Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Who You Gonna Call?

For our latest Improv Everywhere mission, we brought the movie Ghostbusters to life in the New York Public Library!
We had three ghosts walk in and take a seat to read,
surf the web,

and look up words in the dictionary.
After some time the Ghostbusters came in,
and chased the ghosts all around the reading room!

Libraries always make me feel uncomfortable because of how quiet they are so it was wonderful to see the entire room burst out in laughter and applause!

This is me exploding with cheesy joy to be hanging out with Ghostbusters.

Matty made the fun video and Tyler made the awesome Ghostbusters music. The smiles in the video are so contagious that I think I'll be smiling all day!


Anna said...

How fun! I love this idea!

Anne. said...

THIS. This is amazing! Improv Everywhere never fails to make me smile like crazy. And what a beautiful library!

Scout said...

Oh this is my favorite improv everywhere to date. It made me smile so so big and I needed it today. You never cease to make me happy.

Anonymous said...

My favourite part is how happy people look! what a sweet improv

Oh Emma said...

you are so awesome! and beautiful! i stayed home from school today because i'm sick and i havent smiled all day... until now! thank you! :D xxxx

felicia said...

This is amazing! You guys are great. :)

Juliette Crane said...

that is so fabulous! love seeing those ghostbusters and the looks on everyone's faces :)

xo, juliette

Rie said...

HAHAHAHA. that moment at 1:05 where the dude picks up his phone and mouths "What the F***" is hilarious.

What an awesome video! ^-^

Struinkunst by Lisette said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!!

Unknown said...

I'd love to sit in the library and have all goshtbuster around de... and ghost...wooow!

branchhomestead said...

wonderful! can't wait to share this with my girl.

Kell said...

I love it! This put a big smile on my face to start the day with :)

Carolina said...

That was so much fun!

The quietness in libraries makes me uncomfortable too. So I text a lot in there! (I wonder how I never got caught. we're not allowed to text in the National Library here...)

Lubna said...

I haven't seen the video as yet, just read the post and saw the photographs. Thank you for making us smile.

Unknown said...

This is hilarious! It seriously made my day :)

Anonymous said...

My face hurts from smiling so much. That was great.

I love the pic of the ghost reading the dictionary. So odd looking.

Stephine said...

This was so awesome, definitely made my day! And that library is amazingly huge!

Erin said...

That was the best. My cheeks hurt from smiling. I love everyone's faces as they try and figure out what's going on. :)

Breenuh said...

That is amazing. I'm definitely in a better mood after watching it!

Leona said...

That would've been such a fun and interesting scene to see!

Stay happy,

CountessLaurie said...

so fun!! well done!

RMb said...

this is one of the best things ive ever seen! thanks for sharing! :)

Rhianna said...

I loved seeing the other people snapping pictures.

Unknown said...

my cheeks hurt from smiling! haha that is so great! i love it!

Clyde said...

G-E-N-I-U-S!!! My family (Including extended ones) are big fans of Ghostbusters so this video makes our wweek! :)

stephiejane said...

ahhhhh!!!! how fun!! i love it! i would have died if i were in the library. so funny!

nova said...

I always get excited to see Improv Everywhere has posted another video. Nice one! :)

Bridget said...

that is AWESOME

Melanie said...

I LOVED THIS. I was smiling the entire 3 1/2 minutes. Awesome job!

Kiri said...

Not to spoil the mood or anything, I love improv, and the supermarket musical was genius, but isn't it a little unfair to do this in a library?

Speaking as a student who relies on the city and university libraries as a source of information and a place to get some work done away from the distractions of the internet and whatnot I'd be a little teed off if just as I got into some complicated subject people started running around and being distracting. Maybe if it were done around the shelves rather than in the reading room...?

Anonymous said...

I loved this! Laughed so hard.

colormekatie said...

@ Kiri- It only lasted a few minutes and everyone seemed to love it. In fact, the library actually contacted us to do a prank in the reading room! The library is facing budget cuts so we made this video to help save the library =)

Anonymous said...

eu queria estar lá nesse momento! um grande filme que estará sempre vivo em nossas memórias.
adorei o vídeo.


neus said...

Que felices los estudiantes al desconectar por un momento de sus estudios con una performance tan divertida!


azureflower said...

i love this! i was just giggling when the ghosts came inside the library one by one but as soon as the ghostbusters started walking slowly in, i was laughing out loud! alone! ahahahaha you guys are great!

Anonymous said...

HAHA! Thank you! That totally made my day!

u-ka said...

