Friday, February 11, 2011

10 things that make me giggle

Smoking bacon,
being a handstand assistant,
kids digging for gold,
hitchhiking bunnies
hitchhiking bunnies,

silly chefs,
Snowball + face
the second before you get hit by a snowball,
playing catch with Moo,
gigantic marks of love,

mastering the art of disguise,
Poop Keys!
Especially perfect for when you're having a crappy week ;)


Anonymous said...

haha...made me giggle too...thank you :) Hope next week is sunnier for you x

Sarah said...

HAHA. This was a great way to start the day - full of laughs!

The smoking bacon was priceless. <3

Hamizah VenXas said...

It made me giggle too! Especially the poop keys and Moo! :)

Buh said...

I want those cute funny things you have in your keys! Where can I get them? (if you don't mind me having ice cream keys just like you =) )- I hope your next week will be better!*

LITTY said...

<3 love all of them.

Chroma Lab said...

Thanks for putting a smile on my face. :)

colormekatie said...

@ Buh- I bought them at fred flare. I'll link to the page on the post!

Erin said...

Is that Mark Ruffalo with the kiss?!
He is dreamy.......

Bel said...

hahaha I love Moo's photo!!! It's so adorable! I wanna get hats for my keys too lol.

Belly B

Unknown said...

haha i think my fav is poop keys. too cute!

Cateaclysmic said...


Jello♥ said...

hahaha, what a great way to start the day... thanks for the giggles (loooove the poop keys!)

Buh said...

Thank you =D You are sooo sweet! Love your posts. Always put me in better mood! =) Kisses from Portugal*

Maiken M.S said...

Your blog is just AMAZING!

Please check my blog out on

Carrie @ 20-Something Homemaker said...

Every single postI think there's no way you could be any cuter or more creative... then you go and top yourself with the next post. One of these days it's going to stop surprising me.

You're fabulous, and I'm sorry you've had a crappy week!

Felicia said...

I can always count on your blog to leave a smile on my face!

Shelby said...

Katie, Where did you get your colorful sweatshirt? I love it!

colormekatie said...

I found it at H&M.. it's my favorite!

Renata said...

We all need something to make us giggle when things are hard! great selection :) Love your blog, it's something that always put me in a better mood :D

Shell said...

Hitchhiking bunnies!! Love it.

Anna Grostina said...

hahah the one about the snowball is good

Apple said...

that's so cute!!! good thing this crappy week's coming to its end then, and next week's start is very promising!;) hugs katie!<3

Kayla Mae said...

Aww, I love the poop keys :) so cute!

Kyla Makay said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I love you so much Katie! :) haha. So cute! Everything... *giggle* *giggle* *giggle* I like the poop keys.

Love, Makay

Anonymous said...

You never fail to make me smile Katie! xoxo

Maria said...

haha, these all made me smile as well!

aali said...

ur posts just makes my day evertime.. :) this one made me giggle too.. luv ur ideas.. :)keep on blogging.. :)

Miss Debs said...

Cheered me up! I want a poop key, although I've never heard that name before!

Safe in the Steep Cliffs said...

heheh! you make me happy! i don't know where you find all these happy people but i love it!!!

JacMarie said...

This made me smile. And the poop keys made my day! Thank you!

thu said...

ahhh! poop keys! love them! Have a great weekend! :)

Tina said...

your posts always put a smile on my face.. iv'e gotta get myself some adorable key covers! :D

virginie said...

Glad to see you're doing better... Hope your dad is fine as well... xxx

Jenner said...

OMG, I love the smoking bacon!

peachkins said...

love the poop keys..hahahaI didn't know poop could be cute!

Callie May said...

Bahahaha!! I actually laughed out loud! Thanks for such a cute start to my saturday morning! X

sayamaya said...

Your blog is very inspiring! thank u. no doubt, i just follow u!

Victoria said...

I LOVE the poop keys! I want some (for me and to give away!!!)

Anonymous said...

adorei as chaves.


Dee said...

Thanks for the giggles! And I loved your chameleon (sp) work.

Stacy said...

very cute post (as always!)
and I especially love the poop keys! hehehe

Anonymous said...

i heart your photos!

jacobian said...

cute photos.especially the disguising part. :-)

Anonymous said...

This post made me giggle. Especially the smokin bacon photo. Siobhan

SillyJaime said...

Ooooh. I want poop keys!

Abir said...

I love the keys!!!

Anonymous said...

I just feel I have to add to that poop humour of yours. To me (I'm swedish) that added a little extra humour, considering it was poop humour after all, might be a bit far catched for you but let me explain anyway, it just might add a it to that smile of yours. Let's think about the word "keys", that kind of sound like the word "kiss", more like "kiiiss" maybe but give me that one, "kiss" in swedish means "pee" so "poop keys" makes my brain translate after sound too and in the poopish humour kind of way just had to be poop pee keys.

I have crappy humour at times, I know. ;-)

Priscilla Castro said...

this post make me giggle...I luv this!

Bacon smoking... OMG!!

P.S: I luv Moo, too.

Brooke said...

Katie your blog is so unique and so beautiful. You're one of the few I read religiously.

I nominated you in the Blogger Awards thingy that's circulating. Just a bit of fun, letting you know so you can feel the love!


Daniela said...

I would like to see you and your friends in Carnaval in Recife and Olinda - Brazil. Put some crazy fantasy and come here to forget your week!! Thanks for your light!!

lindsay harmony said...

That picture of moo is so perfect!

Anjani said...

aaah this made my day :)

Earny from Earncastle said...

a good week for you, too!

Anela Deisler said...

Hi, I lost the post that said what kind of camera you use. I'm shopping around and just wondering.

Cynthia said...

Thanks for a well needed smile (actually several smiles) on a crappy day. You da bomb.

Courtney B said...

Oh my gosh I love love love your blog!! Funny pictures!

Abbey said...

Well I thought my unicorn key was awesome...but the poop ones are epic!

GregSuspects said...

Hi I'm a new follower- your blog is beautiful :) Gave me reason to be cheerful!

naomi said...

ha! smoking bacon. these are all so funny.

colormekatie said...

@Anela Deisler- I shoot with a Canon 5D Mark II

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I have those poop keys-the girls in my dorm split a pack-and did you know they each have names?? Like "Sir Poopsalot" for the green one (because it's so classy). We call them doo-keys, and imagine they represent our alter-egos. I have the one with just one tooth showing...I am not sure what that means. I read your blog weekly, and I am so excited that we are united by poop key covers!

Gillian said...

nose-picker! ahh, the good ol days :)

Laura said...

wow what a fantastically original blog!

Priscila Cortez said...

I have poop keys too! I bought them, gave one for each friend and kept the vampire one for me (:
I just love your blog!