Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I rarely use pencils anymore so I thought I'd find a new use for them.
So I carved the erasers into the shape of a heart,
Dipped it in paint and used it as a stamp to make this fun print.
It's raining love! and I just love dancing in the rain...


Laura Trevey said...

LOVE this!!! So fun and colorful :)

seashmore said...

Awesome idea!

I have a silver ink pad that I roll pencil erasers in and then roll it over handmade cards to add some pizazz.

Jean said...

wow. you are good at carving that! i would be so sloppy!

so cute idea!!

{Grace} said...

That's adorable!

Jelina said...

Lovely <3 :D

Marijke said...

What a cute idea! Definitely going to try this :).

Magical Daydream said...

Awesome! Did you make other shapes as well? I bet stars would be fun as well, so would many other shapes be. You could have an entire pencil-stamp box! :D

Unknown said...

girl you really are amazing :)
such a simple thing but thanks to your imagination it looks just a m a z i n g ! :)

Jenna | The Eighty Twenty said...

Haha! So cute. I actually don't understand HOW you do it... but I love it. XOX

The Paleo Project Blog

Laura said...


Jess said...

LOVE THIS!! (then again i love all your ideas :D)

BEESTLYproducts said...


Anonymous said...

lovely idea :)

Ría said...



ayley said...

you are so so so inspirational!

Viki said...

Your so adorable!


Anonymous said...

OMG aewsome <3

Tids said...

Wow!!! That. is. stunning. I'm a little bit in love.

hebsuu said...


Anonymous said...

Brilliant as always

Unknown said...

awww so beautiful and creative! This would come in handy for valentine's day ^_^

Unknown said...

So happy and beautiful. I adore your blog.


Ahka Vintage said...

That's a really cute idea!
Ahka Vintage Blog

Holiday Golightly said...

OMG this is amazing! great idea - and outcome

Dealy said...

Omg, this looks like lots of work! It's pretty :)


Bianca Moraes said...

Sooooo sooo sooo lovely!

I really wish one picture like that in my wall! :)


Unknown said...

GREAT idea! you carved the heart so perfectly too! dance away girl ;]

My Soul Can Dance said...

how do you manage to stay so darn creative, cute, and kooky all at once!? :) hehe.

Anonymous said...

Muito legal!!


Katia said...

ohmagawd SO CUTE! So fun and lovely :3


annant said...

so colorful! vibrant!

Yana said...

Your pictures cure cancer.

Sydney said...

This idea is brilliant!! Xxx


Dee Paulino said...

so colorful


skippysays said...

Aw, what a cute idea- love it!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

So crafty ♥

Looona said...

So simple and so beautiful idea! :)

Thanks for sharing.

♥Looona Lou.


Anonymous said...

OMG! I love your mind!

Unknown said...

So adorable! You come up with the best and sweetest ideas!

Lien said...

So cute!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your blog and your ideas, they are so much fun! Especially this post and the one about "white christmas" werde great :)

www. imagininglife.wordpress.com

Anonymous said...

LOVELY!!!! Amo i cuori ne fotografo tantissimi!!! se vuoi vederli vieni sul mio blog! ;)


Michelle's Style File said...

Fantastic idea- love this!


android blackjack said...

Its very lovely i also like rain...

Dóri said...

you are so incredibly creative! amazing!

indian.summer said...

I'm so happy I discovered your blog today. best blog, you are such an artist ! full of ideas to make the world more beautiful.
I'm in love, especially with your street art. go on

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

You are so fun and creative!


E V E L Y N said...

so pretty! what a great idea! x


eleonora said...

How cute! Love this idea! =)

chachamisu said...

You are super creative, just tiny things with super happy effect...Why i never had this idea.

Dawniepants said...


Cait Emma said...

adore! xoxo



Anonymous said...

Wow, you "only" had about 7000 followers last time I surfed by. Sure looks like you have done very well. Happy New Year!

Charlotte said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said...

you have so amazing blog!


Amanda said...

You make me smile so big!

Tal said...

you are so creative and fun to be with, i guess. your fun personality radiates through your blog, keep sharing. happy new year! :)

a visit from i♥am♥Talinggaw

Lotustraum said...

such a nice and cute idea !

lovely !

BlueCherry said...

Really awesome! can you give me some detail, how you carved it? with a knife or a scissors?

Anonymous said...

Katie you are the sweetest! Keep doing what you do! xo

Anonymous said...

super creative!
Happy 2012!

Connys Cottage said...


meg said...

Katie - please write more often!!! :-)

Jen said...

I just found your blog via Pinterest and I have to say, WOW! I really love what you are doing here. I just smiled for 10 minutes looking through your colorful posts! Looking forward to following your adventures!

Jasmine said...

thats so brilliant

Lily said...

How do you make carve the shape onto there?

Shannon said...

What a super awesome creative idea! I LOVE it!! And I SO love what you shared on my blog recently about this new year. I think not straightening your naturally curly hair is very symbolic of the courage to change. Keep embracing your most authentic being and you will thrive during this next year of transition and adventure. WOOHOO...cheers to pencil stamps! Be well... xo

The Holly Rivers Show said...

happy new yeaaar from The Fashion Turd...may it be colourful and camp! x x x


Viki said...

Katie you are awesome! I gave you an award on my blog. Come see!


jb said...

Damn, girl, you are so imaginative. Love it, love it, love it!!

Best wishes for the New Year!


Alice said...

So I just stumbled across your blog and ended up spending an amazing hour trawling through the wonder that it is. Thank you for being my biggest does of inspiration this year!

Armelle said...

Bravo...Bravo...Très beau...Bonne Année...Bonne journée...

ZEPETIT said...

Auuh! Great!


Edelweiss&Enzian said...

Oh i really like this! Such a great idea!

Lady Lakopa Tarigan said...

Wow! So creativeeee :3 I love your artworks <3

Dita Maulani said...

Gotta try this fun!

mademoiselle créative said...

You have so many great ideas! :)

Helena said...

Found your blog this morning and got addicted to it!
So damn cute! Loved it!
Linked you to my blog, go there and take a look!
See you daily.

xx Helena.

cherrierfashionblog by Karen Wasem said...

I love all your Ideas and the fact, that your always so creative.. :D I wish I could be creativ too..

Please, have a look on my blog :)

Wish you an amazing day!!

blondebenedicte said...

aww, so cool, really :)♥

Unknown said...

That is a little bit amazing.

Unknown said...

OMG! Love your blog ((:

- Pankalla

Charis said...


CM said...

how creative :)

Harriet said...

So, so cool! :)

cherrylej said...

Hi Katie, I really, really, really, really love hanging out on your blog. I just love everything you write/post :) You're so carefree and honest and sweet and creative. I so love you I wish to meet you someday! Thanks for sharing always!!

Iva said...

I just came here to say that I just recently discovered this blog and it's already made me a much happier person. You are such an inspiring, positive person and by reading your posts I realized how little things that happen every day can brighten me up if I just acknowledge them. Thank you for that! :)

Val said...

Genius!!! Val - recetas faciles

Anonymous said...


Emma Driver said...

If you were any cuter I think you might become combustive!

his little lady said...

um, could this be any cuter? i love this idea!!!
xo TJ

Los Mundos de Momó said...

so cute!! i love your blog...

Gulsen said...

çok tatlı : ) takipteyim sizi...