Thanks for making me smile! Awesome job! :DD

A'n'G Johnson said...

haha. I love it! And I have to admit - most improvs I would do, but being disruptive in a library takes some real courage! I guess I've been in strict schools too long... hahaha

San Smith said...

This is so awesome! I wish I had witnessed it :D

mina said...

i wish we were there. hopefully we can catch an improve everywhere event before we leave nyc!

colormekatie said...

@phoenix Peacock- We had permission from the library to be disruptive but I still felt nervous because it's so dead quiet in there! The actors are definitely brave =)

stephanie said...

hahah excellent! this made my day :) thanks.

Katy Mary said...

This is so funny! Looks like fun.

Teany Tiny Star said...

hahaha! this is awesome i wish i could have been there!

Griffin and Gretchen said...

omg me and my husband just got done watching that! awesome!

wdmk said...

I am crying! That was SO freaking funny!!! Great job!

Catherine Peart said...

Ok, how in the heck do those ghostbuster guys keep a straight face???? Personally I love the quiet in a library but this would have made me laugh for sure. I love that ghost reading the book. Bravo!

Dien said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for doing this!
I wrote about this on my blog:

Kaytee said...

Absolutely awesome!
I wish something like that would happen near where I lived... thanks for sharing, it made my day! :)

Unknown said...

I was just in that library with by brother 2 weekends ago! Wish I had went yesterday instead!

Delia said...

Hilariously awesome! You are a genius.

Cindy said...

i hope i can experience one of these someday. they look like the most fun, especially in that fantastic library!

tRiSh said...

AAAAAAAAAAAh! I adore this! I so want to witness one of your tricks sometime, you are WONDERFUL!!!!! =)

Molly Mouse said...

LOVE this.

Lies said...

Haha, awesooome!

A Closet Mess said...

Awesome! Loved it!!

Chanel said...

*giggles* Ok, that was pretty awesome.

My first thought though was, "Ohh what a pretty library."

And then I saw the rest and be sure to tell Matty and Tyler that they both did their respective jobs very well. :D

kelsie rae. said...

this is awesome, and you're awesome! haha i wish i could of been there!

Sarah: Everyday Clementine said...

Love this!

Cella Babee said...

This is hilarious. I wish your Improv group pulled pranks like this in Santa Barbara!

Shell said...

This is so cool. I love the reading room..it's one of my fave places to go when I have time on my hands between auditions.

xhriiis said...

Dear Katie,

I've set your photos as my desktop wallpapers. Whenever I'm feeling down and disappointed with the world, you and your blog cheer me up like none other. Thank you for spreading so much beauty and happiness in this world.

Maria said...

HILARIOUS! i just saw this on huff post.

S.E.Minegar said...

So funny!!!

Koey said...

These guys're so fun. I like this idea!:-D

Venassa said...

Haha too funny. I love the improv everywhere videos.

Marcie said...

This just makes me smile. I love it!

:) Marcie

Emily said...

I check this blog daily because it makes me so happy and I saw this on the blog then went to my email on yahoo and this was one of the stories and it felt so cool seeing this on that major site! I felt a little famous

Anonymous said...

That's so fun!!! Love it :D

Anonymous said...

Your blog always makes me smile and makes me so happy that people like you exist. So many people wonder what they can from someone or how they can use them but you are the kind of person who wonders what you can do for them. Your blog is a wonderful source of inspiration for people of all ages. I hope you never quit blogging! : )

Suzanne Denning said...

I enjoyed this. Looking forward to the next hi-jinks :>) I passed it on so others culd smile too.

Unknown said...

Love this video!!
I'll be smiling all day long!

iyouandme said...

I think you are officially my favorite person EVER.

Camelgirl said...

Thats such an amazing idea!
You must brighten so many lives.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! Just wanted to let you know that this video is featured on Yahoo's homepage.



Jeanett said...


Anonymous said...

Would have totally LOVED to be there!!! Super fun!!


Adriana said...

So much fun and creativity!

Jem said...

oh my gosh... you made the headlines on my yahoo.com page! this looks so amazing, i wish i could have been their to see this.

prof de français said...

Your life is so much more interesting than mine! Loved the improv' idea!

Rileigh said...

This made me so happy. I hope you don't mind if I share.


Lynn said...

I loved this one too! In fact, I showed the video in my class (I teach English in a high school in Holland) and made an internet research assignment out of it, too! I had so much fun today watching the video with my students :) Thanks a bunch!

Anonymous said...

