idea! i love your blog. always makes me smile. :) you inspire me to blog!

The Kid In The Front Row said...

You have to send the La Dee Da one to Diane Keaton! :P

MasaakiFuruki said...

Ha! So cute! I love it. =]

Chanel said...

Such a cute idea! I need to remember that to use as birthday gift ideas for friends

Ines said...

You are amazing! Every time I read your blog you make me smile!
With love/ Ines, Sweden

Allegra said...

love the t-shirts! the girls who live above my shop will probably copy that idea. like they copied your chalk footprints a couple weeks ago .... (see pics at

love your blog!


Unknown said...

awww cute tees!
I will def be making some

colormekatie said...

Thanks so much everyone! I'm totally gonna make a Moo shirt ;)

Vindiciti said...

Cute, and fun, too. :)

Saw these, and thought of you:

P.S. Kiki (my cat) says hi to Moo.

XW said...

i totally have those iron-ons, i've just never figured out what i wanted to do with them. inspiration....

Kristine said...

SO cool! ;-)

emily said...

Dear Katie,

I love iron on stickers too! Mine are flowers and cartoon characters though. But where did you buy your colorful plain t-shirts with affordable price?;D

colormekatie said...

@ Emily- I bought them at a store called Rainbow. They sell colorful t-shirts for only $5!

Melissa said...

I need to get some of those iron-on letters, I need a new wardrobe for this fall when I go to college an some word shirts would be excellent. :)

Elle said...

a very good idea for the afternoon! what does the blue one say? i cant quite see it. im loving the 'la dee da', makes me think of lou reed!


Hundewanderer said...

How cute. I think this is the first time I've seen you in something other than a dress. That said from a woman who doesn't own a dress. =D

Nightwyrm said...

These are so pretty. I love your photos they are so inspiring

brlracincwgrl said...

These are so cute! What a fantastic idea!!

emily said...

Thanks Katie!!

Carolina said...

That is so great. I love the colors and the text gives it a personal and sweet touch. :)

I hope you have a fun week!

Bethany Susan said...

love it! i used to stencil shirts for me and my friends that had our favorite expressions on them, like 'mount up' and 'i'm kind of a big deal' =) makes me want to make some new ones.

Natalie said...

fetchin' adorable, is all i have to say.

what are you shooting on? i've kind of been creepin' up your blog and your photog is legit.

S and O said...

I love all those bright colors--only I can't read what the last shirt said, mind helping me out??


colormekatie said...

It says I <3 Brooklyn


Raptor Plateado said...

i like the t-shirts.. are greits!! i like the color blue!!

Operation Smiley Face said...

I LOVE the I like hugs t-shirt! :)

Anonymous said...

Great project!! :)


Anonymous said...

You -- and Moo -- radiate pure joy.

vintage coke cap said...

Awesome design huh... I love that pink one :) Where did you get that? I think i pick some... Hugtight!!! :D

Melissajoan said...

It’s a very good post I have come across.I really like this post very much.It’s a very appreciated post.Thanks for sharing.Keep blogging.

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L said...

I'm not from U.S and I'd like to know how to get these lovely letters or how can I do it myself?

Unknown said...

Interesting. They are nice.
I can't believe you would expose something so personal though; that you like hugs? That is crazy.

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2013 T-shirt Designs said...

I love the colours. All are so fresh and spark. i want all these t-shirts :.