Saturday, December 24, 2011


If I had to choose between having pillows or having a white Christmas,

I'd choose a white Christmas.
snow cat
And I'm pretty sure Moo would too.

Who needs pillows any way?


Jean said...

let it snow, let it snow!

Sydney said...

merry xmas!! xxx

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Katie and Katie's followers!

Jelina said...

Merry x-mas :D I love your blog!!! And it's true: I also want a white christmas

Craig Maurer said...

Merry Christmas Kate!!!!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Fantastic post as always

Lea said...

You crack me up, Katie!

Happy holidays to you and yours!

Unknown said...

How adorable! What a fun mess that is. My kids would love this!

LeeLee said...

Aww, Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

This is so awesome :) Love it!

Ría said...

Merry Christmas!!!

PhotoPuddle said...

Fantastic. Merry Christmas xxx

bichonpawz said...

Merry Christmas and thanks for brightening up my every day!!

Unknown said...

This is great! I wish it was a white christmas here in nj too! Happy holidays :)

Anonymous said...

That's adorable!
Merry christmas!

Felina said...

I would choose the pillows ;D

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

You are so cute! Merry Christmas!


mary ann said...

this is just amazing.
merry christmas :)

Anonymous said...

haha! love this! I want a white christmas too!
merry christmas! :)

Laura said...

hello dearie! I've been a reader for a long time, but I've only recently started my own blog. I love yours, and I love these images!

Lisa said...

Awww Katie! You make my day! I love your blog, it makes me think about how wonderful life is :-)
You are so creative and fantastic, I wish i had a sister like you or something.
Merry Christmas to you!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Katie and yours followers! Thank you for inspiring me and make smile always! Love your blog!Kisses from Argentina!

Angie said...

Merry Christmas Katie (& of course Moo too)! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas day with your loved ones!

Merla said...

Lovely! (I'm pretty jealous of your snow...)

Kiki said...

Merry Christmas! Your blog really make people feel happy!

Anyway, I will choose the pillows!

imlacking said...

Merry xmas :)

Unknown said...

hahah :d love the photos! :)

Pieni Lintu said...

You are so funny!!! :D

How many pillows did you destroy?? :D

coline said...

I love love love your blog! It must be my favorite :)
Have a very merry christmas ! Xx


Hazelnut said...

This is so funny! I just love your blog. Keep on inspiring people, Katie! <3

Tamina said...

oh my gosh, what wonderful photographs and your cat is sooo beautiful and so cute that she is just sitting there between these white 'snow':-D

Anonymous said...

This idea is just AMAZING!!!
I could never have thought of that although I needed snow aswell! I'm sure my dog wouldn't mind either ;)

have yourself a merry Christmas ;)

xoxo Jen

Marcoantonio Arellano (Nene) said...

Feliz Navidad! Your joy is 'catchy'.

Marcie said...

What fun!!! And - wishing you a Merry (and hopefully - white) Christmas!

Kyla Makay said...

Oh goodness- aren't you the cutest!?
Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Oh Moo is so cute :) Hope you had a great Christmas!

Intan Kape said...

Merry Christmas, Katie !! :))

Relyn Lawson said...

Christmas day has flown past, but I had to stop a moment and wish you all the joys of the season. May you be blessed and know it each day. Love you! ~ Relyn

colormekatie said...

@Pieni Lintu- ooooonly 4 ;)

Mogan said...

Wow now I want to destroy pillows of my own.

find me @

Anonymous said...

aaaw Moo is so cute!

Jenny said...

Your blog ist awesome *-*

Unknown said...

So cute! It must have been so much fun doing this! You have such a lovely smile!

Laura Trevey said...

Me too ~ what a cute kittie pic!!

Linda Davidson said...

Your cat must have been in pillow snow heaven playing with all that wonderful white stuffing! Love your artistic blog

Andrea said...

Merry Christmas!

I always love your posts - they are so creative and inspiring. Every time!

Best wishes from


Unknown said...

I simply adore your cat!!

Katie :)

Sécia Mischke said...

Hilariously cute!

♥ sécia

. said...

Love that post :)

Carol said...

The picture with Moo is amazing!
Love it!

Kisses from Brazil. :)

Kim said...

Oh i just have to get this off my heart! I'm a german girl, currently living and working in london, and I have plenty of time during the day. So somehow I dropped onto your blog and totally got stuck for the last 3 days.. I read back to your very first entry, and I just can't get enough!
Your such an adorable person, and you made my ( quite rainy ) days in London much brighter!
I admire you for your Optimism and for your creativity!
Your really a person worth looking up to!
A few years ago I had several similar ideas to yours, to simply cheer people up and show them how much more fun life is with staying a child inside and letting this out to all the world - now I might take the chance - thanks for your encouragement!
So just to let you know - your blog totally makes me smile and addicted!
I can't wait to see more!
Lovely greetings

Mairelys Reyes said...

Few Words: Your Cat is the most happy cat that i have ever seen hahaha tell him that my cat Luca is send a Meow from South America :)

Loving the Pics and oving that you're part of Improv E, i love that Youtube channel.

Steffi said...

You are really really crazy!
I love this!

Hugs ♥