I was on Yahoo today and they had a story about this.

jdavissquared said...

i just saw this on yahoo news!

Raptor Plateado said...

I like the Ghostbuster they are my favorite superhero... yeah!!! the library never be to safe.. jajajaja, greeting my friend Katie!!! seee you on the next post!!!

Unknown said...

love these! thanks for making me smile today, i needed it :-)

Anonymous said...

Can not stop laughing!!

Pink Rufflez said...

Just saw the video on the Greta
Van Susteren show!! Congratulations - it is very good :)

Anonymous said...

I wish you'd blog more often! It always makes me happy and I can't get enough of it...

Bakkanekko said...

aawh! So fun and cool! xD

Anonymous said...

This is brilliant. Those poor folks trying to concentrate in the reading room didn't have a ghost of a chance.

Valerie said...

Katie and Matty, I loved this...this is my type of humour...wish I was closer so I could play with you...
Have a great day and keep up the fun...

Jane said...

I might be laughing at this all day now too! Loved it!

Melanie said...


merel said...

Great, it's very funny!

emmy-ray said...

Ahhh! Ghostbusters never fails to be a crowd pleaser.

michelle said...

I LOVE this. How fantastic.

Aundria B. said...

How fun is this?! I'd just watched the video and a local TV News station here in Los Angeles (ktla.com) just did a story on it, showing some of the chase scenes with the music and everything, and naming Improv Everywhere by name along with why you did it, too - so cool to know that word of you all is getting out there even here on the West Coast! I'm forwarding this to my FB friends who'll get a big kick out of this! Great job, everyone involved with this :)

Molly said...

This is the dream! To be studying in the library and have the ghostbusters come in! Amazeballs.


S and O said...

Improv Everywhere, I love that show they are soo funny! my favorite is the one where they are singing at the food court. 'Squish our fruit together!!'

Sarah :D

Pink Blog Girl said...

This is incredible! :]

{irene} said...

Hi girl! I love your blog! You should check mine...I just did a little family shoot inspired by you!...keep up the good work!:)

Anne said...

It was also on a Swedish Radio news program! Global Improv Everywhere.

(Just pop it into Google Translator)

laura font sentís said...

What you guys do is so amazing that it seems you are getting all around the world! They spoke about this video in a radio called Flaixbac, this is the link:


I guess you won't understand anything as it's catalan, but it's kind of cool anyway :)
Keep having fun!

Grain de Sable Arc En Ciel said...

Holy macaroni this is amazing xD
I hope someone would start something like 'impro everywhere' in my city.. it would be a blast lol!

rebekah said...

this is the most amazing thing i've seen in weeks! thx!

Bethany Susan said...

i don't even know what to say. the awesomeness of this has me utterly speechless!

Unknown said...

You are a riot! You have me in tears of laughter! Thank you, darling!

Christine said...

I just recently have been watching Improv Everywhere's videos. How fun that you get to work with them. This one's great!

Ashley Serena said...

This made my day, completely! Goodness, I can't stop laughing!!

Kiri said...

@Katie Fair enough, kudos to you guys for doing it help save the library, and to the library for coming up with an interesting way of doing it.

I just hope it was successful, I hate it when libraries are lost due to budget cuts.

jonahliza said...

this is so freakin cool. i love this blog. you rock katie <3 -jo

Erin @ SYL: Slipcover Your Life said...

Hahhaha love it!

Martijn Mendel said...

HAHA, oh jesus! This is one of the funniest things i've seen in a while! Thanks for cheering me up!

Gingham Skies said...


Unknown said...

oMG so funny.
Nice job !

Chelsea said...

I loooooooove this ImprovEverywhere mission. Totally cracking up the whole time.

Shiri said...

Sooo funny!
Now I really feel like watching the movie :)!

Release Karma said...

that is amazing and hilarious!
What a wonderful idea.

Tempest Ahoy said...

So freaking funny!!!!!!!!

Sybil said...

totally amazing!!! made me smile! :D

HM said...

How funny! I just got this in my email from my boss on Thursday! (I'm a librarian). That's so exciting that you were involved in it.

PS-That library is gorgeous! And massive! :)

Gina said...

I finally got to watch the video! SO GREAT! That is awesome you got to be a part of that production. Priceless reactions!

Allison said...

that's about the cutest thing i ever did see!

Rebecca Jane said...

This is the most awesome thing ever! So so so great. As a librarian, I would LOVE it if some ghosts and ghostbusters showed up in my library. Fabulous

Amber said...

You seriously crack me up! Great stuff! :)

Unknown said...