Monday, January 16, 2012

Improv Everywhere Film!

Matty and I want to tell you about a fun film we've been working on!

Click Here to find out more about the film!


Silvana said...

haha,I'm still laughing about the video!
Have I ever told you how you inspire me?I come here everyday and check out your blog since 2010(and I never lived a comments.Shame on me).I'm sure that your blog made me happiest.
A big hug from Silvana,here on Brazil (:

chachamisu said...

Congratulation with the film! Would color up anybody's day!

Dawniepants said...

Wow! Congrats on this it looks amazing and that video is hilarious!


Magical Daydream said...

Hi Katie! I love everything you guys do with improv everywhere and think you inspire others to create and take their personal talents to positively change the world. I hope you will continue with this :) I just pledged 25 dollar, and can't wait to see the movie when it's finished! Good luck and I am crossing my fingers that you will reach your goal!



Miki said...

Awe! This is so rad! I really hope you can meet your goal on Kickstarter to finance the movie! I promise I'll try to chip in. And if you need an English/Spanish translator, here I am! ;)

All the best of luck! ;D


Kimmby said...

Your video made me laugh. Love the headbanging and playing the keyboard with your head! Heading over to the site right now to see how I can help. Best wishes and good luck with your project. This is one movie I really want to see happen!!!!

Unknown said...

Hire this film composer!!!!
(at least, go check out his site. He writes really awesome film score... he has some sound clips on the site, but has a lot more
(my favourite is Reception!)

Sydney said...

hahahahahahha this video makes me smile !! :D

i admire improveveerywhere!

Raptor Plateado said...

WOW I hope you be make the movie, because you are great, Katie finaly I can ear your voice, exept when you scream in other videos! :D
Your faithful follower Jair
Happy New year!!!

Teddy Bear Princess said...

You and Matty are such a sweet couple!
Your paper arts are really inspiring me :)
My live was gloomy but you made me colorful with your blog!


Love, love,

Elina said...

"Blow in thw wind! Just blow in the wind!" Haha, good to know I'm not the only one out there who shouts at immobile objects....

borsi said...

this is a cool idea. :) I'll try to help in the funding - in the mean time I am happily at your service in translating the movie to Hungarian when it's finished. For free of charge of course :]

Anonymous said...

You guys are literally so fun and I can't think how many times I've laughed over your videos, I really hope you reach your target!

coline said...

you guys are just adorable haha :D

Anonymous said...

Katie you need to set up a paypal account for those of us who desperately wish to pledge but don't have credit cards.

I don't have a google account to sign this but I think you'd get a for more pledgers if you did this. I'd be straight in line.

Anonymous said...


Matt Adams said...

PayPal is set up for anyone who wanted to donate via Kickstarter but couldn't. Link is at the bottom of the page under my photo. Thanks for all the support!

Unknown said...

Hi Color Me Katie! I just woke up from a hilarious dream where I went to Brooklyn on an "artist exchange" and got the spend the day with you and Matty. We went to a Ukranian restaurant where they didn't even let us order; they just served us food they thought we should eat. Then there were so many people, I lost you guys and had to fly back home so sad.
Oh, and the funniest part is that you and Matty drove around in a huge bus, like the Spice Bus.

Inna said...

Ooh! This is so exciting!! I love improv everywhere!!

The Yellow Bus said...

Yay! I can't wait to see it!

Anonymous said...

Where is Matt's blue, green, and white hoodie from? I want to look that good too!

Anonymous said...

I love all you do! Great video!

vero mariani said...

jaajajaj fantastic video and i'm very happy for you guys! YOU ROOOOOOOOOOOOCK!!!! cheers and party on wayne, party on garth!

Unknown said...

I love it love it love it!!!


paola@ love+cupcakes said...

I just discovered your blog and I am in LOVE!!! You are colorful in more ways than one!

- Paola @ love+cupcakes

Taylor Barrett said...

I adore this blog.

So colorful. Full of whimsy.

Please check out my lifestyle blog and let me know what you think!

Every day I write about one wonderful thing I experienced over the course of the day.

Taylor Barrett said...

I love improv everywhere. I am on an improv team at school and really value the ethos of improv. SAY YES!!


melifaif said...

Ya'll are hilarious!!!!

{schlawittchen} said...

Congrats! ♥

Anonymous said...

I wonder what it's like to see the world through your eyes, :::Katie::: eid sms messages l eid messages